Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2424: 10 Great Sacred Trees

A certain sea area, an endless azure sea, cloudless.

A huge tortoise floated on the sea and moved forward quickly. It was the tortoise.

Wang Changsheng and other hundreds of Wang family disciples stood on the backs of the turtles, and the sea breeze was blowing.

Wang Qiuya and Wang Qiuju stood by Wang Changsheng's side. They had already entered the stage of spiritual transformation. Wang Qiuya was a pulse seeker, and Wang Qiuju was an artifact refiner. Both of them were in the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

They have already arrived at the Zhenhai Palace's site, and at their current speed, it will not be long before they reach Piaoyun Island.

"It's almost at the main altar of Zhenhai Palace, speed up."

Wang Changsheng gave a light drink, and the lin turtle seemed to understand Wang Changsheng's words, and let out a low roar, the speed more than doubled.

An hour later, the tortoise stopped, and in front of it was an endless blue sea without any islands.

"Grandfather, haven't you arrived at the main altar of Zhenhai Palace yet?"

Wang Qiuya asked curiously.

Wang Changsheng frowned. He remembered clearly that he should have gone to the main altar of Zhenhai Palace.

He thought of something, his consciousness opened wide, and he looked towards a certain void.

There was a ripple in the void, and a blue light suddenly lit up, transforming into a blue-shirted youth with well-defined features. Seeing the fluctuation of his mana, he was a cultivator.

"Who are you? There is the main altar of Zhenhai Palace in front of you. You must not trespass."

The blue shirt youth said solemnly, his expression solemn.

"We are children of the royal family of Qinglian Island, and we were invited to participate in the celebration of our cousin's cousin."

Wang Qingcheng said politely and reported the names of Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao.

The blue-shirted young man's face softened and said, "You wait a moment, I will ask the above, now is an extraordinary period, please be considerate."

"Extreme time?"

Wang Changsheng was full of confusion, what happened to Zhenhai Palace? Could it be that Lin Tianlong is impacting the Mahayana period? Probably not! If that's the case, they probably won't let them in.

After a while, the blue-shirted young man said, "Sorry, an uncle has already started a part of the palace guarding formation during the impact of the integration period. You wait a moment, Uncle Sun has come to pick you up."

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized, he said why it was so troublesome this time, it turned out that someone was attacking the integration period, and he didn't know which faction cultivator, it would be great if he ascended to the faction.

After a cup of tea, Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao rushed out and took them into Zhenhai Palace.

At this time, the thunder tribulation was over, but the northwest corner of the island was in a mess, and there was a burst of black smoke.

After a few words of greeting, Wang Changsheng asked, "I heard that there is a senior brother who is impacting the fusion period?"

"Exactly, it's Lin Youxin, the descendant of Uncle Lin, who should be called Uncle Lin."

Sun Yueshuo said with a wry smile, the local faction is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more resources are allocated to the local faction.

Wang Changsheng remembered Lin Youxin. When they first arrived in the Xuanyang Realm, Lin Youxin was already in the Void Refinement Stage. After so many years, Wang Changsheng had already entered the Mid Void Refinement Stage. It was not surprising that Lin Youxin had entered the Combined Stage.

"In this way, there is another cultivator in Zhenhai Palace."

Wang Ruyan smiled, no matter what, the stronger Zhenhai Palace, the more they could benefit.

"Hey, there is one more person now, it's hard to say in the future."

Sun Yueshuo smiled and said mysteriously.

Half an hour later, they appeared above a valley extending in all directions. There was a manor covering an area of ​​1,000 acres in the valley. The environment was quiet and the facilities were complete.

"You stay here first, and don't run around for a while. Now the main altar has been under martial law, and some restrictions on the palace guard formation have been opened. If the imaginary monks touch the restrictions, they will also worry about their lives."

Sun Yueshuo solemnly reminded and left with He Yuyao.

"Don't run around, stay here first, Qingcheng, you can settle them."

Wang Changsheng urged Wang Qingcheng to settle the clan.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and contacted Fang Ming. It didn't take long for the communication disk to respond: "Junior Brother Wang, I heard that you have arrived at the main altar. If you are all right, come to my place and let's chat!"

"Okay, let's go right away."

Wang Changsheng agreed, put away the communication tray, and left the residence with Wang Ruyan.

Along the way, they saw a large number of patrols and were interrogated.

After a cup of tea, they came to Fang Ming's residence and met Fang Ming.

They have been old acquaintances for many years. After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng asked about the business: "Senior Brother Fang, don't we have disciples who are suitable for impacting the integration period?"

"There are as many as nine people, but the panacea that assists the impact of the fusion period is a rare thing. Even our Zhenhai Palace does not have many. There are too many monks and few porridge. We can only focus on training a few people, and the others have to rely on themselves."

Fang Ming explained that there are more than 100 cultivators in Zhenhai Palace, and only a few can be selected to focus on training. If others want to advance to the integration period, they have to work harder.

In the Xuanling Continent, it is not difficult for a large human force like Zhenhai Palace to train more cultivators, just spend more resources on immortality. A cultivator may not necessarily be able to advance to the fusion stage.

"Two hundred years ago, Senior Brother Qian was in the integration period, and when he was going through the seven or nine thunder tribulations, he attracted seven five-colored divine thunders and was directly struck to death by five-colored divine thunders."

Fang Ming sighed, after the racial war, the Ascension faction did increase its efforts to train disciples, and one of them hit the integration stage and died under the thunder tribulation.

Shocking the great realm will attract a special power of thunder and lightning, which varies from person to person. The stronger the thunder tribulation, the stronger the monk who has survived the thunder calamity. You must know that it is not easy to get a panacea to assist the shock fusion period. If there is a special thunder and lightning power in the Seven Nine Thunder Tribulations, it will be even more difficult. This is still a combination, and the Mahayana is even more difficult.

A sixth-order talisman, such as the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, can also resist the first round of thunder tribulation in the seven-nine thunder tribulation. The seven-nine thunder tribulation has seven rounds of thunder tribulation, which not only lasts longer, but also has more power. powerful.

"Seven Five-colored Divine Thunders?"

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath, his face full of shock.

The same kind of thunder tribulation, UU reading www.uukanshu. The higher the cultivation base of com immortals, the greater the power.

For example, the cultivator's impact on the Void Refinement Stage attracted three five-color divine thunders, and the Void Refining Cultivator's impact on the fusion period also attracted three five-color divine thunders. The power of the latter is far stronger than the former, not a level.

Treasures that can withstand or weaken the Seven-Nine Thunder Tribulation are also helpful for the integrated cultivator to cross the great catastrophe, and cannot be handed over to the juniors of the refining stage.

"Senior Brother Fang, what kind of thunder calamity is brought about by Uncle Chen's impact on the integration period?"

Wang Ruyan asked curiously.

"Seven seven-colored divine thunders, but Chen Shishu obtained a defensive treasure made from Dongyi Shenmu in the Qingli Sea Area, so that the seven seven-colored divine thunders can be blocked."

Fang Ming explained.

"Dongyi Shenmu? But Dongyi Shenmu, one of the top ten sacred trees?"

Wang Changsheng was surprised.

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