Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2479: Zixiao Shi, Chen Tiangang

Tongtian Lingbao is not attractive to Wang Yingjie and Wang Qingshan. Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingfeng, Wang Jiye, and Wang Liangyan can refine Tongtian Lingbao, but the level is high.

For ordinary loose cultivators or small forces, Tongtian Lingbao is still very attractive.

"five million!"

"Six million!"

"Seven million!"


The competition was fierce, and this golden shark scissors was sold by the owner of Qianyuanmen at a high price of 14 million.

"Five bottles of Ziyun Dan, a sixth-order healing pill, the base price is five million spirit stones, and the price must not be less than one million each time."

Ximen Yu, holding five cyan vases in his hands, said loudly.

Wang Qingshan and the others also heard clearly, Liu Hongxue can currently refine the green marrow pill, and the healing effect is not bad.

"five million!"

"Six million!"

"Seven million!"


All five bottles of Ziyun Dan were auctioned at high prices. The lowest transaction price was 25 million, and the highest transaction price was 30 million spirit stones. One bottle contains ten medicinal pills. In total, one Ziyun Dan will cost at least two hundred and fifty million. One hundred thousand spirit stones.

After taking away the Ziyun Dan, Ximen Jade took out a beautiful cyan jade box, opened the box, and there was a piece of purple jade in it, the surface of the jade was sparkling.

"Purple Sky Stone, this thing has the same effect as the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman. It can weaken the power of thunder tribulation. It can be exchanged for materials such as soul-killing sand. It is only exchanged and not sold."

Ximen Yu said loudly that a big power like the Ximen family can refine treasures similar to the Five Elements Lei Xiao Talisman, which can weaken the power of the thunder tribulation. It can only be used by cultivators. The great robbery of a fit cultivator is very powerful. Things like Zixiao Stone are of limited use.

Even so, there are not many forces that can refine treasures similar to the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman, and they rarely use spirit stones for auction, basically exchanging things for things.

Soul-killing sand is a kind of Dharma-phase material, a special material used by poison cultivators to condense the Dharma-phase, and soul-killing sand is smelted into treasures, which can improve the corrosive ability of treasures.

Soon, a number of cultivators in the virtual world gave Ximen Jade a voice transmission, and they all wanted to switch to Zixiao Stone.

"Purple Sky Stone!"

Wang Qingshan nodded, Zixiao Stone, Tianlei Spirit Transformation Talisman, Five Elements Leixiao Talisman and Zhenhaizhu have similar effects. The Void Refinement cultivator has crossed the great catastrophe twice before, and these treasures can play a big role. With the great catastrophe As the number of times increases, the effect becomes smaller and smaller.

The other party was able to take out the Zixiao Stone to exchange the Dharma phase materials, so it should be a late stage cultivator.

Wang Qingshan had no soul-killing sand, so he could only stare blankly.

In a certain box, Qianling Sanren was chatting with a golden-robed old man with a somewhat hunchback. The golden-robed old man was holding a golden snake-headed crutch, and his body exuded an astonishing evil spirit.

"Zi Xiaoshi, old ghost Feng, you didn't bring this out, right?"

Qianling Sanren said in surprise.

"I have already experienced two great cataclysms and the third great catastrophe, and the use of the Purple Cloud Stone is limited."

The golden-robed old man's voice was low.

Qianling Sanren nodded and said, "That's true, the Heavenly Python Destroying Spirit Dafa you practiced has a good effect in resisting the great catastrophe, but the soul-destroying sand is rather special and may not appear."

"That's not something you worry about. I have my own measure. In addition, don't mention my exercises. Don't think that if you saved the old man, the old man will be grateful to you."

The golden-robed old man said with a cold face, not giving Qianling Sanren any face at all.

"I don't need your gratitude, as long as you cooperate with me and destroy that old thing Lin Yu."

Qianling Sanren had a murderous look on his face, as if he had an undeniable feud with Lin Yu.

"I, Chen Tiangang, will do what I say, and I will do what I promise you."

The golden-robed old man said in a deep voice, he remembered something, and said, "Isn't Lin Yu your friend for many years? What did he do?"

"As of now, I don't hide it from you. He and I found an ancient monk's cave, and he plotted against me when he took the treasure, otherwise the Heavenly Illusion Stone will be mine."

Qianling Sanren was full of unwillingness.

"The celestial stone? So, the celestial stone is in his hand?"

Chen Tiangang's eyes showed greed. He didn't practice illusion techniques, so he didn't need the Heavenly Illusion Stone, but he could exchange it with the big forces.

"It's not on him anymore. He was replaced by the Ximen family, but he has a lot of good things on him. If you kill him, let's divide his property equally."

Qianling Sanren is murderous.

Chen Tiangang nodded, he took out a pale golden dharma plate, and entered a magic formula: "Send the soul-killing sand here!"

Zixiao Shi has already been exchanged, and no one knows exactly who it was exchanged for.

There is a strong prohibition, Lan Fukong and other cultivators cannot see the situation upstairs, the attendants can move upstairs, and other cultivators are unaware.

A shrewd man in red shirt rang the private room where Qianling Sanren was, and handed a golden jade box to Chen Tiangang.

Chen Tiangang opened the jade box, and some black gravel appeared in front of him, emitting a pungent smell.

"I received the things, give him the Zixiao Stone!"

Chen Tiangang signed with a golden jade pen and agreed to exchange.

The man in the red shirt responded, bowed and stepped back.

"This trip is not in vain. If I get some more soul-killing sand and condense the law, it will not be a problem for me to survive the third great catastrophe."

Chen Tiangang said confidently.

At this time, Ximen Yu took out a beautiful golden brocade box, opened the brocade box, and there were four short swords of different colors inside, with amazing aura.

"The four-piece set of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure Four Elephants Slashing Spirit Sword has a base price of 10 million Spirit Stones, and the price shall not be less than 2 million Spirit Stones each time."

"Ten million!"

"Twelve million!"

"Fourteen million!"


This set of Tongtian Lingbao caused competition among many virtual cultivators, and the price kept rising.

In a box, Su Qingheng and Liu Chuanting looked at the huge crystal ball.

"A four-piece set of Tongtian Lingbao, unfortunately, it is an attack type."

Liu Chuanting said in a regretful tone.

"If it's defensive, I won't take it out. It's the first time for a cultivator to cross the big catastrophe. Even if there are no treasures such as the Five Elements Thunderbolt Talisman, there is a set of defensive kind of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, which can survive the catastrophe. The odds are still high.”

Su Qingheng explained.

"I hope I can get the Crystal of Ice Soul! Otherwise, this trip will be in vain."

After many biddings, the Four Elephants Slashing Spirit Blade was auctioned off by Xiao Yuling at a sky-high price of 65 million.

Ximen Yu took out thousands of yellow gleaming array flags and a dozen yellow array plates, and said, "The sixth-order defensive array is covered with yellow sand. Spirit Sixth-Order Defense Formation!"

Wang Qingshan was a little moved. He has a sixth-order defense formation, which has many benefits.

"Ten million!"

"Thirteen million!"

"Sixteen million!"


The price climbed steadily, and soon broke the 20 million mark.

After dozens of price increases, it was finally sold at a sky-high price of 80 million, and was taken away by a young woman in a yellow dress with delicate features.

"This senior doesn't have enough spirit stones, so he plans to auction some things."

After Ximen Yu said this, she stepped aside.

The young woman in the yellow skirt took out dozens of materials, including a lot of refining materials, including a blue spar the size of a watermelon. .

"Tidal Jade!"

Wang Qingshan's eyes lit up. He paid a high price of 20 million spirit stones to photograph this tidal divine jade.

Lan Fukong was full of envy. He brought a lot of spirit stones, but he spent a lot of spirit stones to buy resources for the clan members. When the clan members grow up, they can feed back. The Wang family is an example.

After the young woman in the yellow skirt paid off the spirit stone, she left with a defensive formation.


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