Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2432: Lin Bu 2

The latest website: three thousand avenues, eight hundred other doors, all can become immortals.

The Xuanyang Realm is rich in resources for cultivating immortals, and there are countless treasures in heaven and earth. The monks with five spiritual roots have the opportunity to enter the Mahayana period. If the opportunity is big enough, they can cultivate immortals without spiritual roots, and their achievements are no worse than those with spiritual roots.

A seductive aroma floated from a distance, Wang Qingshan smelled this aroma, and suddenly felt his appetite greatly increased, and he felt a sense of hunger.

You must know that cultivators above the foundation establishment are able to fast and eat. Unless they lose their mana, they will not feel hungry.

Lan Fukong's stomach growled, and he swallowed.

The monks looked at each other and looked into the distance.

A wrinkled purple-robed old woman and a bloated middle-aged Taoist priest strode toward them. The green-robed old woman was Ma Yulin.

The middle-aged Taoist priest was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his face was white, his eyes were small, his bulging belly made the Taoist robe a bit tight, and his face was full of smiles.

"Today, fellow Daoists have a good time. Fellow Daoist Lin cooks the blood bone fish himself. His cooking skills are superb, and the old man is also an eye-opener."

Ma Yulin said with a smile.

The middle-aged Taoist flicked his sleeves, and a cauldron with a flickering blue light flew out and landed in the stone pavilion.

With a muffled sound, the floor was directly shattered by the blue cauldron.

The blue-colored cauldron was half a person tall, with three legs and two ears. The cauldron was engraved with the patterns of strange birds and beasts, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

"Friend Daoist is the disciple of Qing Yaozi? I have long admired the name, and the famous teacher has made a great apprentice. When I saw it today, it really lives up to its reputation. With the aptitude of fellow Daoist, it is only a matter of time before entering the integration period."

Lan Fukong's eyes fell on the Qingpao Taoist priest, and he praised sincerely.

Generally speaking, monks who enter the Dao by eating are fatter. After all, they often take various treasures of heaven and earth.

"Friend Lan, this is my nephew Ma Baozong."

Ma Yunbiao corrected.

Lan Fukong sneered and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Daoyou Ma for entering the Void Refinement Stage. Daoyou Ma is walking like a tiger. I thought it was Daoyou Lin just now!"

"I've heard of the name of the real monarch, and it really lives up to its name."

A joking male voice suddenly sounded.

A fragrant wind blew past, and a tall and thin young man in a golden shirt suddenly appeared in the courtyard. .

The face of the young man in the golden shirt is white, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and several sachets of different colors are hung around his waist.

"In Xialin Buer, I have met fellow Daoists."

The young man in the golden shirt clasped his fists and said.

"Lin Buer? Aren't you hungry?"

Lan Fukong rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lin would also know about Lan, so disrespectful and disrespectful."

"I haven't been in Xuanling Continent for a long time, but I have heard a lot of people mentioning Fellow Daoist Lan."

A meaningful expression appeared on Lin Bu'er's face.

"Fellow Daoist Lin has praised me badly. How can I be famous? Famous teachers have great apprentices. I believe that Fellow Daoist Lin will definitely be better than blue."

Lan Fukong said in a flattering tone, with a flattering look on his face.

Lin Buer nodded with a smile and said, "I hope to honor your auspicious words, fellow Taoists, have a taste of the Longyou Dahai that I personally cooked, using the fifth-order high-grade blood bone fish as the main material, adding hundreds of thousands of thousand-year-old elixir, It is a great supplement.”

Ma Baozong entered a magic formula into the blue cauldron, the cauldron flew up, and an attractive aroma wafted out.

Wang Qingshan stood up and looked inside the tripod.

There is a blood-red liquid in the tripod, and a blood-red spirit fish floats in the blood-colored liquid. You can see various ingredients such as ganoderma lucidum, lotus root, and spirit mushrooms.

Ma Yulin took out a set of exquisite bowls and chopsticks, and gave each cultivator a bowl. The juice was blood red and gave off a strange fragrance.

Su Chenguang and the others looked at each other in dismay, but did not speak.

Lan Fukong had no scruples, took a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a delicacy in the world, and Daoyou Lin has superb cooking skills, and his future achievements are limitless."

Lan Fukong boasted, picked up the porcelain bowl, and took a big mouthful of soup.

The cultivators had a good relationship with the Ma family, and they thought that coming to the Ma family would not harm them. Several cultivators took chopsticks, and after a symbolic bite, they would not move the chopsticks. Brother Su Chenguang did not move the chopsticks.

Wang Qingshan ate a piece of fish, and felt that the fish was fresh and tender, and it melted in the mouth.

He hurriedly used his skills to refine this spiritual energy.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Qingshan returned to normal, sweating profusely.

Most of the monks didn't eat much, but Lan Fukong didn't have any taboos. He quickly finished a bowl, filled another bowl himself, and asked Lin Buer how to cook while eating.

Lin Buer told the truth, and Lan Fukong touted a few words from time to time, which made Lin Buer feel a little overwhelmed.

After three bowls, Lin Buer and Lan Fukong had already chatted. Basically, Lin Buer was talking. Lan Fukong asked a few questions and touted them by the way.

Lan Fukong didn't make things up, he also had some knowledge about cooking, and there were a few questions that even stumped Lin Buer.

Wang Qingshan nodded secretly, he finally understood why Lan Fukong's communication was extensive, and it was him who didn't have much conflict of interest and would not hate Lan Fukong.

There are only a thousand cups of wine for a confidant, so Lan Fukong can chat and tout himself.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lan would know so much about cooking. I'm disrespectful."

Lin Buer said with emotion.

"Fellow Daoist Lin has praised it badly. Mr. Lan would say that he couldn't do it. He couldn't compare to Mr. Daoist Lin. It is an honor for Mr. Lan to be able to eat such delicious food."

Lan Fukong said modestly, he often participates in the celebrations held by the big forces. Even if he doesn't receive an invitation, he has the cheek to go to participate, send a congratulatory gift, and flatter others by the way, thereby expanding his social circle. He doesn't care what others think of him. .

He has made friends with many high-level cultivators, and the more he talks to them, the more knowledge he has. He can say some technical terms. Only by touting others can he be recognized by others. Even if he is flattering, he has a wealth of knowledge. , random flattery, it is easy to pat on the horse's hoof.

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

Lin Buer was touted by Lan Fukong for a and felt high and low, mainly because Lan Fukong could chat with him. Lan Fukong had a certain understanding of cooking techniques, and it was not a random fabrication.

Wang Qingshan and the others couldn't get in at all, just chatting casually.

After more than half an hour, Lin Buer and Lan Fukong finished eating this dish, not even the soup was left, most of it went into Lin Buer's stomach.

Lan Fukong and Lin Buer's faces flushed red, and they hurriedly used their exercises to refine the huge spiritual energy contained in the ingredients.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, has your teacher also arrived at the Xuanling Continent?"

Zhang Yuqian asked curiously.

"I don't know the whereabouts of my tutor. I traveled to the Xuanling Continent alone. I heard that Daoyou Ma got a fifth-order blood bone fish and came here."

Lin Buer said vaguely.

Ma Yulin began to discuss the way of cultivation, and she talked about condensing the Dharma and expressed her opinions. (To be continued)

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