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Chapter 2466: 3 Great Secret Techniques (Not Available Today)

Latest website: If Liu Hongxue hadn't been able to refine the Qingmai Dan, this time in the wild, Wang Ruyan said that he would need to recuperate for thousands of years.

Wang Moshan accepted the jade box, he remembered something, and said: "Old ancestor, at this year's spirit testing conference, there is a clan member who is a wood attribute Tianling root, his name is Wang Mousen."

"Wood-type Heavenly Spiritual Root, alright! Train him well, wait for him to enter the Foundation Establishment stage, send him to Hongxue, and let Hongxue personally teach him alchemy."

Wang Changsheng said happily, waiting for Liu Hongxue to refine the Nine Dragons Pill, maybe the Wang family will be able to give birth to a spirit body.

Wang Moshan responded and continued: "Uncle Yuan Jiang is in charge of detecting the spiritual root. He is the descendant of the ancestor Yingjie. He practiced the same set of exercises as the ancestor, both of which are dual cultivation of the law."

He could see that Wang Changsheng was in a good mood and wanted to ask for credit for Wang Yuanjiang.

"I practice the same exercise as me? How is Yuan Jiang as a person?"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised and asked about Wang Yuanjiang's situation.

"Father, he cultivates very hard. Of course, he is still inferior to Yingjie."

Wang Qingfeng said good things for Wang Yuanjiang. There are less than ten people in the clan who practice "Forging Spiritual Art from the Four Seas", and Wang Yuanjiang is one of them.

Wang Yingjie is recognized by the Wang family as a cultivator who has been in seclusion all year round.

"Reward him according to the clan rules! The clan rules must not be violated."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Moshan responded and turned to leave.

"Qingying, these are two ice crystals, you can use them to condense the law! Practice well."

Wang Changsheng took out a beautiful white jade box and handed it to Wang Qingying.

"Thank you, Uncle Nine."

Wang Qingxing thanked him, agreed, and accepted the Ice Soul Crystal.

Wang Ruyan took out a white storage ring, handed it to Wang Qingying, and said, "Qingying, there are two ice-type Tongtian Lingbao here, you can use them!"

These two heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures were obtained from the Jinghuo clan, so it would be fine to hand them over to Wang Qingxing.

Wang Qingxing thanked him and accepted it.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Qingying said goodbye and left.

"Qingfeng, these are two fire stones. We will exchange them with Zhenhai Palace. You can use them to condense the dharma."

Wang Changsheng took out a red jade box and handed it to Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Qingfeng practiced the fire attribute sword technique, and both Jin Yanyu and Huo Yan were suitable for condensing the law.

Wang Changsheng obtained two pieces of golden jade from the Jinghuo clan, and planned to give them to Liu Hongxue to condense the law.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat, so Wang Changsheng will naturally not favor one over the other.

"Thank you dad."

Wang Qingfeng was overjoyed and accepted the red jade box.

Wang Changsheng asked about his cultivation situation, and Wang Qingfeng answered truthfully.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can go back to practice!"

Wang Changsheng exhorted a few words and asked Wang Qingfeng to go back to practice.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan chatted for a while, each busy.

Wang Ruyan wanted to hatch spirit beast eggs and refine the talisman of Tianlei, while Wang Changsheng wanted to rescue the wood demon, and use the shell of the earth tortoise to make defensive treasures.

Walking into a secret room, Wang Changsheng saw the Thousand Spirit Bottle at a glance.

He took off the cork and took out the wood demon.

The wood demon is still the same, sluggish.

The Wang family had some divine water of good fortune before, but there was not much left to save the golden magnetic spirit wood.

This time, Wang Changsheng got more than 200 drops of the divine water of good fortune, and it should be no problem to save the wood demon.

He dropped a drop of the divine water on the wood demon, and it instantly became the wood demon and absorbed it.

The second drop of the divine water of good fortune fell, followed by the third and fourth drops...

After absorbing twenty drops of the divine water of good fortune in a row, the wood demon suddenly extended, growing a small blood-colored flower, then the second and third...

In less than ten breaths, the stone chamber was covered with blood-red thorns, and there were hundreds of blood-colored flowers on the surface of the thorns.

"How is this going!"

Wang Changsheng's face was full of confusion. You must know that the wood demon was blue before, how did it turn into blood red after entering the sixth rank? Is this related to the blood it inherits? Or was it because of absorbing a lot of monster blood?

He thought about it, it should be the former.

He remembered something, walked into the basement, and took out the half-page Tianxu Jade Book given by Duan Tongtian.

Back in the secret room, Wang Changsheng gave the wood demon an order to try to unblock it.

He threw the Midnight Void Jade Book into the void, and dozens of blood-colored thorns entangled half a page of the Void Jade Book.

With a flash of blood, the wood demon's body released a burst of blood, covering half of the Tianxu Jade Book.

The half-page Tianxu Jade Book suddenly burst into light, Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up, this was a play.

Hundreds of small blood-colored flowers burst open one after another, turning into pungent blood-colored poisonous mists. These blood-colored poisonous mists seemed to be attracted by some kind, and flew towards the half-page Tianxu Jade Book one after another.

It didn't take long for all the blood mist to be absorbed by Tianxu Yushu, and Tianxu Yushu burst into a dazzling aura.

A silver light flew out and turned into hundreds of tiny words.

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, he quickly took out the shadow bamboo, and wrote down the contents of these words.

It didn't take long for the words to dissipate, and the aura of Tianxu Yushu dimmed.

Wang Changsheng could feel that the wood demon's aura was wilting, and the hundreds of blood-colored flowers seemed to have lost a lot of its vitality.

He dropped two drops of the divine water of good fortune on the wood demon, as a reward for his credit, he took it back to the Thousand Spirit Bottle and continued to recuperate.

It is no longer a serious problem, and it can be completely transformed after a period of cultivation.

Wang Changsheng came to another secret room, took out the shadow bamboo, and checked the contents recorded in the half-page Tianxu Jade Book.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's expression became excited.

This half-page Tianxu Jade Book records secret techniques, namely Jin Chan's Shelling, Qilin's Immortal Slayer, and Li Huo's True Eyes.

Escape from the shell of Jin Chan is an escape technique. You can tell by the name that it is a very clever escape technique. The Qilin Slayer Hand is imitating the real magic power, and its power is huge. However, the cultivation conditions are harsh. Fire True Eye is a special eye technique, which can not only injure the enemy, but also have a good effect on breaking the formation.

If you want to use the golden cicada to escape from the shell, you must at least have the cultivation base of the fusion stage, and the cultivation base is too low to use this technique.

The unicorn exterminating hand is a great supernatural power that imitates the unicorn. It is necessary to refine some kylin blood to practice this technique. The specific power depends on the amount of the refined unicorn blood and the cultivation of the caster. Cultivation can only be performed.

If you want to practice Lihuo Zhentong, you need to refine a fire attribute monster spirit eye to practice, not any monster spirit eye, such as fire unicorn, fire phoenix, golden crow, etc., or those who have their bloodline The spirit eyes of monsters can also be used.

Wang Changsheng remembered Wang Ruyan's Wufeng Famu, Wufeng is a descendant of Huofeng and meets the requirements for cultivation.

Wang Changsheng obtained some blood-colored stones, which were formed after tens of thousands of years by immersing the blood of the real unicorn in the ore. There is also a small blood-colored flower that has grown for 30,000 years. Absorbed some ink unicorn essence blood.


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