Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2404: Pengjia

The latest website: The Golden Elm Mountains stretch for thousands of miles. It is named after the growth of a large number of golden elm trees. The golden elm leaves are fresh and juicy, suitable for feeding silkworms. There once appeared here a five-colored magpie of the fifth order, which has excellent ventilation system and magical powers. .

More than 40,000 years ago, Peng Yimin killed this monster with his great supernatural power, and established a family here. At its peak, the Peng family had 18 practitioners, and there were more than 300,000 immortal practitioners in the family.

In the racial war, eight cultivators of the Peng family died at the hands of the masters of the Yasha clan. Later, there were many disasters, and the Peng family began to decline. Today, there are five cultivators in the Peng family. There are more than 70,000 inner cultivators.

In the depths of the Golden Elm Mountains, a majestic peak looked from a distance, like a giant sword stuck to the ground, arrogant to the world.

On the top of the mountain is a splendid palace with carved beams and painted buildings, and the three characters "Golden Elm Palace" are written vigorously on the plaque.

The door of the hall is open, and the hall is spacious and bright.

A golden-robed old man with a majestic face sat on the main seat. The golden-robed old man's cheeks were thin and his eyes faintly shot out golden light.

Peng Tianyu, the ancestor of the Peng family, is currently in the late stage of God Transformation.

A man in blue shirt with decent features was reporting to Peng Tianhua that the patriarch of the Peng family had a 2,000-year-old birthday, a feast was held, and guests were widely invited. The man in blue shirt was the head of the Peng family, Peng Qingfeng.

"The people from Tianxiang Mountain, the Sun Family of Ganfeng Island, and the Kong Family of Tianying Mountain have all arrived and have been settled."

Peng Qingfeng said respectfully.

"The people from the Qinglian royal family haven't arrived yet? Isn't it coming?"

Peng Tianyu frowned. The Qinglian Royal Family was an affiliate of Zhenhai Palace and was very powerful. Dahao Dahao killed many aliens in the refining period in the race war, and his reputation was well-known.

By chance, the Peng family's children met the Wang family's spiritual cultivator. Peng Tianyu held his birthday in the hope of deepening the relationship with the Wang family, preferably marrying the Wang family.

The Peng family has made many enemies over the years. If they can become in-laws with the Wang family, they can avoid a lot of trouble.

"It hasn't arrived yet, but Senior Wang agreed to be there, so he shouldn't break his promise."

Peng Qingfeng said this with a worried look in his eyes.

The Peng family has invited many guests. The strength of the Wang family is the strongest. After all, it is the subordinate Xiuxian family of Zhenhai Palace. This time, the Wang family is invited to participate in the birthday party.

He took out a gleaming azure dharma plate from his arms, punched a magic formula, and a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Patriarch, Senior Wang of the Qinglian Royal Family has arrived and is outside."

"Understood, don't neglect them, I'll go out immediately."

Peng Qingfeng ordered and put away the communication disk.

Peng Tianyu took out a message board, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Seventh brother, the people from the Qinglian royal family are here, you go out to meet them! Don't be slow."

"Understood, third brother, I'll go out immediately."

Putting away the communication disk, Peng Tianyu sighed lightly and said, "We have a great responsibility for the fact that the family has been reduced to the current state."

"When we mine the medium-sized silver gangster vein, the family will definitely be able to train a few more cultivators. If our ancestors can advance to the virtual refining period, it's only a matter of time before we restore the glory of our ancestors."

Peng Qingfeng said excitedly.

"Hope it! The location of the Silver Gang Stone mine is next to the Qianyang faction. Send some more masters over. The dry sun faction is developing and rising. For a secret realm, they fought with the Sun family, and the Sun family's cultivators fell three people."

Peng Tianyu instructed, his face solemn.

"Old Ancestor rest assured, the Fourth Uncle and Sixth Uncle have brought people to support, there should be no problem."

Peng Qingfeng said with confidence.

Outside the Jinyu Mountains, a cyan lotus platform with a size of more than one hundred feet floated high in the sky. Wang Lihe and other hundreds of clansmen stood on the cyan lotus platform.

Wang Lihe followed Wang Qingshan to the inland development, and pursued Wang Changsheng's strategy of making friends and forming enemies.

The Patriarch of the Peng family was celebrating his 2,000th birthday and invited Wang Lihe to participate.

Wang Lihe was delayed by something, and only arrived here now.

A azure light flew out from the Jinyu Mountains, and it didn't take long for the azure light to stop.

Evading light for a moment, revealing a white, plump man in a green robe, with a round face and small eyes, with a sincere smile on his face, giving people an impression of being approachable.

"Peng Tianfeng, I met Daoyou Wang, you have worked hard, please come inside."

The man in green robe said politely and invited Wang Lihe and others in.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Lihe and others appeared in a manor with a very large area.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you all have a good rest first. Three days later will be the third brother's birthday."

After Peng Tianfeng said this, he left.

"You find your own room, don't run around, just stay here."

Wang Lihe instructed a few words and let the clan go down to rest.

Three days passed quickly, and it was just dawn in the early morning of this day.

Yingbin Peak, the top of the mountain, a bluestone square covering an area of ​​thousands of acres, thousands of monks gathered to chat, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the position.

Wang Lihe chatted with other cultivators, and the other cultivators were very polite to Wang Lihe.

"The auspicious time is here, and the ancestors are invited."

Peng Qingfeng said loudly, a golden python with a length of several hundred meters flew from a distance, Peng Tianyu stood on the head of the golden python, the golden python is a fifth-order spiritual beast.

Wang Lihe and other monks stood up one after another, and they sat down until Peng Tianyu was seated.

The monks sent gifts one after another, and Wang Lihe sent a puppet beast and a bottle of fifth-order medicinal herbs as gifts.

"What? Fifth-order puppet beast!"

"The Peng family is very lucky. The fifth-order puppet beasts of the Wang family are very powerful, no worse than the cultivators of the gods."

"Yeah! The gifts from the Wang family are so precious. Could it be that the Peng family and the Wang family are married?"


The low-level monks whispered, with different expressions, more envy.

Peng Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, and said with a smile, "Young Daoyou Wang has a heart, it's rare to come here, you guys should stay for a while longer."

"Okay, then we'll interrupt."

Wang Lihe agreed that he wanted to marry the Peng family by sending a heavy gift.

The Peng family has a long heritage and is now in decline, but the relationship network is huge. The Wang family has strength now, but the social circle is not large. Marrying with the Peng family can expand the social circle of the Wang family and help the Wang family to expand its power.

Before that, the cultivators of the Wang family had frequent contacts with the children of the Peng family, and they had a good relationship. If not, Wang Lihe would not have given him a heavy gift.

After sending the congratulations, all the monks toasted and drank, chatting, talking and laughing, it was very lively.

After a Peng Qingfeng suddenly took out a communication disk and typed a magic formula. His expression changed and his lips moved slightly.

Peng Tianyu's face became ugly, but he quickly returned to normal and continued to drink and chat.

After more than two hours, the banquet dispersed, and the guests left one after another.

Peng Tianyu returned to his residence, and Peng Qingfeng reported the situation to him.

"The Qianyang faction went too far. They actually led someone to capture the silver gangster mine, and both the fourth and sixth uncles were killed."

Peng Qingfeng said with a gloomy face, that medium-sized silver gangster ore vein is a large amount of wealth, and the Peng family naturally cannot give it to other forces, but now there are only three spiritual monks left in the Peng family, and one of them has traveled abroad. Returning, there are only two cultivators in the clan.

"You invite Daoyou Wang over immediately and say that I have something important to discuss with him."

Peng Tianyu instructed that, until now, we can only ask the Wang family to come forward, otherwise, let alone the silver gangster ore vein, the Peng family may be wiped out.

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