Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2405: Silver Gang Stone Lode

The latest website: The Qianyang faction has been established for less than three thousand years, but the development momentum is very strong, and there are cultivators behind it.

The Peng family also had the support of the cultivators, but they had already died under the great catastrophe, which was the main reason why the Peng family wanted to marry the Wang family.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Peng Qingfeng responded and led the way.

After a while, Peng Qingfeng came back, and Wang Lihe followed behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, thank you for coming all the way to this old man's birthday, and you gave me a great gift."

Peng Tianyu said politely.

"Daoyou Peng is very polite, it's just a fifth-order puppet beast. He has long admired Daoyou Peng's great-great-granddaughter for a long time. I came here this time to help him propose a marriage. I wonder if Daoyou Peng is willing to fulfill them?"

Wang Lihe said sincerely, political marriage, the children of the Xiuxian family could not escape this hurdle.

"Yuanzheng? He was sitting behind Wang Daoyou just now? He is indeed a talented person. It is definitely a good talk for Yu'er and Wang Xiaoyou to become a double cultivator. The old man agreed."

Peng Tianyu readily agreed. He didn't care whether his great-great-granddaughter liked the monks of the Wang family or not. By sacrificing one great-great-granddaughter, he could save more than 70,000 people in the family.

If there is no other way, he does not want to sacrifice his great-granddaughter.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Wang Lihe looked happy, and talked to Peng Tianhua about the date of marriage.

Peng Tianyu naturally had no opinion, it was entirely up to Wang Lihe.

"That's it, my family."

Wang Lihe was so overjoyed that he even changed his name.

Peng Tianyu nodded, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he pondered for a moment, and sighed: "My family, I'm not afraid of your jokes, our Peng family is in a big trouble now."

"What's the trouble? Fellow Daoist Peng said it's fine. If you can help us, you will definitely help."

Wang Lihe said politely, as long as he didn't provoke the forces of the fit monks, there would be no problem.

Peng Tianyu didn't hide it, he told the story again, and Master Wufeng, the backer behind the Qianyang faction, didn't hide it either.

"Qianyang faction? Fellow Daoist Peng, if I remember correctly, didn't your family take refuge in the Xuansu Sect? There are cultivators in the Xuansu Sect!"

Wang Lihe wondered, it was strange that the Peng family did not go to Xuansumen for help, but asked the Wang family for help.

"Master Xuansu has died under the great catastrophe, but the Xuansu Sect is just concealing the news."

Peng Tianyu sighed and said that the existence of a high-ranking cultivator is the top secret of a force. Whether it is killed or died under the great catastrophe, the outside world cannot produce actual evidence, and all forces will not admit it.

The Peng family ran into trouble several times and needed the cultivator to come forward. They invited Master Xuansu to come forward again and again. Hostile forces occupied a lot of territory.

After much effort, the Peng family realized that Master Xuansu died under the great catastrophe, which was related to the interests of the Peng family. There was no rumor from the Peng family. He told Wang Lihe about it because he regarded Wang Lihe as his own. .

"Medium-sized silver gangster veins!"

Wang Lihe squinted his eyes. If he remembered correctly, the medium-sized and above silver ganglia ore veins may give birth to silver ganglion crystals.

"Let's put out the news of our marriage first. Fellow Daoist Peng will take me to the Silver Gang Stone mine, and I will send someone to inform the clan."

Wang Lihe instructed, three-pronged approach, the interests involved in this matter are not small, he must retake the silver gangster vein.

"No problem, the old man will run with Daoyou Wang in person!"

Peng Tianyu agreed.

He instructed a few words and asked Peng Qingfeng to start the great formation to protect the clan. He followed Wang Lihe and led a group of monks out of the place. Ten Wang family members rushed back to the family stronghold to report the news.


Zizhuling stretches for millions of miles, and the spiritual energy is weak. The resources of monsters here are scarce, and it is rare for high-level monks to set foot there.

In the depths of Zizhuling, there was a huge valley extending in all directions. The ground was full of potholes and a large number of corpses were scattered on the ground. Most of them were Peng family children.

A team of monks in uniform golden shirts are cleaning the battlefield. An old man in golden robes with a dove-faced nose and a young woman in golden skirts with a hot figure are talking.

"It's actually a silver gangster vein, and I hope to be able to mine silver gangster crystals."

The golden-robed old man said excitedly.

"It's a pity that Junior Brother Li died in the hands of the Peng family cultivator. The Peng family has a long heritage and must have a lot of property. It's better to report it and destroy the Peng family. Anyway, we have the support of Master Wufeng."

The young woman in the golden skirt suggested, with a murderous look on her face.

The golden-robed old man shook his head and said, "It's not easy to invite Master Wufeng. If the Silver Gang Crystal can be mined, there may be hope. But then again, the Peng family is too wasteful. It's really hard to imagine that this family has ever appeared. Over eighteen cultivators."

"Ups and downs are normal. The Peng family has fallen, and our Qianyang faction has risen. If the crystal of silver gangster is mined, it can destroy the Peng family and strengthen our power."

The eyes of the young woman in the golden dress were fiery.

At this moment, an incomparably icy male voice came from the sky: "Destroy our Peng family? Your Qianyang faction still doesn't have such a good mouth."

"The reinforcements from the Peng family have arrived? It's good, we just happened to pack them up together."

The young woman in the golden dress was murderous.

A golden light appeared in the distant sky, and flew towards it quickly. After a while, the golden light stopped, and a golden flying boat appeared. The monks such as Wang Lihe stood on it.

The eyes of the young woman in the golden skirt and the old man in the golden robe fell on Wang Lihe. The blue lotus pattern on Wang Lihe's clothes was unusually conspicuous, which was the symbol of the Qinglian royal family.

A look of fear appeared in their eyes, and they did not dare to act rashly.

"Under Qinglian Wang Lihe, two fellow Taoists killed our in-laws, please give me an explanation!"

Wang Lihe had a chilling look on his face.

People who are good are bullied by others, and horses who are good are ridden by others.

"In-laws? Daoyou Wang, are you kidding me! Why have we never heard of this?"

The golden-robed old man was full of doubts. UU reading

"We just got married, and the news hasn't been released yet. You killed our in-laws, how will you settle the account? Do you really think your Qianyang faction can act recklessly? Our family already knows about this, and if you are sensible, you will cut off your arm and bring it with you immediately. People get out of here."

Wang Lihe said in a deep voice, he told the other party that the Wang family already knew about this, and it was to warn the other party not to think about killing people and killing their mouths, and letting them cut off their own arms was a small punishment, and it was also a step forward for the Peng family.

If they were to kill them directly, it might surprise Master Wufeng.

Wang Lihe wasn't afraid of trouble, he just didn't want to cause trouble. If the cultivator was involved, it would be difficult to deal with.

This bad breath can only be endured, the Peng family is too weak, the Wang family can't send the cultivator of the gods to sit in the Peng family, and it is even more impossible to kill the Ganyang faction.

The great enemy of the human race is the alien race, and the forces of all parties will remain rational.

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