Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2467: Qinggang divine jade, Tibetan scriptures pavilion

These three secret arts all have certain requirements. Relatively speaking, Jin Chan's escape is less difficult to cultivate, but at present, Lihuo Zhentong can allow Wang Ruyan to practice.

It is rumored that the Jinghuo clan has obtained a page of the Tianxu jade book that records the secret technique, and has mastered a variety of great supernatural powers, so that they can rise within ten thousand years. Among them, the Jiuyan Dividing Spirit Dafa is the most famous. .

The Jiuyan Dividing Spirit Dafa is a unique escape technique mastered by the Jinghuo clan, and only the core and high-level elites of the Jinghuo clan can practice it.

The Qilin Soul Killer needs to refine the Qilin blood essence to cultivate, and the conditions are harsh. After all, it is a secret technique recorded in the Tianxu Jade Book, and it is normal.

Wang Changsheng took out a blank jade slip, recorded the three secret techniques, and later stored them in the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion. Clan members who were allowed to practice it could practice.

The contents recorded in the Tianxu Jade Book can be cultivated by the entire clan, as long as the cultivation conditions are met.

The magical power of Zhenshen Roar can be cultivated by cultivators above the level of internalization of the clan. However, the fourth layer of Taixu Divine Refinement Technique requires special formations to be cultivated. Wang Changsheng has collected all the formation materials and lacks The sixth-order formation mage helps to set up the formation, which is related to the Taixu forging divine art. He does not want to ask outsiders for help, and his family is more reliable.

Therefore, if Bai Yuqi was able to enter the Void Refinement Stage, she would be able to help set up the formation.

Wang Changsheng seemed to notice something, got up and walked out, a sound transmission flew towards him, he crushed the sound transmission, and Wang Mengbin's voice sounded: "Old Ancestor, I have obtained a piece of seventh-order refining material Qinggang divine jade. ."

"Blue Astral Jade? This is a refining material that is as famous as the Silver Astral Crystal."

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised, he opened the restriction, and rushed outside and said, "Meng Bin, come in!"

Not long after, Wang Mengbin walked in with a smile on his face.

He took out an exquisite cyan jade box, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said with a smile, "I found it from the body of a sixth-order golden-eyed sea lion."

Wang Mengbin is responsible for clearing the high-level monsters on the desert island and letting the clansmen develop the desert island.

High-level monks are fighting at sea, and treasures may fall into the sea. In addition, when the big business alliance transports goods, they are attacked by high-level sea beasts, and the goods fall into the sea.

The golden-eyed sea lion lives in the depths of the sea and has a large appetite. It is estimated that when he was eating, he accidentally ate a piece of green astral jade. There are many cases of this. .

Wang Changsheng opened the jade box, a burst of blue light swept out, and the glow dissipated, revealing a piece of jade flickering with blue light, crystal clear and natural.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out a silver storage ring, handed it to Wang Mengbin, and said, "These are some thunder-type elixir and fruit, please accept it!"

"Thank you my ancestors."

Wang Mengbin thanked him and accepted the storage ring.

After chatting for a while, Wang Mengbin said goodbye and left.

Wang Changsheng came to a secret room, and the Qinglian Good Fortune Ding floated above a magic circle. He opened the lid of the tripod, took out a red spar whose blue light was flowing indefinitely, put the blood lin ore into the tripod, and covered the tripod lid.

He came to the practice room, opened the ban, sacrificed the Wan Guixi seal, and entered a magic formula.

During the trip to the wild land, Wang Changsheng killed two sixth-order ghosts, and the soul-eating golden cicada raised by Wang Ruyan devoured the yin beads left by a sixth-order ghost, and has fallen into a deep sleep.

More than a thousand ferocious ghosts flew out from the Wan Guixi, most of them were ghosts in the Yuan Ying period, and there were more than ten in the spirit-transforming period.

Wang Changsheng released the soul-eating golden cicada, and the soul-eating golden cicada made an excited hissing sound, and the golden light on the surface of the body released a lot of golden rays of light, and the ghosts were drawn into their mouths.

Occasionally, a ghost wanted to attack Soul Eater Jin Chan, but was also blocked by Wang Changsheng.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Soul Eater Jin Chan devoured thousands of ghosts and became drowsy.

Wang Changsheng flipped his right hand, and there was a blood-red round bead in his hand, which was a yin bead left by a sixth-order vampire.

Soul Eater Jin Chan seemed to smell the smell of delicious food, let out a cheerful hissing sound, opened his mouth and spurted a golden glow, rolled the blood-colored ball into his mouth, swallowed it, and fell asleep.

Wang Changsheng carefully inspected Soul Eater Jinchan and found that it was only in a drowsiness. He took a sigh of relief and put it away.

He settled Soul Eater Jin Chan in a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, turning this place into a restricted area, allowing Soul Eater Jin Chan to attack the sixth-order with peace of mind.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng took out the turtle shell and other refining materials.

Even a great catastrophe cannot destroy this treasure. If it is refined into a defensive treasure, its defensive ability will be stronger, which also leads to the scarcity of high-level spiritual turtles. Once discovered by immortal cultivators, they will organize manual killings.

If it hadn't been for the Tuli Gui to finish the great catastrophe and be very weak, the Jinghuo clan would still have some hardships to kill the sixth-rank top-rank Tuli Gui.

Wang Changsheng threw the tortoise shell into the air, spraying out the glazed ice flame, wrapping the turtle shell.


In the southwest corner of the island, there is a huge basin covering an area of ​​100,000 mu. In the center of the basin is a steep peak, standing proudly in the world like an Optimus Prime.

This is where the Wang Family Sutra Pavilion is located. There are monks patrolling all the year round, and there are strong restrictions.

At the top of the peak is a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu. There is an eight-storey cyan attic on the square. On the lacquered plaque, the three characters "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion" are written in dragons and dances.

There are two huge human-shaped armored puppets at the entrance of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which are all fifth-order high-grade puppet beasts.

On both sides of the attic, a row of fire bamboos are planted, and the fire spirit is extremely abundant.

A group of blue clouds flew from a distance and slowly landed on the bluestone square. Wang Yuanjiang and other hundreds of clansmen stood on it.

After testing the spiritual roots, Wang Yuanjiang brought the clansmen with spiritual roots to choose the exercises. This is the process.

After choosing the exercises, then there is no matter of Wang Yuanjiang.

Wang Yuanjiang is in a good A clan of Tianling root was detected, and the family gave a reward. Wang Qingfeng personally went to the door and gave him a copy of Wang Changsheng's cultivation experience. Wang Qingfeng also gave him a bottle Fourth-order body forging pills, of course, this matter cannot be said to the outside world.

Mainly because Wang Changsheng was in a good mood, plus Wang Qingfeng and Wang Moshan helped to talk, Wang Yuanjiang only got this kind of treatment.

A spirited old man in red robe walked out of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. The old man in red robe was tall and thin, with ordinary facial features and looked inconspicuous.

Wang Yishuo, in the mid-Yuan Ying period, was one of the deacons of the Cangjing Pavilion and was mainly responsible for managing the first four floors of the Cangjing Pavilion.

The palace of the Wang family has eight floors. On the eighth floor, there are three cultivators of deity transformation all year round.

The clansmen in the Qi-refining stage can only consult the books on the first floor, and the clansmen in the foundation-building stage can only check the books on the second floor. The higher the cultivation base, the higher the authority.

Take Wang Changsheng's "Spiritual Refinement in the Four Seas" as an example, the first floor contains the cultivation methods of the first three layers, the second floor can refer to the fourth to sixth floor exercises, and so on.

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