Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2472: Blood Sword True Monarch

Wang Qingshan nodded, didn't say anything, and strode towards the distance.

"The Wang family of Qinglian Island, isn't the Wang family overseas? Why did they run inland?"

Li Qingyu wondered, it's not surprising that this place is tens of trillions of miles away from overseas.

"Senior Wang, do I need to say hello to you? Well, let's go back!"

The old man in green robe reprimanded and left with Li Qingyu.

This little episode did not affect Wang Qingshan. There was a problem with that piece of Yue Lei stone. The stone man reminded Wang Qingshan that Wang Qingshan would only buy Yue Lei stone.

He walked around and saw that most of the stall owners were in the Yuan Ying period, and there were also quite a few cultivators.

Wang Qingshan suddenly quickened his pace and came to a small stall. The stall owner was a one-armed man with a somewhat hunchbacked back. However, in the spirit-transforming stage, a lot of refining materials were placed on the stall, and a black iron cage was eye-catching. Inside is a bloated blood silkworm, with some golden spiritual patterns on the surface of the blood silkworm, and small eyes.

The golden-patterned blood silkworm feeds on the blood of monsters or immortal cultivators. It is extremely poisonous. The inner alchemy of the golden-patterned blood silkworm is usually used to refine healing pills.

Wang Qingshan didn't know that the wood demon had recovered. The blood energy contained in the golden-patterned blood silkworm was astonishing. It was the most suitable for healing the wood demon.

Just as he was about to speak, a hoarse male voice suddenly sounded: "This golden blood silkworm, this old man wants it."

In a flash of blood, a young man with handsome features and a tall blood-robed robe suddenly appeared in front of the booth.

The blood-robed youth's eyes faintly shot a **** light, and his body was full of suffocation.

The True Monarch of Blood Knife, who practiced the blood sacrifices of the masters of the Ice Sea Realm, successfully advanced into the late stage of God Transformation and ascended to the Xuanyang Realm. It is currently in the late stage of Void Refinement.

Both Sun Tianhu and True Monarch Blood Knife cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation and ascended to the Xuanyang Realm. The difference is that Sun Tianhu relies on the beasts of his life, while True Monarch Blood Knife sacrifices other high-level cultivators to practice the exercises. The former is stable and the latter is crazy.

After Xue Dao Zhenjun ascended to Xuanyang Realm, he created the Xue Dao Sect. Xue Dao Zhenjun was the founder of Li Sect.

After many years of development, the Blood Sword Sect has tens of thousands of disciples, but the site is not large, and it develops in the interior of the Xuanling Continent.

Wang Qingshan's expression was as usual, but he didn't speak. It was too stupid to have a conflict with True Monarch Blood Saber over a fifth-order golden-patterned blood silkworm.

In order to be able to soar for himself, True Monarch Blood Knife even killed his disciples, not to mention other people, when it really came to a crisis, True Monarch Blood Knife would never care about his disciples and grandchildren. Wang Qingshan couldn't help but care about his people.

A high-level cultivator like True Monarch Blood Knife who is selfish and only cares about himself, Wang Qingshan doesn't want to provoke him. He is not alone. He has a family. He is not afraid of True Monarch Blood Knife, which does not mean that other clansmen are not.

True Monarch Blood Knife bought the golden-patterned blood silkworm at a high price. He just glanced at Wang Qingshan and didn't pay much attention.

After wandering for more than an hour, Wang Qingshan returned to his residence and walked into a three-story cyan attic.

He took out Yue Leishi, slashed with his right hand, and a green sword light swept out, slashing on Yue Leishi, with a muffled sound and sparks.

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised, this sword light is definitely not a problem to break through the fifth-order ore, this Yue Lei stone does have a problem.

With a flick of his sleeve, the Qinglian sword flew out and slashed on Yue Leishi.

With a muffled sound, Yue Leishi was split into two halves. It could be clearly seen that a faint blue light glowed inside Yue Leishi, and the humidity in the air greatly increased.

"Tidal Jade!"

Wang Qingshan was amazed, the tidal divine jade is a seventh-order refining material, an excellent material for refining water-type treasures.

Wang Changsheng has been collecting this kind of material and intends to improve the rank of Dinghaizhu, but he has never been able to find it. He did not expect it to be obtained by Wang Qingshan. The fly in the ointment is that this tidal divine jade is a little smaller.

It seems that Li Qingyu discovered the abnormality of Yue Leishi, so he wanted to buy Yue Leishi.

Wang Qingshan got this tidal divine jade, which is the size of a palm. It can be sold on the market. It can sell millions of spiritual stones. It is absolutely not a problem to use it to refine a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. Upgrading to middle grade requires more tidal jade.

Wang Qingshan released the stone man, the stone man is already fifth-order, it is only interested in strange stones or high-level metal ores.

He took out a piece of pale golden ore and threw it to the stone man. The golden ore was a sixth-order refining material, which was regarded as a reward for the stone man to discover the tidal **** jade.

The stone man is also welcome, catches the golden ore, the yellow light on the surface of the body shines, and the golden ore slowly melts into its body.

He put away the stone man and the tidal jade, sat cross-legged, and meditated to adjust his breath.


An eighteen-storey golden loft, on the eighteenth floor, Li Yuqing was talking to a ruddy golden-robed old man.

"Xuanyang Divine Crystal! Is there really such a thing?"

Li Yuqing asked excitedly. The Li family bought a Xuanyang Ding in the early years. This treasure was refined by Xuanling Tianzun, but it was seriously damaged and needed Xuanyang Divine Crystal to repair it.

"Mrs. Ximen revealed it personally, but the Xuanyang Divine Crystal is not for sale. They intend to exchange it for materials of the same value, and the materials that can weaken the thunder tribulation are given priority."

The golden-robed old man said truthfully.

"Hmph, where is the material that weakens the thunder tribulation, where is it not a hot commodity? If there are enough Xuanyang Divine Crystals, it is also possible."

Li Yuqing snorted coldly and said disapprovingly.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Li Qingyu came up with a respectful expression.

" I got a piece of Yue Lei stone, and there are some tidal jade in it, but it's a bit small."

While talking, Li Qingyu took out two pieces of khaki ores and handed them to Li Yuqing.

The side of the ore is extremely smooth, as if it was cut by a sharp tool, and a small piece of blue jade can be vaguely seen.

"Tidal Jade! Where did you get Yue Leishi from?"

Li Yuqing wondered.

Li Qingyu told what happened, and did not dare to hide anything.

"The cultivator of the Wang family with the sword box on his back, this person should be Sword Master Qinglian. Next time, don't be impulsive and think twice before doing anything."

Li Yuqing warned.

Li Qingyu responded and agreed.

"This matter counts as your contribution. After the Hui clan, there will be rewards. You can go and get busy! By the way, pay attention to the news of the Xuanyang Divine Crystal. If you get the Xuanyang Divine Crystal, you will be rewarded heavily."

Li Yuqing ordered.

"Yes, Auntie."

Li Qingyu responded and bowed back.

Two days passed quickly.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong sat in a cyan stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong inquired about the situation of the auction. Lan Fukong loves to brag and has a wide range of friends. He knows more information than Wang Qingshan.

"Qinggang Divine Jade, Fellow Daoist Lan, is this true?"

Wang Qingshan was a little moved and asked.

Qing Gang Shenyu is a seventh-order refining material, suitable for refining flying knives and flying swords.

After getting a piece of green astral jade, he can ask Wang Changsheng to help refine a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"Of course it's true. This is what Fairy Ximen revealed. It's absolutely true, but it's a matter of exchange for something, not an auction with spirit stones."

Lan Fukong said truthfully.

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