Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2401: plan ahead

The latest website: When they were in Dongli Realm, the Wang family was almost wiped out by the Nine You Sect. Fortunately, the masters of the Nine You Sect did not care too much about the life and death of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. The masters of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not able to grow up without looking for them in the South China Sea Xiu Xianjie.

It is different now. The Wang family has made a name for itself. If there is a big force that wants to destroy the Wang family, Wang Changsheng and other cultivators will definitely be the focus of attention.

When Wang Changsheng dealt with the Deng family this time, Deng Debin found that after the natal soul lamps of many high-level monks were extinguished, he immediately activated the clan protection formation, and sent out the elite children to let them scatter and hide. This is the sense of crisis.

In the past, the family was too weak, and there were not many experts, so it was useless to send them out. Now there are many experts in the Wang family, and Wang Changsheng has made a lot of money.

"How many people to pick? Build a power?"

Wang Qingcheng asked.

"Choose five of the Yuanying monks and the god-turning monks each! Pick those clansmen who are not well-known, relatively strong or have skills. They can establish a family, a sect, or join other forces. The family will vigorously Support them, this is a plan, every few hundred years, a group of clansmen must be selected and sent out, so that they can establish their own doors, they can go to the inland, or they can go to the Qingli Sea."

Wang Changsheng's voice was heavy, and the clansmen whose cultivation base was too low did not have a strong sense of belonging to the family;

He is also planning ahead, hoping that these clansmen who are sent out to establish their own doors will not be used.

"Understood, Dad, I will personally select the staff."

Wang Qingcheng agreed.

"You have already reached the Great Consummation of Spirit Transformation. I hope that the next time I see you, you have already entered the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng encouraged that Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingshan, Wang Mengbin, and Wang Yingjie all ascended from the lower realms. Wang Qingcheng grew up in the Xuanling Continent, and he was a cultivator of Tianlinggen.

Wang Qingcheng responded and turned to leave.

When he came to a huge lake, Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and a blue light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, it was the tortoise.

To be cautious, he took the tortoise with him when he went out, and the tortoise did play a major role. The power of the Sunflower Water God Thunder was huge.

The tortoise floated on the lake, made a low roar, and opened its **** mouth.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed a blue jade bottle the size of a slap and punched in a magic formula. The blue jade bottle suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and his body size soared. The crocodile flew out of the jade bottle and fell into the lake.

The tortoise roared excitedly, and countless blue electric arcs emerged from its body, slashing at the crocodiles.

A burst of screams sounded, these clear water crocodiles were no higher than the fifth rank, and they were not opponents of the turtles at all, and they all died.

Wang Changsheng came to the outside of a long and narrow valley. The valley was filled with a lot of yellow mist. Outside the valley stood a valley more than ten feet in size. The three characters "Shuangtonggu" were engraved on it. This was the nest of the double-eyed mouse.

Wang Changsheng took out a square yellow token, shook it lightly, a yellow light flew out, disappeared into the valley, and the yellow mist in the valley suddenly rolled violently, revealing a passage, and he strode in.

There are many spiritual fruit trees planted in the valley, and there are a lot of fruits hanging on the trees, but they are not yet mature.

Wang Changsheng took out a beautiful yellow jade box, opened it, and revealed a yellow sphere the size of a pigeon egg, with some golden spiritual patterns on the surface, exuding a strange smell.

This is the inner alchemy of the sixth-order mid-grade spirit-devouring rat. The double-eyed rat got out of Wang Changsheng's arms, and it spewed out a yellow glow, covering the inner alchemy and getting caught in its mouth and disappeared.

The double-eyed mouse jumped to the ground and made an excited "jiji" sound.

It was running around in the valley, Wang Changsheng could feel it, it was very excited.

After half a day, the double-eyed mouse fell asleep, refining the huge demon power contained in the inner alchemy.

It has taken the inner elixir of too many high-level demon rats, hoping that it can advance to the sixth level this time.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng walked into a secret room, took out the refining materials, and started refining.

This time he went out, he got a lot of sixth-order refining materials, which happened to be used for refining.

Wang Changsheng threw a spar glowing with yellow light into the air, and opened his mouth to spurt out glazed ice flames, wrapping the yellow spar.

In more than a thousand years, he is about to cross the catastrophe. He is going to refine a few more defensive treasures, hoping to survive the catastrophe safely.


In a secluded manor, Wang Qingcheng was sitting in the stone pavilion. A young man in yellow shirt with ordinary facial features stood in front of him. The young man in yellow shirt was tall and thin, and he was inconspicuous in the crowd.

Wang Mengshan, in the late Yuanying period, he is a descendant of Wang Qingcheng. He has rich practical experience and a firm heart for Taoism. He has no Taoist companions and no brothers and sisters.

"This immortal cultivation resource is for you. You can go to the inland and establish a force. You can also join other forces. The family will provide you with help. How far you can go depends on you."

Wang Qingcheng took out a yellow storage ring and handed it to Wang Mengshan.

"Ancestor, what is the mission of grandson?"

Wang Mengshan was stunned for a moment and wondered.

"Live, cultivate well, you'd better be your own. Starting today, if it's not necessary, you shouldn't contact the rest of the family. You don't have a mission for the time being. Don't let people know about your relationship with the Wang family, understand?"

Wang Qingcheng warned, handing Wang Mengshan a half-moon-shaped jade pendant, and then said: "If you are enabled, either I will contact you in person, or I will send someone to contact you, and the person who comes will bring another jade pendant. Together, a cyan lotus pattern appears."

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengshan responded, put away the jade pendant and the storage ring, turned and left. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Wang Qingcheng sighed lightly, took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Qiu Qiupu, you ask Tian Rui and Tian Tong to come, I have a task for you."

It is more difficult to stand alone, but it will be easier for two people to join forces.

"Yes, my ancestor."

A respectful male voice came from the communication board.

Wang Qingcheng put away the communication disk, sighed deeply, and his face was solemn.

"Prepare for a rainy day, and hope that this latter hand will never be used!"

Wang Qingcheng said to himself that the great powers have their backers, but the Xiuxian family is more cohesive, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons. If you are a disciple of the sect, after a few generations, you will not want to take revenge, let alone rebuild the sect. door.

There are many sects and immortal clans that have disappeared in the long history. There are relatively few cases of rebuilding sects, and there are still many examples of rebuilding families.

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