Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2481: Weng and son-in-law

Wang Moshan remembered something and said, "By the way, ancestor, Qingfeng ancestor went out and said he was going to the inland to do something."

"Do things inland? What do you do?"

Wang Ruyan was stunned for a moment, and wondered, Wang Qingfeng was not good at dealing with people, he was straightforward and honest, and he had few friends.

When it comes to searching for legal materials, there is no need to rush.

For no reason, why did Wang Qingfeng go to the inland? Was he looking for Duan Tongtian?

"I don't know. Ancestor Qingfeng said that if you leave the customs, he will let you know. He said you know where he went."

Wang Moshan answered truthfully.

After Wang Ruyan heard this, she knew that Wang Qingfeng was looking for Duan Tongtian, and she understood that it was Dong Xueli's father after all.

"I see, go and get busy!"

Wang Ruyan waved his hand and asked Wang Moshan to retreat.


Yuyang Valley, a square market opened by the Jiang family.

The streets are spacious, shoulder-to-shoulder, full of traffic, and very lively.

In a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, Wang Qingfeng and Duan Tongtian sat in the stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

"Qingfeng, you have your mind. Last time, your father helped me protect the law and let me pass the catastrophe with peace of mind. They are all right! Have you encountered any inconvenient trouble? I will help you solve it."

Duan Tongtian's tone was warm, the old man looked at his son-in-law, and the more he looked, the more he liked it.

"No trouble, Dad, Xue Li is in retreat and impacting the virtual refining period. This is the Jiezhu she asked me to give you."

Wang Qingfeng took out a beautiful cyan jade box and handed it to Duan Tongtian.

Wang Changsheng gave this pearl to Wang Qingfeng, and Wang Qingfeng gave it to Duan Tongtian, hoping to ease the relationship between Dong Xueli and Duan Tongtian.

"For Jiezhu!"

Duan Tongtian sucked in a breath of cold air, opened the jade box, and a gleaming blood-colored ball appeared in front of him.

There was a look of relief on his face. Known daughter Mo Ruofu, with his understanding of Dong Xueli, Dong Xueli didn't want to see him, let alone let Wang Qingfeng replace her and give him the Jiezhu.

This must be Wang Qingfeng's idea to ease the relationship between their father and daughter.

Without saying anything, Duan Tongtian nodded. He took out a cyan storage ring, handed it to Wang Qingfeng, and said, "There is a tidal divine jade, a fire stone, and some sixth-order monster beast materials."

In addition to hunting monsters, Duan Tongtian will also help other forces solve some troubles in exchange for resources for cultivating immortals. These are some of the resources he has accumulated for cultivating immortals.

They are also practicing swordsmanship. The exercises are different, and the materials for condensing the pictures are also different. Duan Tongtian doesn't need the fire stone.

As for the divine tidal jade, Wang Changsheng mentioned it when he was chatting with Duan Tongtian, and Duan Tongtian also took it to heart.

"Father, it's not easy for you..."

Wang Qingfeng wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Duan Tongtian: "I'm alone, and I have nothing to worry about. I think it's not too difficult to get resources for immortal cultivation."

The power of the Xiu Xian world is respected, coercion and temptation, and even clear robbing is no problem, the strength is not enough, there is no big backer, and it can only be slaughtered by others. This has been the case since ancient times, but Duan Tongtian does not need to do this.

There are many small forces who want to hire Duan Tongtian as a worshiper. Usually, there is nothing to do, but to deter the hostile forces, and there is a lot of filial piety every year.

Wang Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, thanked him, and accepted the storage ring.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can go back! I hope Xue Li can enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Duan Tongtian waved his hand and let Wang Qingfeng leave.

"This girl is married to the right person."

Duan Tongtian sighed with emotion as he clamped his **** together to replace Jiezhu.

The Bead for Jie is not an ordinary treasure. Fighting with others or hunting for treasure can save his life at a critical moment. Wang Qingfeng is willing to give it to him, which shows that he attaches great importance to Dong Xueli.

After leaving the courtyard, Wang Qingfeng quickly walked towards the Fangshi exit.

When he passed a turning point, Deng Tianqi and a graceful young woman in a golden dress came face to face.

Wang Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, then stopped, his expression turned cold.

Deng Tianqi is currently in the late stage of God Transformation, which is a big difference from Wang Qingfeng's.

Seeing Wang Qingfeng, Deng Tianqi's face was a little ugly, and his expression became nervous.

Neither of them said anything, just like strangers, passing by.

Deng Tianqi was actually in Yuyang Valley, which was beyond Wang Qingfeng's expectations.

Wang Qingfeng didn't think much about it. He didn't know the grievances between Wang Mengbin and the Deng family, and he was not interested in paying attention to Deng Tianqi. The two were not from the same world.

Deng Tianqi followed the young woman in the golden skirt into a five-storey red attic. He frowned and said, "Why did he meet him here? Is he here to run errands? Or is he here to kill me?"

After Deng Tianyang and most of the high-ranking monks died, the Deng family's vitality was greatly damaged, and they were reduced to a small family. There were also digital cultivators. However, they were scattered in various places, their power fell sharply, and a large number of sites were occupied by hostile forces. If it were not for the Deng family The children have joined the Leng Yan faction, and the Deng family may have been wiped out.

Deng Tianqi firmly believed that it must be the Wang family who did it. He had no evidence, but he thought from another perspective. He was Wang Qingfeng, and he would do the same, and he would do it even more ruthlessly, leaving no one behind.

Because of this, he never dared to return to his family and hid in Yuyang Valley to cultivate.

"What's the matter? Husband."

The young woman in the golden skirt wondered, she was Deng Tianqi's second wife, but in the late Yuanying period.

"It's nothing. When we meet an enemy, let's be more careful when we go out. No, let's not leave our residence, let's dive in for a while and then talk about it."

Deng Tianqi warned that he felt that Wang Qingfeng would hide in the dark and find an opportunity to destroy them so as to avoid future troubles.

Thinking in a different position, he is Wang Qingfeng, and he will do the same.

Since Deng Tianyang was killed, Deng Tianqi has been very uneasy, always feeling that the masters of the Wang family will kill him.

The young woman in the golden skirt didn't know why, so she didn't ask any further questions.


In a certain endless green mountain range, deep in the mountain range, Qianling San and Chen Tiangang stood on a peak.

They followed Lin Yu all the way, and when they got here, they could no longer find Lin Yu.

A huge golden butterfly flew around the Qianling Sanren non-stop, and the Qianling Sanren's face was ugly.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the Golden Swallow Butterfly has a keen sense of smell and can track his location even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles away?"

Chen Tiangang frowned and said.

"He knows most of the magical powers of my spirit worms. UU Reading has taken precautions, but I can be sure that he didn't run far away, he should have been hiding."

Qianling Sanren frowned.

"Since that's the case, let me force him to show up!"

Chen Tiangang snorted coldly, pinched the magic formula, and a pungent blue poisonous mist gushed out from his body, spreading around.

The blue poisonous mist got on the flowers and plants, and the flowers and plants fell down immediately. The trees were stained with the poisonous mist, showing signs of corrosion, and even the peaks could not be avoided.

The monsters below the sixth rank were stained with the blue poisonous mist, and it didn't take long for them to turn into a pool of blood.

A blue light shot up into the sky and turned into a giant python phantom. The giant python spewed a blue light and turned into a blue cloud covering thousands of miles. The blue cloud rolled violently, and dense blue raindrops poured down and landed on the ground. On the ground, the ground was corroded suddenly and a large hole was formed.

A silver light lit up in the void, and Lin Yu appeared.

He used the Jiuyuan Hidden Spirit Talisman to hide, but he couldn't ignore the attack of the poison cultivator in the refining period.

As soon as Lin Yu appeared, he placed a golden talisman on his body, which turned into a long golden rainbow, and flew towards the distant sky. The speed was extremely fast.

"Chase, don't let him run away."

Qian Ling San and Chen Tiangang chased after them, and the three disappeared into the sky.


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