Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2483: Tianshamen

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

Wang Ruyan was sitting in the stone pavilion, and a giant beast with a leopard head and a tiger body was lying on the side. The surface of the giant beast was covered with pale silver scales, and there was a silver unicorn on its head.

The sky-splitting beast, it has grown to the fourth rank.

The growth from the first-order to the fourth-order within a hundred years is considered very fast. Wang Ruyan has smashed a lot of resources for cultivating immortals, otherwise it would not have advanced so quickly. If he changed to a cultivator of Nascent Soul, he wanted to spend more than a hundred years. It is absolutely impossible for a tier monster to cultivate to tier four.

The Mirage is Tier 4 as soon as it hatches. Apart from its own bloodline, it absorbs a lot of sapphire divine milk.

On the stone table in front of Wang Ruyan, there are dozens of pale golden spiritual peaches, and the sky-splitting beast looks at these spiritual peaches eagerly.

Wang Ruyan picked up a peach, and the Crackling Beast understood it, opened its mouth, and let Wang Ruyan put the peach into its mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

The double-eyed mouse rushed out of a small courtyard with some brown blood stains on his body.

The double-eyed mouse that the sky-splitting beast looked at was a little scared, and moved closer to Wang Ruyan.

The Wang family members regularly send some high-level monsters to the Shuang-eyed Rat to eat. When the Shuang-eyed Rat first saw the Sky-Splitting Beast, he thought it was food and almost ate the Sky-Splitting Beast. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng appeared in time.

This casts a shadow on the sky-splitting beast. Despite its huge size, the double-eyed rat can become larger than it.

The double-eyed mouse climbed onto the table. Wang Ruyan picked up a peach and fed it to the double-eyed mouse. The double-eyed mouse shook his head and lay on the stone table.

These spiritual peaches do not contain a lot of spiritual energy, so they don't like it at all. At least five hundred years of spiritual medicine can enter its eyes, and monsters above the fifth rank can only have an appetite.

Wang Ruyan gave an order to the Sky Splitting Beast to let it show its supernatural powers.

The sky-splitting beast let out a low roar, opened its **** mouth, and spewed out a silver light, hitting the void, causing ripples in the void, and it suddenly tore apart, revealing a hollow with a size of about a zhang.

Wang Ruyan released a flying eagle puppet beast and let it fly into the void, which then healed.

An hour later, the void fluctuated together, and the flying eagle puppet beast fell from the void.

The fourth-order sky-splitting beast can tear a temporary space that is more than a hundred feet long. It lasts for an hour, and the temporary space automatically collapses. .

Hiding in the temporary space, most of the attacks can be ignored, such as flames, sword energy, lightning, etc. Some powerful attacks can tear the space, which is equally effective, but if the rank of the sky-splitting beast is high enough, the tearing temporary space The more stable it is, the less likely it is to be discovered.

Wang Ruyan took out a dazzling magic plate and entered a magic formula, Wang Qingcheng's urgent voice suddenly sounded: "Mother, Hua Yue and the others found a place under the sea, either the entrance to the secret realm or the ancient monk's cave, Meng Bin brought it immediately. Someone rushed over, send someone to notify me, and let me notify you immediately."

The Wang family has been developing deserted islands. At present, they control more than 7,000 islands, which are distributed within a radius of 500 million miles. The Wang family occupies islands with abundant spiritual energy or important resources for immortal cultivation, and other islands are leased to other forces.

If something happened, the clansmen would either use the talisman to send a message, or use the teleportation array to send it back, report to the clan elders, and report to the clan elders. Wang Mengbin was sitting on a large island, and he brought people over there. That place must be unusual.

"Where is the location? How did you find it?"

Wang Ruyan asked.

"More than 500 million miles away, Huayue led people to explore the mines. She accidentally discovered that she had set up four sets of fifth-order formations, but she couldn't stop the changes caused by breaking the formation. A restriction blocked her, and there was a miniature green dragon on the surface. ."

Wang Qingcheng reported truthfully.

Wang Mengbin sent someone to inform Wang Moshan, Wang Moshan contacted Wang Qingcheng, and reported to each other that nothing could happen, so he immediately contacted Wang Changsheng or Wang Ruyan.

Wang Qingcheng has self-awareness. He has not been in the refining stage for a long time, and the location is at the bottom of the sea. With his ability, if he can't solve it, he will report to Wang Ruyan.

Wang Qingfeng went out, Wang Qingshan, Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue were in the inland, Wang Qingcheng and Bai Yuqi had not been in the refining period for a long time, and the masters in the clan were Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin.

"Mother, why don't you notify Dad! If Dad makes a move, there's absolutely no problem."

Wang Qingcheng asked for instructions.

"It's just a small matter, I can solve it without your father's action."

Wang Ruyan said confidently, if Wang Changsheng had to do everything by himself, Wang Changsheng would not be able to be busy at all.

"Mother, let me go with you! I can help."

Wang Qingcheng took the initiative to invite Ying.

"No need, you practice earth-attribute exercises and fight under the sea, you don't have any advantages, I'll just go."

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Ruyan said to the double-eyed mouse, "It's your job to do your best, you can have a full meal."

Whether it is a secret realm or an ancient monk's cave, the double-eyed mouse can play a big role.

The double-eyed mouse was grown up by Wang Ruyan, and it still listens to the hostess very much.

The double-eyed mouse seemed to understand Wang Ruyan's words, jumped on Wang Ruyan's shoulder, and made an excited "jiji" sound, as if responding to Wang Ruyan.

The tortoise ate a sixth-order golden thunder shark some time ago and fell into a deep sleep.

Wang Ruyan took the sixth-order puppet beast and left Qinglian Island.


In an endless blue sea, hundreds of escaping rays of light gathered in the sky, from forming pills to transforming spirits.

The vision was so conspicuous that a large number of cultivators rushed over and reported to the higher-ups at the same time.

A team of monks wearing uniform black shirts stopped the monks and prevented them from diving into the bottom of the sea. Their clothes were marked with black skulls, which were the symbols of Tianshamen.

The Tiansha Sect has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. The founder of the sect has made great achievements and acquired a piece of land with the Lengyan Sect. power.

Zhenhai Palace relocated a large number of immortal families from inland to overseas. In order to compete with Zhenhai Palace and expand its own power, Leng Yan Sect let several affiliated sects set up sub-rudders overseas, among which Tiansha Sect is the strongest. Yes, who hurt the Liu family's vitality.

There are as many as five cultivators of Tiansha Sect who are stationed overseas. The two cultivators of Tiansha Sect have already arrived and are searching for treasures at the bottom of the sea.

"You are too much for the Heavenly Demon Sect! Those who see treasures have a share."

A loose cultivator said with a frown.

The other loose cultivators agreed, and they all wanted a piece of the pie, but they couldn't eat meat, so drinking a sip of soup would be Anyone who sees it? This is what we found in the Tianshamen, and all of them go to me. "

A tall, thin middle-aged man had a murderous look on his face.

"Hehe, was it discovered by your Tianshamen? This area is our royal family's territory, and everything that appears on our territory is ours."

A majestic male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, a deafening thunder sounded from high in the sky.

A burly young man in silver shirt appeared high in the sky, it was Wang Mengbin.

"It's the real person Zi Xiao!"

Someone recognized Wang Mengbin. Wang Mengbin is mainly responsible for dealing with high-level monsters and assisting the clan to develop deserted islands. He killed many monsters and has a good reputation in this sea area.

When the middle-aged man saw Wang Mengbin, his expression softened, and he said politely, "Senior Wang, this sea area is unowned, how is it..."

Before he could finish speaking, hundreds of thick silver lightning pierced through the sky, heading straight for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was startled, and he quickly took out a black skull the size of a slap and punched in a magic trick. lightning.


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