Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2425: Zhao Yunxiao, Qin Tianxue

There are many spiritual plants called divine trees in the world of immortality, and more of them are false names. Ten kinds of spiritual trees have incredible supernatural powers and are known as the top ten divine trees. Dongyi Shenmu is one of them.

The defensive treasure made from Dongyi Shenmu has a very good effect in resisting thunder calamities. In addition, Dongyi Shenmu can assist cultivators who practice wood attribute exercises to speed up their practice.

The higher the age of Dongyi Shenmu, the better the effect of resisting thunder tribulation.

Fang Ming nodded.

The cultivation speed of the spiritual body is fast, and there are few bottlenecks. Correspondingly, when the spiritual body hits the big realm, the thunder tribulation will be particularly powerful. Xuanling Tianzun has some kind of immortal body, and some people even say that Xuanling Tianzun is a powerful man in the immortal world.

For more than 500,000 years, the fastest cultivation speed in the Xuanyang Realm and the powerful supernatural powers of the Mahayana monks, only Xuanling Tianzun is the only one.

Fang Ming thought of something, his eyes fell on Wang Ruyan, and he said with a smile: "Junior Sister Wang is a Yin Xiu, and there are very few materials that can assist you in your cultivation. The Tianyin Shenmu, one of the ten sacred trees, can assist you in your cultivation. I heard that someone has obtained Tianyin Wood in the wild land, the specific whereabouts are unknown, you can send the clan to pay attention."

"Tianyin Shenmu, thank Senior Brother Fang for reminding me."

Wang Ruyan thanked her. The Wang family's intelligence capabilities were not as good as those of Zhenhai Palace. If Fang Ming hadn't told her frankly, she really didn't know about it.

The news alone, they did not come in vain.

"Senior Brother Fang, what's wrong with Uncle Chen, her old man is fine!"

Wang Changsheng asked with concern.

"It's not a big problem, but it will take some time to recover, and I won't leave the customs in the short term. By the way, if I remember correctly, in more than a thousand years, you will have to cross the catastrophe. Prepare well. Let's Zhenhai Palace. There is a special treasure called Zhenhaizhu, which can weaken the power of the cultivator to cross the great catastrophe, but there are too many monks and less porridge, if you want to get Zhenhaizhu, you have to exchange it for something good, or do a quest."

Fang Ming reminded that it was not easy for him to get Zhenhaizhu, let alone Wang Changsheng.

Zhenhaizhu can also help the first two times. The power of the third big catastrophe of the cultivator is huge, and the use of Zhenhaizhu is minimal. Even so, the cultivator and affiliated forces of Zhenhai Palace all want to get a Zhenhaizhu, the successful ones Not much.

"Zhenhaizhu! What is a good task introduction for Senior Brother Fang?"

Wang Changsheng nodded, it is not enough to have the Heavenly Lightning Talisman, if there is Zhenhaizhu, it should be easier for him to cross the big catastrophe.

It is not easy to resist the great catastrophe by relying only on some defensive low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng has already refined the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao and the sixth-order puppet beast. If he joins forces with Wang Ruyan, there will be no problem as long as he does not encounter a fit cultivator.

"Master Yang and the others have been looking for these materials for a long time, and most of them are in the wild land, but they will not go to the wild land in the near future. There is an ancient giant in the integration stage who haunts the wild land, and even the Xuanqing Sect's senior Sun suffered a big loss. , many cultivators have died and disappeared."

Fang Ming took out a cyan jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng, solemnly reminding that there are many terrifying creatures in the wilderness, and the ancient giant is one of them.

"Ancient Giants!"

Wang Changsheng's face froze. If so, don't go to the wild land for the time being. The integrated cultivators of the Xuanqing faction have suffered a lot, let alone the cultivating cultivators.

After some conversation, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan got a lot of useful information and benefited a lot.

"Senior Brother Fang, this is a 20,000-year-old mysterious crane tree. Be careful, don't dislike it."

Wang Changsheng took out a length of Xuanhe Shenmu, which was several feet long, and handed it to Fang Ming.

Fang Ming took good care of the Wang family and was the chief housekeeper of Zhenhai Palace, so Wang Changsheng would not treat him badly.

The sacred crane tree is unique to the Jinpeng clan. After the Jinpeng clan was defeated, the human race got a lot of mysterious crane sacred wood.

Fang Ming also did not refuse, and accepted the Xuanhe Shenmu.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left and returned to their residence to rest.

In the next month, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan widely visited the cultivators of the Ascension faction, sent gifts and made friends.

Wang Changsheng is very generous, it is not a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, it is a sixth-order refining material or alchemy material, of course, it is not for nothing, he changed it to a bottle of sixth-order healing medicine, a piece of sponge soil crystal and some refining materials. .

The crystal of cotton soil can condense the Dharma for Wang Qingcheng. Speaking of which, Wang Qingcheng and other Wangs have the materials to condense the Dharma when they are in the imaginary stage. Many imaginary cultivators do not have this kind of treatment.

If it wasn't for refining the sixth-order talisman and practicing in seclusion with peace of mind, Wang Ruyan might have entered the middle stage of virtual refining.

The clansmen grew up and provided them with greater help, such as Wang Qingshan getting the Mirage Dragon Egg.

Only when the clansmen help each other can the Wang family go far.

A month later, Sun Yueshuo held a celebration at the residence, and a large banquet was held. More than 20 cultivators came, and Wang Changsheng and others were also present.

Wang Changsheng's eyes quickly swept across the virtual cultivator present, and there was a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao were sitting on the main seat, and other cultivators sent congratulatory gifts one after another, including low-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, sixth-order medicinal pills, spiritual fruits, and refining materials.

"Cousin and sister-in-law, congratulations on entering the Void Refinement Stage, a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao and two fifth-order puppet beasts, this is a little bit of thought from my parents, my husband and I will give you two sixth-order demon pills and A piece of 30,000-year-old golden magnetic wood."

Sun Yuejiao took out a blue storage ring and handed it to Sun Yueshuo.

Both Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao were cultivators of virtual refinement. He Yuyao was both Yang Qinglong's disciple and a sixth-order alchemist. The Wang family gave him a heavy gift, so he could speak up if he had difficulties in the future.

There was a commotion among the cultivators present, and they all looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Forget about other things. The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is not an ordinary thing. Even the cultivators of Zhenhai Palace, only a few people have the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"Mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao Wang Junior You can refine the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao"

Qin Ming was surprised.

Wang Changsheng smiled and nodded, admitting it.

There are not many sixth-order refiners who can refine the mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and Wang Changsheng is also happy to spread the news. Maybe someone will find him to refine them in the future.

"I have heard from the master about Junior Brother Wang for a long time, but we have not been able to meet each other. Today Junior Brother Sun and Junior Sister He held a virtual refining ceremony, and finally we were able to meet Junior Brother Wang."

A loud male voice suddenly came from outside, and just after the voice fell, a blue-shirted youth with handsome facial features and a graceful young woman in a white skirt walked in.

The blue-shirted young man has a strong back and a bit of arrogance between his brows. Chen Yueying's eldest disciple, cultivating the Sunflower Water Sutra, is currently in the Great Perfection of Refinement.

The young woman in the white dress has delicate facial features, her skin is snow-matched, her eyes are agile, and three thousand blue silks are **** with blue silk. (To be continued)

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