Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2453: Chaos Qi, Good Fortune Divine Water

He saw with his own eyes that the nine-color arrows also pierced the heads of the two companions.

The three mini Nascent Souls flew out of the body, but they hadn't flown very far when a woman's loud shout sounded, and the three mini Nascent Souls screamed, passed out, and fell to the ground.

Wang Changsheng flew over, affixed a sparkling talisman to each of the three mini Nascent Souls, and then used the Soul Searching Technique to search for the soul.

His first target was Yan Shuo's Nascent Soul, Yan Shuo's Nascent Soul burst out with dazzling firelight, which directly turned into a little bit of aura and collapsed.

Yan Shuo has been planted with a special ban. Once a strong enemy searches for the soul, he directly touches the ban. It seems that either Yan Shuo is the core child of the Jinghuo clan, or Yan Shuo knows important secrets.

If the core disciples of the Jinghuo clan could not have been killed by Wang Changsheng so easily, they should have known important secrets.

Wang Changsheng searched the souls of the other two Nascent Souls, and after a while, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

The Jinghuo Clan sent three integrated cultivators to lead the team to carry out the mission in the wild land. These three people are all accompanying people.

On the way, I met a monk of the Xuanqing faction. There were two monks in the Xuanqing faction. After a **** battle, they dispersed.

Yan Shuo met the monk Yuan Xiao, and the two sides fought fiercely. After receiving a message from the clan, they rushed over immediately.

The integrated cultivator of the Jinghuo clan did not say the specific task, which is also normal. The high-level people will not reveal too much to the people below, just to prevent this from happening.

Yan Shuo should have known the inside story before being planted with a special ban.

The Jinghuo Clan sent three integrated cultivators to lead the team, and the plot was definitely not small. Unfortunately, Wang Changsheng didn't know the Jinghuo Clan's plan, let alone where the Jinghuo Clan's destination was.

Wang Changsheng swept away three storage rings from the corpse, carefully inspected, five thousand-year-old elixir, more than twenty elixir of more than 3,000 years but less than ten thousand years, seventeen low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and a batch of sixth-order refining tools. Materials, two boxes of golden jade and jade, a topographic map, five top-grade spirit stones, more than a thousand top-grade spirit stones, and dozens of jade slips.

Jin Yanyu is the material for condensing the law, and Liu Hongxue is practicing fire attribute exercises, which is just for Liu Hongxue to condense the law.

In addition, there is a group of sixth-order ice attribute spiritual flames, and the other two failed to cultivate sixth-order spiritual flames, only a fifth-order spiritual flame, and Yan Shuo is a double cultivation of the law.

Wang Changsheng also got two soul-killing arrows. According to the information he obtained from his soul search, the soul-killing arrows were made from the main material of the soul stone. They were single-use items that specifically hurt the soul and ignored physical defenses, such as shields and turtles. Shell, light curtain type defense can resist.

Even if the cultivator is hit by the soul-killing arrow, it will be affected. If the cultivator is hit by the soul-killing arrow in the early stage of virtual refining, the soul will be destroyed, and the body will be destroyed. It is a big killer.

The higher the cultivation base, the less affected it will be.

Yan Shuo originally wanted to use the Soul Killing Arrow to kill Wang Changsheng, but unfortunately he failed.

Wang Changsheng put away his belongings, released three fireballs, burned the body, and left the place with Wang Ruyan.


A vast and boundless grassland, there are a lot of potholes on the ground, black smoke is coming from the potholes, and the radius of tens of thousands of miles has turned into scorched earth.

A graceful young woman in a golden skirt and a big man in a green robe stood on the ground, it was Jin Hao and Qing Hao.

They led a team to attack the main altar of Zhenhai Palace, used secret techniques to kill Li Jingjing, and severely injured Chen Yueying. If Lin Tianlong hadn't rushed back, they might have broken the main altar of Zhenhai Palace.

Qing Hao held a mini Nascent Soul in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"How is it? What are the combined monks of the Xuanqing faction doing in the wild?"

Jin Hao asked curiously.

"They came to look for the divine water of good fortune. There are seventh-order monsters in the place guarding the divine water of good fortune, but they bumped into us before they reached the destination."

Qing Hao said truthfully.

"Good Fortune Divine Water! I thought they came with the Qi of Chaos just like us!"

Jin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen the real thing yet, it's hard to say, I hope it really has the spirit of chaos! With this thing, we have a greater grasp of entering the Mahayana period."

Qing Hao excitedly said that they received information that there may be an aura of chaos somewhere in the wild land. The aura of chaos helps the monks to impact the Mahayana period, but the gas of chaos is very rare. There are other wonderful uses.

"The Xuanqing faction is proficient in planting techniques, and is good at cultivating elixir. It is not surprising to find the divine water of good fortune. Let's rush to our destination! I hope there is really an aura of chaos."

Countless golden flames emerged from the surface of Jin Yu's body, and disappeared in a burst of dazzling aura.

Qing Hao turned into a little cyan flame and disappeared.

After a cup of tea, a blue light lit up on a certain soil slope, showing a fat old man in green robes, with a round face and small eyes, and some colorful spiritual patterns on his body.

"The Qi of Chaos, there is such a thing in the wild land."

The old man in green robe muttered to himself, his eyes fiery.

He took out a glittering dharma plate with a lizard pattern on the surface of the dharma plate, entered a magic formula, and commanded: "Call our clansmen in the wild land, all of them move closer to me, make no mistake, and those who violate it will be killed. No pardon."

"Yes, Elder Yan."

A respectful male voice came from the dial.

The figure of the old man in green robe slowly became transparent and disappeared without a trace.


A certain underground cave, the cave is about the size of a mu.

Wang Ruyan was at the entrance of the cave, and there was a simple stone room not far away.

The double-eyed rat was lying on Wang Ruyan's shoulder, holding a green ginseng plant in both claws, and eating the two-thousand-year-old green ginseng plant.

After entering the sixth rank, its food intake greatly increased.

After a while, Wang Changsheng walked out of the stone room with a smile on his face.

He has already refined the group of sixth-order ice flames, and the power of the glazed ice flames has increased a lot.

The double-eyed mouse jumped off Wang Ruyan's shoulder, and quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

Wang Changsheng took out a golden jujube and handed it to the double-eyed mouse. The double-eyed mouse held the golden jujube in its claws and gnawed it.

"Let's go! Let's get out of the wild!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the underground cave. At this time, the scorching sun was in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.

With the tortoise shell of the sixth-rank top-grade Tuli Turtle, Wang Changsheng can refine the treasures that have been defended, and have a greater grasp of surviving the great catastrophe. Treasures are different from talismans and can be used repeatedly until they are damaged.

In front is a vast dense forest with lush foliage and little sunlight.

A loud explosion sounded suddenly, and Wang Changsheng frowned.

He sacrificed the Qing Chi Pearl and entered a magic formula. The Qing Chi Pearl released a blue glow, covering the two of them. After a while, the blue light dissipated, and they disappeared.

Hiding their figures with green chimney beads, the cultivators couldn't find them at all.

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