Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2482: The accidental discovery of the wasteland team

In the northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, there is an endless blue sea, the sea breeze is blowing, and there are no clouds.

Under the sea surface, two huge blue giant crabs are moving on the seabed, and you can see starfish, sea urchins and other monsters.

A huge golden shark flew from a distance. It had a golden thorn on its head and some blue spiritual patterns on its back. It was a fifth-order sawtooth shark.

It seems to be interested in two blue giant crabs and rushes towards a blue giant crab.

A blue giant crab opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of blue rays of light, covering a wide area. The sea water seemed to be solidified. The sawtooth shark rushed into the area covered by the blue rays of light, as if it was caught in a quagmire, and its speed slowed down.

Another blue giant crab opened its mouth and spewed out a thick silver thunder light, hitting the serrated shark, and the serrated shark made a miserable cry.

The golden light on the surface of the sawtooth shark was shining brightly, and the blue rays of light were torn apart. It escaped from the trap, and its huge body slammed into the body of a blue giant crab, and there was a "keng" metal collision sound.

The serrated shark opened its **** mouth, revealing a row of sharp teeth, biting the body of the blue giant crab, sparks flying everywhere.

The surrounding sea water suddenly receded quickly, and a vacuum area hundreds of feet wide appeared, and the sawtooth shark landed on the seabed.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky, and a huge thunder cloud suddenly appeared above the serrated shark. With the resounding sound of thunder, one after another thick silver lightning struck down one after another, drowning the figure of the megalodon shark. .

At the same time, a dazzling blue light lit up in the mouth of the megalodon, and thousands of blue sword lights pierced through the megalodon's body.

It let out a shrill scream, and its huge body was torn apart, revealing the figure of Wang Huayue, who was already in the middle stage of divine transformation.

Over the years, the Wang family has been developing deserted islands. The Wang family sent high-level monks to eliminate high-level monsters, and then leased the islands without important resources for immortality to loose cultivators or small forces. They regularly offered offerings, including spirit fish and spirit wood. , elixir, or talisman paper, etc., in exchange for the protection of the royal family.

There are many kinds of puppet beasts in the Wang family. According to the terrain, different puppet beasts are refined and used for a wide range of purposes.

The size of the blue giant crab is not very large, and it will not attract the attention of high-level monsters. It is mainly used to explore metal ore veins. The Wang family developed desert islands, and did not let go of the seabed. There will also be ore veins on the seabed.

The Wang family has discovered a small spirit stone mine and three fourth-order metal veins, and the spirit stone mine has been mined.

Huge sea beast puppets are mainly used to hunt monsters.

This sea area is inaccessible, but there are many fifth-order monsters, and Wang Huayue was ordered to provide protection.

Wang Huayue's sword art was pinched, and thousands of blue sword lights flew back, turning into four blue-light flying swords and flying back into the sword box.

A blue light door appeared on the abdomen of a giant crab puppet beast. Wang Huayue passed through the blue light door and appeared in a spacious and bright hall, where more than 20 clansmen gathered.

"Ancestor Huayue, you are so powerful that you don't need us to take action, you can solve the fifth-order monster by one person. If we help you, you will be more relaxed."

A tall and thin young man in green shirt walked over quickly and said with a smile.

"One or two, it's a good thing for you to stop flattering and not letting you go out. The last time I asked you to go out to deal with the third-order black gold manatee, you actually chased it for hundreds of miles, attracting fifth-order monsters."

Wang Huayue reprimanded unceremoniously.

The young man in green shirt is Wang Yier. He is now in the stage of forming a pill. He has not been able to become an elite carefully cultivated by the family. He has already come out to do things.

Wang Yi'er still had a smile on his face after hearing this, but he didn't take it to heart.

The two crab puppet beasts continued to move forward. After a cup of tea, they stopped. A huge black hole appeared in front of them, leading to nowhere.

A blue crab climbed into the black hole. The wall of the cave was uneven. After half a quarter of an hour, the crab puppet beast came to the bottom. The bottom was an uneven stone bed, nothing special.

Its giant pincers smashed **** the stone bed, and there was a muffled sound.

The crab puppet opened its **** mouth and spewed out a thick blue light, hitting the stone bed.

Crab puppets are either smashed with giant pincers, or sprayed with blue light, attacking stone beds or cave walls.

Another crab puppet also came down to help and dig together.

More than two hours later, a blue light curtain appeared out of thin air, blocking their way.

"Formation? Exit first, I'll break the formation."

Wang Huayue instructed, and the two crab puppet beasts exited the black hole.

Wang Huayue drilled out of a crab puppet beast, and sacrificed a blue bead the size of a pigeon egg, and tapped it with her finger.

The blue round beads spun around, bursting with dazzling blue light, and the sea water quickly receded, revealing a vacuum zone ten miles in diameter.

Wang Huayue took out the flag formation plate and laid out four sets of fifth-order formations to avoid too much movement of breaking the formation and cause unnecessary trouble.

She sacrificed a golden metal ball and entered a magic formula. The metal ball turned into a yellow giant ape with a height of more than 100 meters. It was a fifth-order puppet beast, specially used to break the formation. of.

Wang Huayue's tactic was pinched, and the giant ape puppet jumped into the black hole, its fists shining brightly, and smashed into the blue light curtain.

With a loud bang, the blue light curtain didn't move.

More than an hour has passed, Wang Huayue drives the fifth-order puppet beast, and still can't break the ban.

With Wang Huayue's sword tactic, four flying swords with sparkling blue light flew out from the sword box, and instantly merged into one, turning into a blue sky-high sword, slashing towards the blue light curtain with the momentum of destroying the dead.

At the same time, the giant ape puppet opened its mouth and spewed out a thick yellow light, hitting the blue light curtain, and at the same time smashing its right arm towards the blue light curtain.

After a loud bang, a thick blue light shot up into the sky and went straight to the sky. The four sets of fifth-order grand formations could not be stopped, and were torn to shreds by the blue light.

An incomparably thick blue light flew out from the bottom of the sea, straight into the sky, and turned into a huge cyan dragon phantom.

Under the sea, Wang Huayue looked at a light cyan light curtain, her brows furrowed. There was a miniature cyan flood dragon on the surface of the cyan light curtain.

It can break through four sets of fifth-order great formations in an instant, at least seventh-order formations. After all, I don't know how long this place has existed, and the power of the formations has weakened, so I don't know whether it is a secret realm or an ancient monk's cave.

Wang Huayue's sword art was pinched, and the sky-high giant sword's aura soared, slashing on top of the cyan light curtain, with a muffled sound, and the cyan light curtain was safe and sound.

She drove the fifth-order puppet beast to break the ban, and the result was the same.

"Go back immediately and report to the ancestors."

Wang Huayue made a decisive decision, first returned to Qinglian Island, and continued to stay here. When the other cultivators arrived, they would definitely kill people.

Wang Huayue drilled back into the body of the crab puppet beast, and the two crab puppets shone brightly and disappeared into the depths of the sea.


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