Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2480: Gantianhua Python Talisman, 9 colorful insects (no more today)

Ximen Jade took out a gleaming talisman with a python pattern on the surface of the talisman.

"The seventh-order talisman is made of the Heavenly Transformation Python Talisman, which has been refined into the spirit of the seventh-order low-grade blue sky python. With the help of this talisman, the cultivator can transform into the form of a monster. Whether it is to resist the catastrophe or the enemy, it has a very good effect. , this thing is exchanged for Jiuguang Divine Clay"

Ximen Yu said loudly.

Generally speaking, only by cultivating the beast-fighting, half-demon, or demon-clan exercises can the cultivator transform into a monster and fight against the enemy, but talismans can also do it.

"Dan Tianhua python talisman, refining into the soul of the seventh-order low-grade blue sky python!"

There was a commotion among the monks. If they got this talisman, wouldn't they be able to turn into the seventh-order blue sky python to fight against the enemy?

"The cultivators below the emptiness level drive this talisman, and it is easy to lose control. It is not recommended to use this talisman."

Ximen Yu added that if the cultivation of immortals is too low to drive this talisman, there will be problems.

Jiuguang Divine Clay is a seventh-order material. It has the magical effect of reshaping its form and has a strong recovery ability. If it is refined into a treasure, it has a very good effect on resisting the great catastrophe. However, Jiuguang Divine Clay is produced from the seventh-order or higher Colorful worms, Jiucai worms like to eat hardware. After the 7th-order worms eat a lot of metal ores, they will expel a material called Jiuguang Shenmu.

With the magical effect of Jiuguang Divine Clay, the Nine-Colored Insect ranks 21st on the Ten Thousand Insects List. It is rare for high-level monks to hunt too much, making the Nine-Light Divine Clay even more rare.

The monks didn't have the Jiuguang Divine Clay, but they still contacted Ximen Yu, hoping to get this Dry Heaven Transformation Python Talisman.

Wang Qingshan is no exception. If you get this talisman, you can use it as a hole card.

He proposed to exchange the divine water of good fortune, the elixir of ten thousand years, and a three-piece set of Tongtian Lingbao, but unfortunately the owner did not agree.

After a cup of tea, Ximen Yu shook his head, sighed, and put away this Heavenly Transformation Python Talisman. To be honest, there are a lot of good things that other cultivators have brought out. The seventh-order medicinal herbs, the divine water of good fortune, etc., are not considered by the owner of the goods.

Ximen Jade took out dozens of materials, such as Tidal Divine Jade, Xuanyang Divine Crystal, Qinggang Divine Jade, etc. There are many seventh-order materials, and there are as many as a dozen parts of Dharma phase materials, among which is a silver ganglion crystal.

The eyes of the cultivators became hot, especially the cultivators.

Saint Simon descended from the sky and landed on the high circular platform.

"These materials are only exchanged and not sold, and the materials or treasures that can weaken the thunder tribulation are given priority."

Saint Ximen said in a deep voice, his eyes quickly passing over the monks.

As soon as these words fell, several cultivators sent voice transmissions to Saint Ximen and Ximen Jade.

Wang Qingshan pondered for a moment and contacted Saint Ximen.

He used more than twenty drops of the divine water of good fortune to exchange for a fist-sized silver crystal and two pieces of dry gold sand.

Dry gold sand is a kind of dharma material, suitable for condensed dharma cultivators who practice metal-based exercises.

He originally wanted to exchange for the divine tidal jade, but Ximen Sheng had already exchanged it for someone else, so he could only exchange for dry golden sand.

In this way, the divine water of good fortune on his body has been used up.

Wang Yingjie couldn't come up with the materials to exchange the materials for the Dharma.

He is not discouraged. His current cultivation base is too low. After his cultivation base is improved, he can travel to other places and collect immortal cultivation resources.

This auction is regarded as a long-term experience.

It didn't take long for the servants in blue shirts to bring silver crystals and dry golden sand.

"Yingjie, take it to condense the dharma image!"

Wang Qingshan gave two pieces of dry gold sand to Wang Yingjie, and he also exchanged for a piece of silver crystal.

Wang Yingjie looked excited, thanked him, and accepted two pieces of dry golden sand.

Most of the things that Ximen Sheng took out were exchanged. He did not expect that he would be able to exchange for more than twenty drops of the divine water of good fortune.

The divine water of good fortune is mainly used to cultivate rare elixir and spiritual wood. For alchemists, it is an irresistible temptation.

In a certain box, Li Yuqing was holding a golden-red spar in his hand, looking excited.

"With this Xuanyang Divine Crystal, the Xuanyang Cauldron can be repaired."

Li Yuqing said softly, it is also a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, a treasure refined by Xuanling Tianzun, and its power is definitely not small.

"This auction is over, we will prepare more goods next time."

Saint Ximen cupped his fists and said politely.

The monks left one after another, and Wang Qingshan left with his clan.

They did not leave Fang City immediately, and planned to communicate with other monks more.

Back at the residence, Wang Qingshan chatted with Wang Yingjie.

During this auction trip, their harvest was not small. They not only collected the resources they needed to cultivate immortals, but also the resources that Wang Changsheng needed.

This is also a major feature of the cultivating sect and the cultivating family. After all, it is impossible to collect all the cultivating resources you need by yourself. How can it be so coincidental that you can find whatever cultivating resources you need when you go out, except for bartering, Relatives or fellow students will also help to pay attention. If they encounter the necessary resources for cultivation, they will help to collect them and help each other.

"It would be even better if I could get the Heavenly Illusion Stone."

Wang Yingjie said in a regretful tone.

"We have gained a lot, so don't be so greedy. By the way, let's stay in Fangshi for a while and let Yuanwei and the others leave in batches."

Wang Qingshan warned.

"No one should attack us!"

Wang Yingjie wondered.

"It is better to be cautious. They are not with us, and we will not be tied to the enemy."

Wang Qingshan is more cautious, and his wealth is attractive. As long as the interests are large enough, nothing is impossible.

Wang Yingjie nodded. He remembered something and said, "Calculate the time. Zong Yan should have ascended to the Xuanyang Realm. I don't know how many cultivators are in the lower realm."

Wang Zongyan is a descendant of Wang Changjie, with fire attribute Tianling root, proficient in the art of refining.

If he also goes to the Xuanyang Realm, the family will have another Tianlinggen cultivator.

Wang Qingshan nodded, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com said: "We will know when he returns to Qinglian Island."


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

The door of a certain secret room suddenly opened, and Wang Ruyan came out with a smile on his face.

She has successfully refined two Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talismans, which is already very good. If Dong Xueli and Sun Yuejiao are in the virtual refining stage, they will be able to use them.

Wang Ruyan took out the communication disk, contacted Wang Moshan, and asked him to come to Qinglian Peak.

Not long after, Wang Moshan appeared in front of Wang Ruyan.

"Moshan, how many people in the clan have cultivated to the perfection of God Transformation?"

Wang Ruyan asked.

Wang Moshan answered truthfully, Sun Yuejiao, Dong Xueli, and Wang Zonglang all cultivated to the Great Perfection of Spirit Transformation.

"These two Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talismans are in your family's treasury. If they need to hit the virtual refining period, give them to them to use."

Wang Ruyan took out a blue jade box and handed it to Wang Moshan.

Wang Moshan responded, opened the jade box and took a look. After confirming that it was correct, he put it away.

Wang Ruyan saw it in her eyes and nodded secretly in her heart, Wang Moshan was quite responsible.


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