Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2409: Win-win cooperation (no more today)

The latest website: Qinglian Mountains, Qinglian Valley.

In a secret room, Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon with his eyes closed. A giant sword phantom appeared above his head, swaying gently, and there were bursts of loud sword sounds.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in and floated in front of Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan seemed to be aware of it, the giant sword phantom suddenly collapsed, and he opened his eyes.

He flicked his two fingers, and a blue light flew out, hitting the sound transmission, the sound transmission spontaneously ignited, and turned into a red fireball, a man's voice full of joy suddenly sounded: "Ancestor Qingshan, grandson got some Silver Astral Crystal."

"Silver Astral Crystal?"

Wang Qingshan's eyes are bright, this is the material for him to condense the law.

He strode out and came outside, he saw Wang Lihe standing at the door.

"Where is the Silver Gang Crystal? Where did you get it?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

Wang Lihe took out a cyan storage ring, handed it to Wang Qingshan, and briefly explained what happened.

The silver gangster mine controlled by the Peng family does have silver gangster crystals, but the number is small, which is already very good. This is the material for condensing the law.

After taking control of the silver gangster mine, Wang Lihe dispatched people to mine the silver gangster quarry, and indeed some silver gangster stones were mined. In return, 30% of the mined silver gangster stones belonged to the Peng family. With the Peng family's resources for cultivating immortals, it is enough for the Peng family to train several cultivators.

"Yes, I will remember your merit."

Wang Qingshan praised and accepted the storage ring.

At this moment, Wang Qingshan took out a dazzling dharma plate and entered a magic formula, a loud male voice suddenly sounded: "Qingshan Patriarch, grandson got a box of Tianyin sand and wants to present it to you. ."

"Tianyinsha, this is the material that Ninth Aunt wants to collect, come in quickly."

Wang Qingshan ordered, his face full of joy.

Not long after, Wang Gonghu walked in, holding a beautiful jade box in his hand and handing it to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan opened the jade box and saw that it was indeed Tianyin Sand.

Wang Gonghu talked about the process of getting Tianyin Sand, Wang Qingshan showed a look of approval and said: "You did a good job, I will remember you for your credit."

"This is what the grandson should do."

Wang Gonghu said modestly.

A sound transmission flew in and landed in front of Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan crushed the sound transmission, and a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded: "Ancestor Qingshan, grandson discovered a secret realm and needs to report to you face to face."

"Secret realm! Three joys are coming, Li Jiao, come in and report!"

Wang Qingshan said towards the outside.

Soon, Wang Lijiao walked in. She was a little surprised when she saw Wang Lihe and Wang Gonghu, and she told the whole story without thinking much.

"The secret realm left by the Heavenly Beast Mountain!"

Wang Qingshan nodded, his eyes swept across Wang Lihe and the three, with a relieved expression on his face.

The clansmen have grown up, making contributions to the family and making the family stronger.

"I see, Lijiao ran with me, Lihe returned to the Peng family, Gonghu guarded the Qinglian Valley, and sent someone to speak to the Ganyang faction. See for yourself."

Wang Qingshan ordered.

"Yes, Old Ancestor Qingshan."

Wang Lihe and the three agreed in unison, and each performed their duties.

Wang Qingshan took Wang Lijiao and a group of monks from the Wang family and left Qinglian Valley.


The Qingyuan Mountains stretch for millions of miles. The spiritual energy here is weak, the vegetation is sparse, and high-level monks are rare.

A cyan escaping light appeared in the sky. It didn't take long for the cyan escaping light to stop. It was a flying boat with cyan light. Wang Qingshan and other hundreds of monks from the Wang family were standing on it, and Cao Yihong was also inside.

"Senior Wang, this is the place."

Cao Yihong pointed to somewhere high in the sky and said respectfully.

Wang Qingshan nodded, looked at the sky, and said: "Someone has come, there is a cultivator, it should be someone from Tiandaomen."

He cultivated the Taixu Divine Art to the fourth level, and his spiritual sense was stronger than that of ordinary Void Refinement cultivators.

A golden light appeared in the sky and flew towards it quickly.

After a while, the golden light stopped, and it was a flying shuttle with golden light. Hundreds of monks stood on it, headed by Lu Shisan, the new master of Tiandaomen.

Lu Shisan once discussed with Wang Changsheng, and he is now in the early stage of virtual refining.

Qingyangguan and the Jiang family learned that the Wang family was involved, they did not dare to be careless, they contacted other forces everywhere, and finally found the Tiandaomen.

Speaking of which, if Qingyangguan, the Jiang family, and the Cao family put aside their prejudices and work together to open the secret realm, they can slowly search for the resources of immortal cultivation, but people are unpredictable.

"I have long admired Daoist Wang's name, and I finally met the real person. In Xialu Shisan, I am old acquaintances with Taihao real person."

Lu Shisan clasped his fists and said that he didn't want to fight against the Wang family, not to mention that he knew Wang Changsheng, Tiandaomen had no mortal grudge against the Wang family, and they could not fight against each other.

Why not do it if you can win a win, I don't know what Wang Qingshan thinks.

Wang Qingshan smiled slightly and said, "Young Daoist Lu has praised it, and Jiu Shu also mentioned Daoyou Lu to me. Daoyou Lu is here for the secret realm! How about we work together to develop the secret realm?"

"No problem, that's what I thought too."

Lu Shisan readily agreed.

According to the explanation of the Cao family, this secret realm is mainly used to temper the cultivators of Nascent Soul, and only those below the spirit can enter.

Lu Shisan negotiated with Wang Qingshan and finally reached an agreement that the Wang family sent 60 Nascent Soul cultivators and the Tiandao School 40 Nascent Soul cultivators. As for how many immortal cultivation resources can be scoured, it depends on their ability, even if they are fighting inside, Neither party can be held accountable afterwards.

"Cao Xiaoyou, I will give you fifteen places. How many immortal cultivation resources you can get is up to you."

Wang Qingshan instructed that the Cao family cooperated with the Wang family, and the Wang family would naturally not treat the Cao family badly, and there would be more powers to join in in the future.

Cao Yihong was full of surprises, repeatedly said thank you, and agreed to come down.

Wang Qingshan and Lu Shisan each took out a long conical token with sparkling light and gathered them together to form a circular jade plate. When the light flashed, the pattern of spirit beasts, spirits, insects and birds appeared on the surface of the jade plate.


In a loud beast roar, the jade plate spurted a thick spiritual light, hitting a certain void, and the void swayed for a while, and a huge cyan light gate suddenly appeared, and a pure spiritual energy rushed out.

One hundred Nascent Soul cultivators entered the azure light gate one after another, searching for immortal cultivation resources. As for what they can find, it depends on their own luck.

After the last Nascent Soul cultivator entered the blue light gate, the blue light gate disappeared.

Wang Qingshan and Lu Shisan each retrieved their tokens. They landed on a low hill and chatted.

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