Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2452: destroy the enemy

Considering that the Jinghuo Clan has treasures to attack the soul, Wang Changsheng did not release the tortoise to confront the enemy, he did not want the tortoise to follow the footsteps of the tortoise.

A rushing blue river rushed in, and before they got close, a huge wave hundreds of feet high was set off, like a blue water mountain, hitting Yan Shuo and the three of them.

The young man in the golden shirt took out a small mirror with golden light. After countless golden runes appeared on the mirror surface, a golden flame spewed out, turning into a golden fire python more than a hundred meters long, and it rushed towards the big blue hand.

The golden fire python collided with the big blue hand, and a large amount of white mist suddenly erupted. It didn't take long for the golden fire python to be submerged by the steady stream of sea water.

Yan Shuo took out a horn with an indeterminate flow of red light, and blew it on his lips.

A low horn sounded, and a red sound wave swept in, spreading in all directions.

Wherever the red sound wave passed, the ground instantly caught fire, and the fire expanded with the movement of the red sound wave. Ten breaths were not enough, and the radius of a hundred miles turned into a sea of ​​red fire.

The blue sea water collided with the red sound waves, and instantly collapsed, turning into a billowing white mist.

A loud tsunami sounded, and the sea tumbled violently, transforming into a giant blue fist that defeated the red sound waves.

There was a huge explosion from high in the sky, and a huge golden fire cloud appeared high in the sky. The fire cloud rolled violently, and the golden raindrops the size of beans poured down. The golden raindrops quickly turned into huge golden fireballs and smashed at Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng. Wang Ruyan.

The sea tumbled violently, and a thick water tornado rose into the sky, blocking the falling golden fireball.

A white fire phoenix flew over, exuding a biting chill.

Where the white fire phoenix passed, a large amount of white ice debris appeared in the void, and the sea water approached the white fire phoenix a hundred feet, and instantly froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingyang Ding. This treasure was obtained from Qingyangmen, and it is a middle-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

He lightly pointed at the Qingyang Ding, the Ding cover flew up, and a blue glow swept out, heading straight for the white fire phoenix.

Naturally, the young woman in the white skirt would not let Wang Changsheng wish, so she had to control Lingyan to avoid it. A loud man shouted loudly, and her face showed pain.

This is still Wang Changsheng using his own mana to cast the God-suppressing Roar to avoid interfering with Wang Ruyan's spellcasting. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's mana are superimposed to cast the God-suppressing Roar, the young woman in the white dress will not be so easy.

The cyan glow covered the white fire phoenix, and was involved in the Qingyang Ding, and the lid of the Ding was closed.

Trapped by the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, the sixth-order Lingyan can never escape.

With a flash of red light, a red mountain peak suddenly appeared on top of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's heads, and Yan Shuo's magic trick was pinched.

The red mountain suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, and instantly soared to a height of more than a thousand feet, and a red flame gushed out on the surface, like a red volcano.

The red giant peak has not yet fallen, and a strong pressure is oncoming, and at the same time, the heat wave is rolling.

A blue light flew out from Wang Changsheng's body and turned into a huge human-shaped phantom. A dazzling blue light emerged from the arms of the human-shaped phantom and smashed towards the red giant peak.

With a muffled sound, the red giant peak flew out, and a red flame drowned the human-shaped phantom, but soon, the flame dissipated.

Ordinary flames can't help the water of the Styx at all.

Seeing this scene, Yan Shuo frowned.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, four red-lighted arrows flew towards Wang Changsheng, and halfway through, they turned into four red fire pythons and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the blood toad gourd, and with a light touch of his finger, the blood toad gourd spewed a foul-smelling, pungent blood-colored liquid, which turned into a blood-colored high wall, blocking him.

The four red fire pythons slammed into the blood-colored high wall, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, their bodies struggled endlessly, but it was of no use.

Over the years, Wang Changsheng has collected a large amount of filth, including the poisonous blood of high-level monsters, refined into the blood toad gourd, and the blood toad gourd has a particularly strong ability to filthy.

A black long rainbow shot out, instantly pierced through the blood-colored high wall, and went straight to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into a little blue light and disappeared, but the flute sound became excited, as if thousands of troops were fighting.

Yan Shuo frowned, his mind was filled with a strong killing intent, wishing to kill all the creatures he saw.

After all, he was a late stage cultivator, so he forcibly suppressed this killing intent and was about to sacrifice other treasures to deal with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The young woman in the white dress offered a feather fan that shone with white light, and with a light blow, a white flame swept out and hit the unsuspecting Yan Shuo.

Yan Shuo never expected that his companion would attack him.

Yan Shuo's body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into an ice sculpture.

The young man in the golden shirt slapped the ice sculpture with his right hand. The ice sculpture was torn apart, and the corpse turned into a ball of red light that circulated indefinitely. The runes flashed, and the aura was amazing.

There was a muffled sound of "click", and the red round beads were torn apart, obviously for the robbery.

A red fire suddenly lit up a dozen miles away, showing Yan Shuo's figure, his face was slightly pale, and his face was full of anger.

"What are you doing? Helping Zhou to abuse?"

Yan Shuo said coldly, and only then did he realize that the young man in the golden shirt and the young woman in the white skirt had a ferocious look on their faces, and their eyes were blood red.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The eyes of the young man in the golden shirt were frantic, urging Dharma to attack Yan Shuo.

The young woman in the white dress waved the white feather fan and released a white flame, which turned into a white ice python and rushed towards Yan Shuo.

Yan Shuo realized that something was wrong. It was not the first time he had played against Yinxiu, but it was the first time he had encountered such a powerful Yinxiu. So quickly, his two companions fell into an illusion. Cultivator, no wonder he dared to draw his attention.

A gust of wind blew, and a huge cyan Roc bird appeared on top of his head without warning. The Roc bird's body was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, and the body surface was covered with a burst of cyan rays of light. It was a sixth-order puppet beast.

As soon as the Peng Bird Puppet appeared, its sharp bird claws grabbed Yan Shuo's Tianling Gai.

Yan Shuo was taken aback, opened his mouth and spewed out three flying knives with red light. With a pinch of the magic trick, a red flame emerged from the three red flying knives, slashing at the Pengbird puppet.

The metal collision sound of "keng kang keng keng" sounded, and a red flame drowned the body of the Pengbird puppet, and three red flying knives flew out.

After the Pengbird puppet burst into a dazzling blue light, the flames flashed and extinguished, and the sharp claws grabbed at Yan Shuo.

Yan Shuo hurriedly avoided, UU read www. was still a step slower, the right arm was scratched by the Peng Bird puppet, leaving several thick and long bloodstains.

A white fire python rushed over, and a crimson flame burst out from Yan Shuo's right arm, turning into a red fire python to meet him.

With a loud bang, the two perished together.

The sound of the flute became more and more harsh, and Yan Shuo felt that a flower suddenly appeared in front of him. He appeared on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of people were fighting with the human race.

A large number of Jinghuo people fell to the ground, both men and women, young and old, and the air was filled with a pungent **** smell.


Yan Shuo watched helplessly as a green-robed old man with genial features fell into a pool of blood, filled with grief.

Two human monks rushed over, Yan Shuo was full of anger, and quickly sacrificed treasures to fight with each other.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and a red giant peak hundreds of feet high fell from the sky and hit the three of them.

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