Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2454: The source of true spirit

After a while, a cyan escaping light flew from the distant sky, and it was Monk Wonhyo.

His face was pale, blood was dripping from his left chest, his expression was haggard, and he looked severely injured.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a mountain-sized beast claws appeared out of nowhere and slapped the monk Yuanxiao.

Monk Yuanxiao thought of something, the Buddha's light on the body surfaced, and a thick golden light curtain emerged, protecting the whole body, a large number of Buddhist runes could be seen on the golden light curtain, and the spiritual light was shining.

With a muffled sound, Monk Yuanxiao fell heavily to the ground, smashing a huge pit, and the aura of the golden light curtain dimmed.

A long yellow tongue flew out, like a yellow spear, with an aura of annihilation, hitting the golden light curtain.

The golden light curtain was like paper paste, pierced by the yellow long tongue.

Countless Buddhist runes appeared on the body of Monk Yuanxiao, and his body shone like a golden Buddha.

The long yellow tongue hit him, as if hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, and there was a muffled sound.

The long yellow tongue suddenly rolled up and wrapped around Monk Yuanxiao's body, tying him tightly like a zongzi.

A yellow toad with a height of more than 100 meters descended from the sky, with a dense bulge on its back, three yellow-glowing demon eyes on its head, and some golden patterns on its belly. It was a seventh-order demon beast.

Monk Yuanxiao struggled non-stop, and it was of no use at all. He spewed a blue flame and landed on the long yellow tongue, and the flame spread quickly.

The yellow toad was unmoved, his tongue suddenly rolled, and Monk Yuanxiao quickly flew towards the yellow toad.

At the critical moment, a man shouted loudly, the yellow toad's body trembled slightly, monk Yuanxiao let out a scream, and his facial features were twisted.

With a flash of red light, a red-lighted brick appeared in the sky above the yellow toad without warning, and instantly rose to a height of more than a thousand meters.

The third eye of the yellow toad lit up, and it shot out a thick yellow light that knocked the red giant brick into the air.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a black long rainbow flew towards the yellow toad and hit the yellow toad.

The black Changhong is an arrow whose black light keeps flowing, and some mysterious runes are engraved on the arrow, which exudes a strong wave of soul power.

The black arrow hit the yellow toad's body, and instantly disappeared into the yellow toad's body.

The yellow toad let out a miserable roar, and the long yellow tongue released Monk Yuanxiao, who quickly fell towards the ground.

Countless blue water vapors emerged in the void, quickly turning into a blue sea, submerging a hundred miles.

The azure sea water rushed in, setting off a huge wave after another, hitting the yellow toad.

The yellow toad let out an angry roar, emitting a yellowish sound wave.

Where the yellow sound wave passed, cracks appeared in the void, the rocks burst, and the giant trees turned into annihilation powder.

The sky-high waves were like thin paper, contacting the yellow sound waves, and instantly shattered, torn apart, and the sea water splashed.

The giant red brick smashed down, and before it fell, an astonishing high temperature came down, the ground spontaneously ignited, and a red flame appeared.

The yellow toad spewed out a yellow mist and went straight to the red giant brick.

The giant red brick burst open, and the dazzling red light enveloped the area for hundreds of miles. Powerful air waves spread out, and the mountain peaks were swept away by the powerful air waves.

After a while, the smoke cleared, the yellow toad was intact, and its eyes turned crimson.

It jumped up, turned into a yellow long rainbow and walked away, chasing towards the distant sky.

A blue flying boat quickly flew high into the sky, and Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Monk Yuan Xiao stood in the blue flying boat.

In order to save Monk Yuanxiao, Wang Changsheng used the Nine-Transformation Yunshen Dafa to double his consciousness and superimpose it with Wang Ruyan's.

A fast-flowing river appeared in front of him, and Wang Changsheng's tactic was urged, and the Qingluan boat suddenly released its azure light, speeding up its escaping speed.

The void fluctuated together, and a huge animal claw appeared, slapping Wang Changsheng and the three of them.

At the same time, a long yellow tongue flew out, and before it got close, there was a harsh cracking sound from the void.

A Sanskrit sound came from Monk Yuanxiao, his right hand released a golden light, patted the falling animal claw, and a huge golden Buddha palm flew out and greeted him.

With a loud bang, the beast claws smashed the golden Buddha palm, and a powerful air wave erupted.

Taking this opportunity, Qingluanzhou avoided the beast's claws, and the beast's claws slapped on a peak, which burst suddenly and dust flew.

The long yellow tongue swept over and hit Wang Changsheng's Tianling Gai.

A snow-white flame gushed out from Wang Changsheng's right fist, and greeted him.

After refining a mass of Tier 6 ice-attribute spirit flames, the power of the glazed ice flames has increased a lot.

With a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng felt the qi and blood in his body surging, and took two steps back. The long yellow tongue was submerged by the white flame, and it began to freeze, and the ice layer spread rapidly.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the Qingluan boat's spiritual light soared, and the speed of escape skyrocketed again, and a flash appeared above the river and flew into the bottom of the river.

It didn't take long for the yellow toad to fly over, open its **** mouth, and **** it suddenly, and a large amount of river water flew into its mouth.

After a cup of tea, the river water was sucked up by it, and the three of Wang Changsheng had disappeared.

Tens of thousands of miles away, beneath the ground.

A yellow light curtain covered Wang Changsheng and the three of them, and the three of them quickly sneaked underground.

After half a day, they returned to the ground and appeared in a cave that was several acres in size.

"Master Yuanxiao, this is Qingmai Dan, which should help your injury."

Wang Ruyan took out a blue jade box and handed it to Monk Yuanxiao.

Monk Yuanxiao thanked him and opened the jade box, which contained two emerald green pills.

Without any hesitation, he took a green marrow pill to heal his injuries.

If he wanted to harm him, Wang Changsheng didn't need to do anything, he would have done it already.

After more than half an Monk Yuanxiao finished his work, and his face looked much better.

"Thank you two fellow Daoists for helping each other, otherwise the poor monk will go to see the Buddha."

Monk Won Hyo folded his hands together and said gratefully.

"Master Yuanxiao is polite, it's just a little effort, aren't you with fellow Daoist Lin?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, he has many things to ask monk Yuanxiao for advice.

"We met people from the Jinghuo clan and were separated."

Monk Yuanxiao explained, his tone changed, and he said, "Friend Wang Dao, have you ever heard of the source of true spirit?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other, their faces full of shock.

"Of course I've heard that the source of true spirit is something left over after being transformed into a true spirit, which is somewhat similar to Long Yuan. It is said that after immortal cultivators refine the source of true spirit, there are many benefits, but regarding the use of the source of true spirit, Wang I don’t know much, but I would like to hear more about it.”

Wang Changsheng said sincerely.

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