Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2477: auctions

The night passed quickly.

Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a cyan futon with his eyes closed.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in and landed in front of Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan opened his eyes, flicked his two fingers, and a blue light flew out, hitting the sound transmission, and Wang Yingjie's excited voice sounded: "Ancestor Qingshan, I got several good things."

Wang Qingshan got up and walked out. Wang Yingjie was standing at the door, looking excited.

"Yingjie, what good things did you get?"

Wang Qingshan wondered.

Wang Yingjie took out two jade boxes, one blue and one green, and handed them to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan opened the jade box and saw that one jade box contained a weeping blood stone, and the other one contained a piece of tidal divine jade.

The Weeping Blood Stone is one of the materials for refining the Jewels for Tribulation. The Wang family has been collecting the Weeping Blood Stone, but they have not found it, not to mention the Tidal Jade.

"Where did you get it from?"

Wang Qingshan wondered.

"I bought it from an underground auction. The weeping blood stone was bought with a spirit stone, and the tidal jade was exchanged with a sixth-order medicinal pill."

Wang Yingjie explained that he didn't have many good things on him, and Liu Hongxue gave him a lot of sixth-order medicinal herbs.

Wang Qingshan nodded, put away these two things, took out the dry sun grass and the inner elixir of the sixth-order ankylosaurus, and handed them over to Wang Yingjie.

"Ancestor Qingshan, I already have a 5,000-year-old dry sun grass, you can keep it!"

Wang Yingjie politely declined.

"Cultivation of Qianyang Illusionary Eyes requires a lot of Qianyang Jade Liquid, you can accept it! Before the auction, let's attend a few more gatherings, hoping to exchange for more Divine Tidal Jade."

Wang Qingshan gave Wang Yingjie dry sun grass.

Wang Yingjie did not refuse any more and accepted the dry sun grass.

Half a month passed quickly.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Yingjie frequently attended the gatherings of the cultivators, and they got to know a lot of cultivators and exchanged some refining materials.

In the early morning of this day, there was a long queue at the entrance of a giant golden pagoda. The three characters "Jinyang Pagoda" were written above the entrance of the golden giant pagoda.

The Golden Sun Pagoda is a heavenly treasure, and it is also an auction venue. There are a lot of restrictions, so immortal cultivators can participate in the auction with peace of mind.

Wang Qingshan and other cultivators lined up to enter the Jinyang Pagoda. Not long after, Wang Qingshan and others entered the venue.

Walking into the Jinyang Pagoda, you will be greeted by a spacious and bright hall. In the center of the hall is a circular golden stone platform on which is placed a cyan jade table.

There are thousands of cyan jade chairs around the golden stone platform, and there are stone rooms upstairs.

The Wang family is not an ordinary force, and naturally has an independent box.

A green-clothed attendant walked over quickly and took Wang Qingshan and others upstairs in person.

Came to the door of a stone room on the fifth floor, the door was closed, and there was a circular groove on the surface.

The blue-shirted attendant took out a round token with a bright blue light, put it into the circular groove, and turned it gently.

The door opened automatically, and a stone room with a size of more than 100 feet appeared in front of them.

In the stone room, there is a cyan jade table and a few jade stools, and in the center is a blue crystal that is as high as one person. Inside the blue crystal, you can see the picture of the main hall, and you can see it clearly.

"Okay, you go down! If you need it, we will call you."

Wang Yingjie waved his hand and asked the Qing-shirt attendant to retreat.

Wang Qingshan and others walked in and closed the door.

There is a cyan square token on a cyan jade table, which is used for bidding.

Wang Qingshan and Wang Yingjie sat down, while Wang Yuanwei and others stood aside with different expressions.

It was their first time to participate in an auction of this level. Some were curious and some were excited.

As time passed, immortal cultivators entered the venue one after another, and most of them were arranged in the main hall. Only a few cultivators from major forces could have private rooms.

Lan Fukong appeared in the main hall, but he did not have a separate box.

After a cup of tea, the auction started with a loud bell.

A young woman in a blue skirt with beautiful eyebrows descended from the sky and landed on the prototype stone platform.

"My concubine is Ximen Jade. All seniors and fellow Daoists are welcome to come and participate in this auction. The one with the highest price will get it. Some things will be exchanged for something, and the auction will begin now."

The young woman in the blue skirt gave a brief introduction, took out ten blue porcelain bottles, and said, "Ten bottles of Changsheng Pill, one Longevity Pill can prolong life for four hundred years, and an immortal cultivator can only take it once in a lifetime, and the effect of taking two pills is the same as that of one pill. In the same way, the base price is one million spirit stones, and each time the price increase shall not be less than 300,000 spirit stones."

There are many elixir for prolonging life in Xuanyang Realm. It is not surprising that some wealthy spiritual monks live for four or five thousand years.

The cultivators above Void Refinement are naturally not used, but their disciples or relatives have not cultivated to the Void Refinement stage, and they have a longevity pill that can prolong their life by four hundred years.

"one million!"

"1.3 million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"


The competition is particularly fierce, and the price is rising, and it will soon exceed 3 million.

In the early years, the Wang family was in desperate need of a panacea for longevity, but now it has eased.

Ten bottles of Longevity Pills were auctioned off one after another. Lan Fukong spent 7.5 million spirit stones to buy one bottle, which is 750,000 spirit stones.

He was photographed for future generations. Some descendants have poor qualifications. They have cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation and have little life left. If there is a longevity pill, there is still a chance to hit the Void Refinement Stage.

The lowest transaction price was 7 million and 500,000 yuan, and the highest transaction price was 9 million spiritual stones. Most of the bidders were spiritual monks.

After taking away ten bottles of Changsheng Pills, Ximen Yu took out thirty golden porcelain bottles and said, "Thirty pills of the fifth-order Qixing Yu Yuandan, which can help the Nascent Soul cultivator to reach the Spirit Transformation Stage, the base price is one million spirit stones, each The price increase shall not be less than 500,000 yuan.”

There are as many as seven kinds of medicinal pills in the Wang family, which are similar to Qixing Yuyuandan, and naturally there is no shortage of them.

There is no shortage of Wang does not mean that there is no shortage of small forces.

"one million!"


"Two million!"


Thirty seven-star Jade Yuandan will be auctioned soon. The lowest price is 4 million yuan, and the highest price is 6 million yuan. The assistant to create a baby and transform the baby water requires millions of spirit stones. Very normal.

Ximen Yu took out ten blue porcelain vases and said loudly, "Danyang Dan, the fifth-order medicinal elixir of improving mana, is made from three thousand years of dry yang grass as the main medicine. The base price is one million spirit stones, and each price increase cannot Less than half a million."

"one million!"


"Two million!"


Wang Qingshan did not open the bidding. According to the usual practice, the auction starts with ordinary goods. The more precious things are, the later they appear.

If Wang Yuanwei and others are interested, they can also bid for the auction. With Wang Qingshan and Wang Yingjie accompanying them, they can bid boldly without worrying about being targeted by evil cultivators.

A little bit of time passed, and various fifth-order medicinal herbs appeared in the auction venue.


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