Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2475: Top 10 Strange Stones (Nothing Today)

"Fellow Ximen, if you want to exchange the required materials, you should come up with some good things! The Ximen family has a long tradition and there are many good things. You can show us a few things to open our eyes."

True Monarch Blood Knife said.

Not to mention Li Yuqing and other cultivators from great powers, True Monarch Blood Saber can't see what Saint Ximen brought out. I really think they are all hillbillies, and they just want to exchange some common sixth-order materials for the dharma of the wind attribute. Material?

Li Yuqing and the others did not speak, and looked at Saint Ximen.

Ximen Shenggan laughed. There were quite a few cultivators who came to attend the gathering. He wanted to exchange what he needed at the lowest price. He had taken advantage of this before.

Loose cultivators in the Void Refinement Stage are clanking in poverty. Individual Void Cultivators only have a low-grade Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. In order to exchange for the things they need, they will take out some peculiar things in exchange, so that they can be picked up cheaply.

This time, he made the wrong calculation, and the cultivators present still have some net worth.

Ximen Sheng put away the other materials, leaving behind Jin Yanyu, and took out ten kinds of materials again.

"The blood jade fruit can strengthen the blood and strengthen the power of the flesh. The inner alchemy of the sixth-order blood earth beast can be used to refine the healing medicine, the sixth-order talisman, the Tianluo Jingang talisman, and the defense power is relatively strong. Lingbao ice pulp blade, with cold attack..."

"Change to a condensed-style wind-attribute material, or something of the same value."

Saint Simon's gaze swept over the monks present.

He brought out a lot of good things this time, all of which were needed by the cultivators.

True Monarch Blood Knife exchanged for three blood jade fruits, Lan Fukong exchanged for Tianluo Jingang Talisman, Fang Yuyan exchanged for blood worm's inner core, as for what they exchanged for, no one knows.

Most of the things that Ximen Sheng took out were exchanged, and he got off to a good start.

He stepped aside, Lan Fukong stepped forward, he took out dozens of materials, miscellaneous but not refined, sixth-order ore, sixth-order demon pill, ten thousand year spirit wood, and so on.

"Change to the sixth-order defensive talisman or the sixth-order medicinal pill."

Lan Fukong was full of anticipation. The things he took out were average, and it would be good to be able to exchange them for sixth-order defensive talismans or sixth-order medicinal pills.

It's a pity that there are not many responders, and Lan Fukong has not exchanged anything.

"I know the whereabouts of a sixth-order mid-grade Jinwu turtle. It is located in Wanlingyuan. You can give half of the reward first. After the confirmation, give me the other half. I want a sixth-order defense talisman, or a defense Tongtian Lingbao. , it needs to be a complete set.”

Lan Fukong thought for a while and said so.

"Wan Lingyuan! Sixth-order mid-grade Jinwu turtle!"

The monks present were a little moved. Materials such as absorbing thunder **** were relatively rare. In order to successfully survive the catastrophe, some high-level monks would hunt and kill high-level monster turtles. The turtle shells could be used to refine tools, and the spirits could be deployed.

If it is a thunder-type monster turtle, the effect is better and more popular. After a long time, the number of high-level monster turtles has dropped sharply. Once discovered, they will be hunted by high-level monks.

Wang Qingshan was a little moved, and sent a voice transmission to Lan Fukong: "Fellow Daoist Lan, how about a bottle of sixth-order healing elixir, plus a defense-type low-grade Tongtian Lingbao?"

Wang Ruyan has not yet been able to refine the sixth-order defensive talisman. There are not many complete sets of Tongtian Lingbao, and there are even fewer defensive ones.

Lan Fukong shook his head, and after a brief exchange, he finally exchanged with Ximen Sheng.

This is not to say that the quotations of other cultivators are too low, but that Lan Fukong can't believe those loose cultivators. Saint Ximen was born in Ximen's family, so there is no need to lie to him.

If it is exchanged with a loose cultivator, it may be murdered on the road to steal a treasure.

After Lan Fukong finished the exchange, he happily returned to his original position.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, you should be more careful when you go out in the future, and you must be guarded against others."

Wang Qingshan's voice transmission reminded that the wealth and silk are moving, and there may be a high-level scattered cultivator who intercepted Lan Fukong for this news.

"Thank you Wang Daoyou for reminding me, I know it."

Lan Fukong thanked him.

Immortal cultivators stepped forward one after another, took out the materials to be exchanged, and said the materials that needed to be exchanged. Not many people successfully exchanged them.

After a cup of tea, Wang Qingshan stepped forward. He took out more than a dozen kinds of materials. There were five heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, all of which were attack types.

"For silver gangster crystals or materials of the same value, medicine pills are preferred."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

The things he took out were good, especially the Qing Marrow Pill. After the great catastrophe, he took the healing pills to heal his injuries, and his recovery would be faster. , resulting in death.

Several monks communicated with Wang Qingshan and took out things for Wang Qingshan to check.

True Monarch Blood Knife used two 5,000-year-old dry sun grass and a sixth-order wind and thunder tiger demon pill, in exchange for a bottle of green marrow pill.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, how about I use a piece of tidal divine jade and an inner alchemy of a sixth-order armored dragon beast in exchange for the nine-yuan hidden spirit talisman?"

A skinny golden-robed old man transmitted a voice to Wang Qingshan, took out a yellow jade box, and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

After Wang Qingshan checked it, he agreed to exchange.

Most of the things that Wang Qingshan took out were exchanged, and he was not able to exchange the materials for the dharma, but he exchanged for the dry sun grass, the tidal jade and the inner core of the ankylosaurus.

After the exchange, he returned to his seat.

A skinny golden-robed old man stepped forward and took out two golden jade boxes and a yellow jade box.

"Have you heard of the Ten Great Stones?"

The golden-robed old man's face was serious.

"Top Ten Strange Stones?"

There was a commotion among the monks present, and their eyes became hot.

There are ten kinds of strange stones with incredible effects, which are listed as the top ten strange stones in the Xiuxian world.

To a certain extent, the ten strange stones are more rare than the ten sacred trees. As long as there are seeds, the ten sacred trees can still be cultivated, but the ten strange stones are different and cannot be cultivated artificially.

The golden-robed old man opened the yellow jade box, and a dazzling yellow light swept out.

He took out a yellow mouse the size of a palm, and the eyes of the yellow mouse were rolling.

"Double pupil mouse?"


"magic weapon!"



The monks said the same thing, they looked at each other, obviously, they saw different things.

"You don't have to sell your friends, let's see what it is!"

Simon Saint said with some displeasure.

The golden-robed old man nodded, and his right hand lit up with a dazzling golden light.

Everyone felt a flower in front of them. The golden-robed old man held a pale yellow jade in his hand, and his whole body glowed with a yellow light.

"This is one of the top ten strange stones. It is the top material for illusion, and it is not a problem to refine illusion treasures."

The golden-robed old man had a proud expression on his face, and with a flick of his wrist, a dazzling yellow light burst out from the Heavenly Illusory Divine Stone, covering his whole body.

The cultivators felt a flash in front of them, and the golden-robed old man disappeared, replaced by a golden dragon, grinning.

With a flash of golden light, the golden flood dragon disappeared, revealing the figure of the golden-robed old man.

"You have also seen the effect. If fellow Daoists who practice illusions refine this treasure, the magical powers will be even greater."

The golden-robed old man said in a deep voice, his tone changed, and he said, "For treasures such as the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman, a complete set of defensive treasures can also be used."

As soon as these words fell, several cultivators sent voice transmissions to the golden-robed old man, and took out things for the golden-robed old man to check.

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