Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2473: Heaven and Earth Immortal Companion, Xiao Yuling

"In addition to the azure gangster jade, there are also materials such as the tidal **** jade and the Xuanyang **** crystal. They are all exchanged for things, and the materials that weaken the thunder tribulation are exchanged first."

Lan Fukong talked eloquently, this time he participated in the auction mainly to buy spiritual pills or treasures, so that the younger generation of the family could impact the refining period.

"The Ximen family has come up with so many rare materials, ordinary materials can't get into their eyes!"

Wang Qingshan frowned and said that the great catastrophe of the integrated cultivator is far stronger than the great catastrophe of the imaginary cultivator. The materials such as the Qinggang divine jade, the tidal divine jade, and the Xuanyang divine crystal are all top refining materials, if the quantity is sufficient. , refining the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao is no problem.

The Ximen family estimated that they wanted to collect materials to help the cultivators overcome the great catastrophe, or they wanted to refine heavy treasures, otherwise they would not have come up with so many good things.

"That's not clear. Anyway, the big forces regularly hold large-scale auctions to collect resources for cultivating immortals. Zhenhai Palace, Xuanqing School, Li Family, Long Family and other forces all do this."

Lan Fukong changed his tone and asked, "Young Daoyou Wang, aren't Master Taihao and Fairy Tianqin coming? There will definitely be good things in such a grand auction."

Lan Fukong heard about the story of Qinglian Immortal Companion escaping from the master of the Yasha clan, Ba Yin.

"There are also large auctions overseas, and we participate in the same."

Wang Qingshan explained.

"That's right, fellow Daoist Wang, this evening, fellow Daoist Ximen held a party, and I heard that the descendants of Immortal Companion Qiankun also attended. Do you want to go together?"

Lan Fukong asked enthusiastically, if he could get to know the descendants of the disciples of the high-ranking monks, he had the capital to brag.

"Xiankun Xianlu! I also plan to participate."

Wang Qingshan had naturally heard of Qiankun Immortal Companion. Qiankun Immortal Companion was well-known in Xuanling Continent. Both of them were sword cultivators. Among them, True Lord Lihuo was in the early stage of fusion, and Fairy Yuehua was in the late stage of virtual refining.

True Monarch Lihuo was born in Qiankun Sect. Qiankun Sect is a sect that has risen within ten thousand years. The founder of the school was only in the Yuan Ying period, and it has been inherited for more than 10,000 years.

True Monarch Lihuo and Fairy Yuehua are dual cultivators, known to the outside world as Qiankun Immortal Companion.

The territory of the human race in the Xuanling Continent is tens of trillions of miles, and such a large area, if you want to reach the point that everyone knows, you can do it with a combination of above and above. In addition, if you have done earth-shattering or particularly famous things can be widely known.

Lan Fukong's bragging nature can only be regarded as a small fame, and it has not reached the point of being well known.

Wang Qingshan also wanted to get acquainted with the elite children of the great forces.

"Hehe, I heard that the descendant of the Qiankun Xianlu is a female sword cultivator. I think it is a good match with Wang Daoyou. If Wang Daoyou likes Fairy Xiao, I can be a middleman and match up."

Lan Fukong smiled and said triumphantly.

"You know Fairy Xiao?"

Wang Qingshan was full of doubts, Lan Fukong was too bragging, he couldn't believe it.

"That's of course. I participated in Qiankun Xianlu's fitting ceremony, and I had a good time with Xiao Xianzi and talked about everything."

Lan Fukong was full of pride.

If he hadn't been with Lan Fukong for a while, Wang Qingshan would have believed it. Lan Fukong likes to exaggerate a little thing.

"It's almost time, let's go! Go early and get to know a few more fellow Daoists."

Lan Fukong glanced at the darkened sky and suggested.

Wang Qingshan nodded, took out a message board, entered a magic formula, and asked, "Yingjie, what are you doing! Fellow Daoist Ximen is holding a party, do you want to go with us?"

"Ancestor Qingshan, you go first! I'm busy with something."

Wang Yingjie replied.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, come here!"

Wang Qingshan put away the communication disk and left the residence with Lan Fukong.

The sky just darkened, and all the shops took out their lighting tools. The streets were brightly lit and crowded.

Not long after, they appeared at the gate of a resplendent palace with three big characters "Golden Gourd Palace" written on the plaque, and there were two Nascent Soul monks guarding the gate.

"We're here to attend the party held by fellow Daoist Ximen, I'd like to ask you to lead the way."

Lan Fukong stepped forward and said politely.

"Senior, you're welcome, please come in, and someone will entertain you."

The guard did not dare to neglect, and invited Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong to enter.

The hall was spacious and bright, with more than a dozen young and beautiful maids in green robes standing aside.

As soon as they walked in, the two maids in green robes walked over quickly and bowed.

"Senior, please come with us."

The two maids in green robes took them upstairs and came to the third floor. Wang Qingshan saw dozens of cyan jade tables, and the eight cultivators spread out without saying a word.

Lan Fukong and Wang Qingshan found an empty table and sat down.

"Old man Lan Fukong, I have seen you fellow Daoists, what do you call them."

Lan Fukong clasped his fists with both hands and said politely.

No one paid him any attention, as if he hadn't heard.

Judging from their reactions, it should be a loose cultivator.

They attended the party mainly in the hope that they would be able to exchange for applicable things, or valuable information, and to cultivate in the world as a family.

"Dare to ask your friend, but he was born in the royal family of Qinglian Island? I don't know what is the relationship between Daoist Daoist and Daoist friend?"

A skinny golden-robed old man turned his gaze and landed on Wang Qingshan.

Behind the royal family on Qinglian Island is the Zhenhai Palace. For loose cultivators, the royal family is very important.

"Exactly, that's my ninth uncle. Do you know ninth uncle?"

Wang Qingshan wondered, how many people Wang Changsheng knew, he didn't know, and there was no way to explain this kind of thing.

"That's not true. The old man spent a period of time in the wild land, and I heard about the deeds of Qinglian Immortal Companion, and I was a little curious."

The golden-robed old man shook his head and said.

"Hey, Mr. Lan knows Qinglian Immortal Companion. I dare to guarantee that they are the second Qiankun Immortal Companion. It is only a matter of time before they surpass Qiankun Immortal Companion."

Lan Fukong smiled and started touting Lan Fukong.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, you still like to flatter others so much."

A silver bell-like female voice sounded. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As soon as the voice fell, a beautiful girl came up. The girl was wearing a water blue chest-length skirt, her skin was snowy, her eyes were beautiful in autumn water, and there was a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, which made her look charming and charming.

"Fairy Xiao, you can count it. I haven't seen you for many years. Fairy Xiao's cultivation has improved a lot. The next time we meet, I'm afraid I will call you Senior Xiao."

Lan Fukong's face was flattering and flattering.

The girl in the blue dress is called Xiao Yuling, the descendant of Qiankun Xianlu.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, is what you just said true?"

Xiao Yuling smiled and said meaningfully.

"Of course it's true, but when the Qinglian Immortal Companion catches up with the Qiankun Immortal Companion, the Qiankun Immortal Companion may have entered the Mahayana period, strengthening the strength of the human race, like the Xuanling Tianzun, opening up the territory and expanding the territory, receiving hundreds of millions of monks. respect."

Lan Fukong boasted, his face full of pride, as if he was talking about himself.

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