Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2408: Uncharted

The latest website: Jinlin Lake, where the water is full of spiritual energy, suitable for raising spirit fish, one of the five strongholds of the Wang family in the inland.

With Jinlin Lake as the center, the area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles is the territory of the Wang family, and there are thousands of children of the Wang family stationed.

A majestic green peak with a blue palace more than ten feet high on the top of the mountain, the hall is spacious and bright.

Wang Lijiao sat on the main seat, her eyes dignified, and her brows showed a bit of heroism.

She is the highest female sword cultivator in the Wang family, in the middle stage of divine transformation.

A shrewd middle-aged man was reporting the situation to her, and Wang Lijiao listened quietly.

"The Jiang family, the Cao family, and Qingyangguan fought each other? Do you know the specific reason?"

Wang Lijiao frowned and asked, these three forces all have god-turning cultivators, and their territories are bordering each other.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I don't know, the Cao family is relatively close to us. We asked again and again, but the children of the Cao family couldn't answer, maybe only the cultivators of the Cao family knew about it!"

"As soon as you let out the rumors, you said that the Cao family has received strong aid and is ready to destroy the Jiang family and Qingyangguan. I will go to the Cao family in person and have a good talk with Cao Yihong."

Wang Lijiao ordered.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and said, "Old ancestor, are you really going to destroy the Jiang family and Qingyang Temple? They all have the support of cultivators behind them."

"You can do as I say, I have my own measure."

Wang Lijiao commanded in an unquestionable tone.

The middle-aged man responded and turned to leave.

Wang Lijiao took out a cyan magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Mo Yun and Mo Yu, each of you choose twenty people, and come with me to the Cao family. It's time for meritorious deeds."

"Yes, my ancestor."

After a cup of tea, Wang Lijiao left the place with more than forty people.


Heavenly Beast Mountain has been passed down for 70,000 years. It was once very popular. There were 15 cultivators, hundreds of cultivators, and more than 100,000 disciples.

In the racial war tens of thousands of years ago, most of the cultivators in Heavenly Beast Mountain died at the hands of aliens. Later, the infighting broke out in Heavenly Beast Mountain, and their vitality was severely damaged.

The Cao family, the Chen family, the Jiang family, the Yang family, and the Sun family have a great say in the Heavenly Beast Mountain. The last cultivator of the Heavenly Beast Mountain died after the catastrophe. In the end, the site and cultivation resources of Tianzhu Mountain were divided up, and Tianma Grassland belonged to the Cao family.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Cao family has continued to grow and expand, annexing the sites of the Chen family and the Sun family. There are as many as fifteen cultivators, Cao Yihong.

The Tianma grassland is suitable for raising spirit horses. The Cao family raises a variety of spirit horses. Not to mention the running speed is extremely fast, and the magical power is not small. There are many monks who come to Tianma grassland specially to buy spirit horses from the Cao family.

In the depths of the Tianma Grassland, there is a huge blue city that covers an extremely wide area. The plaque reads "Tianma City".

In the council hall, more than 20 clan elders including Cao Yihong were discussing countermeasures, and their faces were solemn.

"Three god-turning cultivators have already fallen, and the Yuanying cultivators have already lost dozens of people. Do you want to continue fighting? It's better to shake hands with Qingyangguan and Jiang's family, and let's develop that secret realm together! "

"Hmph, so many people have died, and now we are shaking hands and making peace? Why did you go earlier? That secret realm is left over from the Heavenly Beast Mountain. It has not been opened for tens of thousands of years, and there must be a lot of heaven and earth in it. Bao, this is the key to the rise of our family."

"Yes, we have three keys. Qingyangguan and Jiang's family each have a key. Why should we give it to Jiang's and Qingyangguan? If there is a secret technique in the secret realm, this is a great opportunity for our family to rise."


The clan elders hold their own opinions, and most clan elders want to occupy that secret realm.

At the beginning, the five families divided up the site and resources for cultivation of the Heavenly Beast Mountain. Only this secret realm could not be opened, and five keys were needed to open it. The Cao family destroyed the Sun family and the Chen family, and there were a total of three keys. When Guan got another key, the Cao family wanted to destroy Qingyangguan, but Qingyangguan joined forces with the Jiang family to repel the attack of the Cao family.

Cao Yihong frowned, just as he was about to say something, a man in a blue shirt with neat features strode in, looking flustered.

"Old ancestor, Fairy Wang of the Qinglian Wang family came to visit and is now outside."

The cultivators of the Cao family looked at each other in dismay.

"Hurry up, please don't neglect, you all step back first, Yubin stays."

Cao Yihong ordered, and the others left one after another.

After a while, a flash of light flew in, it was Wang Lijiao.

"Fairy Wang is here, and I will welcome you from afar."

Cao Yihong said politely and greeted Wang Lijiao to sit down.

"Fellow Daoist Cao, I have some friendship with you. I really can't bear your Cao family to be destroyed. I received news that Qingyangguan and the Jiang family have united several forces. It seems that they have invited Tiandaomen to destroy your Cao family. ."

Wang Lijiao sighed, "Of course this is a lie, it's just deceiving Cao Yihong.

"Heavenly Sword Gate?"

Cao Yihong's brows were wrinkled, Tiandaomen had an imaginary cultivator in charge. If Tiandaomen were involved, it would be troublesome.

He turned his eyes and said sincerely: "Fairy Wang, please also ask your Wang family to help, Qingyangguan and Jiang family have murdered many of our Cao family's children, we were forced to fight back, they actually asked Tiandaomen, also asked Fairy Wang help."

"I treat you Cao Daoyou with sincerity. Since Cao Daoyou treats me as a fool, then treat me like I haven't been here."

Wang Lijiao turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, Fairy Wang, this matter is very important. You can stay in Tianma City first and let us discuss it."

Cao Yihong stopped Wang Lijiao and said politely.

"Okay, but you have to make a decision quickly, I can wait, Qingyangguan and Jiang's family may not be able to wait, if Tiandaomen kills the door, I can't help it, if you hurry up, I can inform the old Qingshan. Ancestor."

After Wang Lijiao said this, she turned and left.

Cao Yihong hurriedly convened a meeting of the tribe to discuss countermeasures.

"What she said may not be true. The Wang family just wants a piece of the pie. How could Tiandaomen stand up for Qingyangguan and the Jiang family?"

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case. I think it's good to cooperate with the Wang family. If nothing else, buying a few fifth-order puppet beasts with the Wang family can also enhance the strength of our family."

"Hmph, after we've been fighting for so long, the Wang family wants to share most of the profits? Is there such a cheap thing? I think she's just trying to scare us."

"If it's true, our family may be wiped out."


The clansmen debated and had different opinions.

Cao Yihong frowned. He looked at a gentle middle-aged scholar and asked, "Yubin, tell me what you think."

"Old Ancestor, fellow clan elders, if this is true, our Cao family will probably be exterminated. If it is false, we will definitely not be able to control that secret realm, but the three of us fighting each other will definitely alarm the cultivators. When other cultivators come to the door, it is better to cooperate with the Wang family and get a share of the pie. Even if the Tiandaomen does not take action, Qingyangguan or the Jiang family will spread the news, and it will be difficult for us to monopolize that secret realm. As mentioned above, cooperating with the Wang family is the best choice.”

Cao Yubin said slowly, in a gentle tone.

"We killed and injured so many were picked peaches by the Wang family."

Some clan elders expressed dissatisfaction.

"The strength is not enough, it can only be like this. It's my fault that we didn't know that Qingyangguan and the Jiang family jointly set up a bureau. They also want to destroy us, monopolize the secret realm, and continue to fight, which will only consume the strength of our family. This is my personal opinion. , let the ancestors decide."

Cao Yubin said respectfully.

Cao Yihong looked hesitant, and he was also a little unwilling.

A man in a green shirt with neat features walked in quickly and said in a panic, "Old Ancestor, Qingyangguan and the Jiang family are contacting other forces, and they seem to be planning something."

Cao Yihong's face sank, he sighed deeply, and ordered: "You all go down! Please come over, Fairy Wang, and I will talk to her in person."

At this point, the only thing I can do is ask the Wang family to come forward.

"Yes, my ancestor."

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