Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2431: Su Chenguang

Latest website: A splendid palace with three big characters "Amethyst Palace" written on the lacquered gold plaque.

The hall is spacious and bright, an old woman in purple robe with wrinkled face is sitting on the main seat, her eyes are bright, and a burly man in golden shirt is reporting the situation of the guests.

The old woman in purple robe is Ma Yulin, the highest-ranking member of the Ma family, and in the late stage of the virtual refining, the man in the golden shirt is Ma Yunfeng, the head of the Ma family.

"Old Ancestor, the representatives of the Zhang family, the Wang family, and the Lan family have all arrived and arranged for them to stay."

Ma Yunfeng said respectfully.

"When Daoist Lin arrives, I will immediately invite other cultivators to meet, hoping to exchange treasures to help me cross the catastrophe. Are you sure that Daoist Lin will definitely come?"

Ma Yulin's face was dignified. She had already survived two great calamities, and in a few hundred years, she would have to survive the third great calamity. The celebration was held, and the cultivators were invited to participate in the hope that she would be able to exchange for treasures, so as to improve her survival rate.

The power of the big catastrophe is bigger every time, even if there is a five-element thunder talisman, she may not be able to survive the third catastrophe, and the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao or formation that weakens the power of thunder and lightning is similar, other than that In addition, the seventh-order medicinal herbs or the treasures of heaven and earth that quickly restore mana can also provide certain help.

For high-level monks to cross the catastrophe, if they have sufficient mana, preparing a few more defensive treasures can increase the probability of surviving the catastrophe, which also makes the treasures of heaven and earth that restore mana very popular.

If the cultivator of the imaginary robbery crosses the great catastrophe, the amount of the sixth-order medicinal pill that restores mana will be too large, and the effect will be very poor. The greater the mana consumption of the robbers, in this way, the treasures of heaven and earth that restore mana are very popular.

For some small forces or loose cultivators, if you can't get treasures such as the Five Elements Thunder Talisman and Zhenhai Pearl, prepare a few more defensive treasures and magic elixir to restore mana, which can improve the probability of surviving the big catastrophe, but the quality is not enough. Quantity to make up.

After all, things like the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman and Zhenhai Zhu are not easy to refine. Only some cultivators have obtained similar treasures. A few treasures and an elixir to restore mana, it's a clumsy way, but it works.

One of the ancestors of the Ma family was lucky enough to get a bottle of chalcedony milk, a drop of the cultivator could restore his mana immediately. The sixth-order defense formation, the ancestor spent the fourth great catastrophe in the virtual refining period, but unfortunately he could not enter the fit period and died in the fifth great catastrophe.

"Old Ancestor, rest assured, I spent a lot of money to buy two blood bone fish of the fifth rank. This is one of the specialties of the Bone Race. He is going to eat and enter the Tao, and he will definitely come."

Ma Yunfeng said with confidence.

Ma Yulin's face softened, and she said, "That's good, I hope I can exchange for a treasure that assists the calamity! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for me to survive the third catastrophe."

"The auspicious ancestors of the ancestors have their own good looks, so there will be no problems."

Ma Yunfeng comforted.

Ma Yulin smiled lightly and said nothing.

Seven days passed quickly.

In the early morning of this day, Ma Tianming brought a group of children from the Ma family over and successfully met Wang Qingshan.

"Senior Wang, the ancestors invited you to attend a gathering. The participants are all cultivators. We will arrange for your clansmen to entertain them, please rest assured."

Ma Tianming said sincerely.

Wang Qingshan agreed, and after a few words, followed Ma Tianming and left, while Wang Yuanwei and others followed the Ma family's children to other places, attended their own gatherings, and got to know monks from other forces.

After a while, Wang Qingshan followed Ma Tianming to the foot of a peak.

The peak of the mountain is steep, and a blue stone step spreads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. A large number of amethyst trees are planted on both sides of the blue stone step. At first glance, it is full of purple.

At the foot of the mountain stands a golden stone tablet more than ten feet high, with the three characters "Amethyst Peak" written on it.

On the top of the mountain is an extremely wide manor with blue bricks and glazed tiles.

Passing through a long corridor, a lake covering an area of ​​100 acres appeared in front of Wang Qingshan. A purple hexagonal stone pavilion was laid on the lake. More than 20 cultivators were sitting in the pavilion drinking tea and chatting. Lan Fukong, Zhang Yuqian, and Zhang Yuxin all arrived.

"Friend Wang Dao, long time no see."

Wang Qingshan looked at a man in a red shirt with a height of nine feet and said hello with a smile.

The big man in the red shirt is none other than Wang Dafei. I didn't expect him to be invited too.

"Long time no see, friend Wang Dao."

Wang Dafei greeted him with a smile.

Ma Yunbiao greeted them to sit down, drink tea and chat.

Except for the twenty or so cultivators who came from all over the world, most of them were from immortal clans, and the two young men in red with identical features caught Wang Qingshan's attention.

The two red-clothed youths not only looked exactly the same, but also dressed and sounded exactly the same.

According to Ma Yunbiao's introduction, they came from the Shenbingmen. They were called Su Chenguang and Su Chennian. They were brothers, all of whom were in the middle stage of virtual refinement. They were all sixth-order weapon refiners, and they were all elite disciples of Shenbingmen.

"Fellow Daoist Su, I heard that you fought against alien races in the border city, and joined forces to kill two Yaksha tribes in the late stage of virtual refining. Lan Mou finally met the real person. I will use tea instead of wine to toast you. The next time we meet, the two said Friends may enter the integration period."

Lan Fukong said with a smile, raised the teacup and drank it.

"It's just a fake name, nothing."

Su Chenguang's expression was indifferent, he didn't reply back, and he didn't give Lan Fukong any face at all.

Lan Fukong knelt down to the enemy and begged for mercy in public. This happened more than once. They also heard about it and looked down on Lan Fukong from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Dafei frowned, no matter what, meeting is fate, and there is nothing wrong with returning a cup of tea.

Lan Fukong didn't care either, and chatted with Su Chennian with a smiling face. Su Chennian also liked to ignore him. Seeing that Su Chenguang's brothers didn't want to talk to him, Lan Fukong didn't continue to pester him.

Ma Yunpeng played a roundabout and quickly changed the subject: "Dear fellows, have you ever heard of Qing Yaozi?"

"Qing Yaozi? This senior is a fit cultivator. UU reads to enter the Dao, and has been active in the Qingli Sea. Why, Daoyou Ma invited this senior?"

Su Chenguang asked curiously.

"How can we have that face, but we invited his disciple Lin Daoyou."

Ma Yunbiao explained with a smile.

"If that's the case, why hasn't he appeared yet? It's too much of a face!"

Su Chennian said with some dissatisfaction.

"We bought two fifth-order blood-bone fish at a high price. He is cooking! He will come later."

Ma Yunbiao explained.

"Enjoy the Tao by eating!"

Wang Qingshan thought of Guangdong Ren for the first time, but unfortunately he has already died. (To be continued)

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