Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2402: Double Happiness

The latest website: Spring and autumn come, and the time for a period of time has passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, at dusk, the afterglow of the sunset shone on the sea, sparkling and sea breeze.

A group of Wang family children are patrolling with spirit birds, headed by a golden-shirted youth with resolute facial features.

Wang Liangchen, in the mid-Yuan Ying period, he was a descendant of Wang Mengbin and was responsible for leading patrols.

Since the Jinpeng clan was defeated, there were many fewer high-level monsters in this sea area, and there was not much danger in patrolling.

As time passed, the sky slowly darkened.

After another cup of tea, they will be able to change shifts.

A red light flew from the distant sky at a very fast speed.

"Someone came over and cheered up."

Wang Liangchen ordered and stopped.

It didn't take long for the red light to stop. It was a red-shirted young man with handsome facial features. His expression was excited, as if he saw his relatives.

"There is Qinglian Island in front, and idlers stop."

Wang Liangchen said politely.

"Under Wang Zongyun, I ascended from the lower realm, please let me know."

The young man in red shirt said through voice transmission.

He is Wang Zongyun, and he has a great formation of flying spirits. When he cultivated to the middle stage of spiritual transformation, he started the great formation of flying spirits and successfully appeared on Xuanguang Island. Liu Qingyun, who was guarding Shenglingtai, learned that he was a son of the Wang family and enthusiastically gave him the sea. Figure, let him go to Qinglian Island.

When Wang Changsheng returned to the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Zongyun was in the early stage of God Transformation. After nearly a thousand years, he successfully cultivated to the middle stage of God Transformation, and there was not much life left.

"Ascension from the Nether? I'll pass the message right away, wait a moment."

Wang Liangchen quickly took out the communication disk and contacted the clan elder.

"You continue to patrol, senior come with me."

Wang Liangchen told the clansmen and flew towards Qinglian Island with Wang Zongyun. He hadn't determined the identity of the other party, and he could only match his predecessors.

After half an hour, Wang Liangchen took Wang Zongyun back to Qinglian Island. At this time, the sky was completely dark and the island was brightly lit.

The aura in a radius of hundreds of miles seemed to be guided and flew towards a certain place.

A huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared over a valley, and a yellow light flew out from the valley, turning into a phantom of a yellow giant rat, exuding a contemptuous aura.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zongyun was stunned.

Are all the spirit beasts in the Xuanyang realm so powerful? I don't know who raised the spirit beast.

A shocking scene appeared. The giant rat phantom made a strange roar, opened its **** mouth, and spewed out a yellow glow, covering the vortex of spiritual energy, and tucked it into its mouth and disappeared.

Wang Liangchen seemed to notice something, his sleeve flicked, and a golden mouse crawled out of his sleeve, a treasure-hunting mouse, good at finding treasures from heaven and earth.

The golden mouse's body trembled, as if it had encountered something terrifying.

The giant mouse phantom suddenly burst into aura, and then disappeared into a little bit of aura.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from the sky, and a gust of wind suddenly blew on the island, just like a summer day in June, a downpour was about to come at any time.

A huge dark cloud suddenly appeared over the valley. The dark cloud was galloping in the void like a raging horse, and countless silver arcs emerged, lightning and thunder, and thunder snakes danced wildly.

"Good day, bring Zong Yun to the council hall."

A majestic female voice sounded in Wang Liangchen's ears.

Only then did Wang Liangchen react, and he took Wang Zongyun to the council hall, where Sun Yuejiao had been waiting for a long time.

Wang Qingcheng is in retreat and impacting the virtual refining period, and Sun Yuejiao is responsible for managing family affairs.

"Liangchen, go get busy!"

Sun Yuejiao waved her hand and ordered.

Wang Liangchen responded and turned to leave.

On Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng stood in a blue stone pavilion, looking at the distant thunderclouds, his expression excited.

"Swallowing the divine light! It really inherits the blood of the swallowing mouse!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, the double-eyed mouse has advanced from an ordinary mouse to a spirit mouse. It has helped him a lot over the years, and he has also taken a lot of heaven and earth treasures and demon pills.

The double-eyed rat can inherit the blood of the swallowing mouse, which has a lot to do with the demon pill that it refines the sixth-order mid-grade spirit-devouring mouse.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and a thick silver lightning slashed down and went straight to the double-eyed mouse.

Wang Changsheng is not worried, this level can only rely on the double-eyed mouse, he cannot intervene.

He flipped his right hand, a yellow light flashed, and a yellow jade seal appeared on his hand. A mini unicorn was engraved on the jade seal, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations.

The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Huang Linxi, the first middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao refined by Wang Changsheng, attacked the treasure.

If it hadn't been for getting a lot of refining materials from the Deng family and Qingyunmen, Wang Changsheng would still need a lot of time to refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

This treasure was refined by him for Wang Qingcheng. If Wang Qingcheng entered the refining stage, this treasure would definitely be a great weapon.

Wang Changsheng put away Huang Linxi and observed the double-eyed rat crossing the calamity.

One after another thick silver lightning pierced through the sky, illuminating the entire Qinglian Island as bright as day.

Wang Changsheng took out a communication plate from his arms and punched in a magic formula. Sun Yuejiao's voice followed, "Father, Zong Yun has soared from the lower realm."

"You asked him to come to Qinglian Peak, I have something to ask him."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Okay, I'll take him there right away."

Putting away the communication disk, Wang Changsheng smiled, Wang Zongyun flew up to the Xuanyang Realm, and the double-eyed mouse hit the sixth-order, double happiness.

Not long after, Wang Zongyun came to Qinglian Peak.

"The grandson visits the ancestors."

Wang Zongyun hurriedly saluted and looked excited.

Sun Yuejiao gave him four elixir to prolong life, which can prolong life by more than 1,500 years.

This is in the lower realm, he can't even think about it.

Wang Changsheng asked about the situation of the lower realm family, Wang Zongyun answered truthfully, everything was fine in the development of the Wang family, there are currently two god-turning monks and fifth-order puppet beasts in the lower realm, there is no serious problem.

"How is the growth of Xuantian Immortal Vine?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"As usual, we tried a lot of methods, but it didn't work."

Wang Zongyun shook his head.

"I see, you go down and rest!"

Wang Changsheng nodded and let him go down.

High-altitude lightning and thunder Lightning strikes.

After the time of a cup of tea, there are two more thunder tribulations.

The thundercloud tumbled violently like boiling water, and three arcs of blue, red and blue suddenly appeared.

"Three-color Divine Thunder!"

Wang Changsheng's face condensed, the double-eyed mouse inherited the bloodline of the swallowing mouse, and the power of the thunder tribulation was also greater. Fortunately, it was only two thunder tribulations, so it should be able to withstand it.

A giant pit with black smoke, the double-eyed mouse was lying in the giant pit, and its body was scorched black.

Its body twisted, and a large number of charred clods scattered, revealing yellow soil.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, a three-color thunder spear with a length of more than 100 meters pierced the sky and instantly hit the double-eyed mouse.

After a scream, the double-eyed mouse was drowned by the three-color thunder light, and waves of powerful air waves spread, and the dust was flying.

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