Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2476: 0 spirits

If you get this celestial phantom stone, whether it is for array formation, weapon refining or cultivation, it will have a very good effect.

For ordinary loose cultivators, the celestial magic stone is not very useful, and it is the most suitable for exchanging the resources for immortal cultivation that they need.

Li Yuqing and other cultivators with strong backgrounds all want to get this celestial magic stone.

Wang Qingshan also wanted to get the Heavenly Illusion Stone, but he couldn't come up with what the other party wanted, so he didn't speak.

Lan Fukong couldn't take it out, nor did he speak.

Some cultivators can come up with the Five Elements Thunder Talisman or a complete set of defensive treasures, but the Illusionary God Stone is not very attractive to them.

After a while of communication, the golden-robed old man chose to exchange with Saint Ximen.

Ximen Sheng was overjoyed, took out an exquisite golden jade box and a cyan jade box, and handed them to the golden-robed old man.

The golden-robed old man accepted the golden jade box and the cyan jade box, his face full of joy.

A piece of celestial magic stone, exchanged for a five-element thunder talisman and a defense-type Tongtian Lingbao, made a lot of money, mainly because other people bid with Ximen Sheng, if you go to Ximen Sheng in private to exchange, you can exchange for one. Zhang Wuxing Lei Xiaofu is not bad.

The old man in the golden robe finished the exchange and returned to his seat.

True Monarch Blood Knife stepped forward, and he took out more than a dozen kinds of materials, most of which were refining materials, and there was a piece of tidal divine jade.

. "Blood-changing materials, elixir, refining materials, spiritual wood, and demon pills are all fine."

True Monarch Blood Knife's voice was a little hoarse.

"How about I use Ten Thousand Years Blood Lin Wood to exchange for the Divine Tidal Jade with you?"

Wang Qingshan transmitted a voice transmission to True Monarch Xuedao, and Wang Changsheng gave him some refining materials, which was convenient for him to exchange with other cultivators, which came in handy.

"make a deal."

True Monarch Blood Knife readily agreed.

Wang Qingshan took out a cyan jade box and handed it to True Monarch Blood Knife.

True Monarch Blood Knife opened the lid of the box, glanced quickly, nodded with satisfaction, and handed the tidal divine jade to Wang Qingshan.

Li Yuqing took out dozens of materials, including many ten thousand years elixir, as well as a variety of sixth-order medicinal herbs, which can restore mana and heal wounds.

"For the Xuanyang Divine Crystal, something of the same value will do."

Li Yuqing's eyes quickly swept over the loose cultivator, Wang Qingshan and other cultivators from the great forces did not lack these sixth-order medicinal herbs, so it is hard to say for the loose cultivator.

Wang Qingshan, Song Huizu and the others were unmoved, and a number of loose cultivators sent voice transmissions to Li Yuqing and exchanged three bottles of sixth-order medicinal herbs.

"The old man is late, the exchange is not over yet!"

A magnetic man's voice suddenly came from downstairs. As soon as the voice fell, a slight footstep sounded, and an old man with a round face and small eyes walked up.

The old man in the blue shirt was short and fat, with fair skin, wearing a spirit beast bracelet on each hand, and his breath was weaker than that of True Monarch Blood Knife.

"Old Ghost Qian, you are still alive."

The golden-robed old man frowned and said, listening to his words, he clearly knew the green-robed old man.

"Brother Lin Yu, even if you die, the old man will walk behind you."

The old man in the blue shirt narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Lan has heard the name of Qianling Sanren for a long time, and today he finally met the real person. It really is like the legend, and he has an extraordinary aura."

Lan Fukong boasted.

Qianling Sanren smiled contemptuously and said: "It seems that you are Lan Fukong, and the name of the real monarch is worthy of the name."

"Thousand Spirits Loose People!"

Wang Qingshan has heard of this person. Qianling Sanren is famous in the Xuanling Continent for his insect repelling skills. He has raised a variety of spirit insects.

The Purple Thunder Mayfly ranks 50th on the Ten Thousand Insects List. It has the blood of a real dragon with the thunder attribute, and is proficient in the supernatural powers of the thunder system.

Qianling Sanren raised a variety of spirit insects, all of which are listed on the Ten Thousand Insects List. Each type of spirit insect has a lot of magical powers, but he has not shown up for many years. It is rumored that he died under the great catastrophe. , appears to be a rumour.

Listening to the words of the two, Qianling Sanren had a personal grudge with Lin Yu.

"It is fate to be able to meet here. The two fellow Daoists should say a word less! If there is any grievance, we will settle it outside the market, and we will not interfere."

Simon St. played a rounder.

Qianling Sanren walked to an empty table and sat down.

Song Huizu stepped forward and took out more than a dozen kinds of materials, including heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, refining materials, demon pills, golden jade jade, and so on. He wanted to exchange earth-type Dharma materials.

Several cultivators communicated with Song Huizu through voice transmission and exchanged for Jin Yanyu.

Song Huizu finished the exchange and returned to his original position. Qianling Sanren stepped forward. He took out dozens of materials, including spirit insect eggs, spirit beast eggs, cubs, etc., as well as some monster beast materials.

Wang Qingshan's eyes fell on a piece of light blue jade, which was the tidal jade.

"This is the spirit beast egg of the sixth-order wind and thunder falcon, this is the egg of the human-faced scorpion, and this is the larva of the ice jade silkworm. In exchange for a panacea that is beneficial to the advancement of spirit insects, things of the same value can also be used."

Qianling Sanren gave a brief introduction and said what he wanted to exchange.

"Fellow Daoist Qian, how about I use a bottle of sapphire divine milk to exchange for the divine tidal jade with you?"

Wang Qingshan transmits voice to Qianling Sanren.

Qianling Sanren readily agreed and exchanged with Wang Qingshan.

Most of the things that Qianling Sanren took out were exchanged.

Su Qingheng stepped forward and took out dozens of materials, most of which were ice-type materials, such as demon pills, animal skins, ore, spirit wood, etc. He wanted to exchange the animal skins of the sixth-order thunder ray or something of the same value.

Su Qingheng communicated with a number of cultivators, and exchanged several materials, but judging from his expression, it was obvious that he did not change to the animal skin of the sixth-order thunder ray.

After the exchange, the monks chatted for more than an hour, and then they ended and left one after another.

Back at the residence, UU Reading Wang Qingshan contacted Wang Yingjie with the communication disk, but there was no response, and it was estimated that Wang Yingjie was busy.

Wang Yingjie had already entered the stage of virtual practice, so he was not worried that something would happen to Wang Yingjie.

In this exchange meeting, he got a lot of tidal divine jade, and if he collected some more tidal divine jade, Wang Changsheng could use it to advance to Dinghaizhu.


In a secret room, Saint Ximen was saying something to a young woman in a golden dress with gorgeous features. The young woman in the golden dress was holding the Heavenly Illusion Stone in her hand and looked excited.

"Illusionary God Stone, before the auction, you should hold a few more gatherings, hoping to collect more rare items."

. The young woman in the golden skirt ordered.

"Yes, third aunt."

. Saint Simon agreed, with a respectful expression.

"By the way, protect Lan Fukong, we also need Lan Fukong to lead the way to destroy the golden tortoise."

The young woman in the golden skirt warned that the turtle shell of the high-level monster turtle is an excellent material for refining defensive treasures, and it is very popular among high-level monks.

Saint Ximen nodded and said: "Third aunt rest assured, I have already told fellow Daoist Lan to let him stay in Fangshi temporarily, and we will give him another payment after the matter is completed."


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