Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2484: 4 parties gathered, cooperation broke the ban (no more today)

The black air was like paper paste, torn apart by hundreds of silver lightning bolts, and hundreds of silver lightning bolts smashed on the black skull, and the black skull was torn apart.

Hundreds of silver lightning bolts struck the middle-aged man, with a posture of smashing him into scum.

The middle-aged man turned pale with fright, and hurriedly threw out a small shield of black light, and punched a magic trick.

Lingbao couldn't stop Wang Mengbin's attack at all. After he entered the Void Refinement Stage, Lei Fa's power greatly increased.

The void fluctuated together, and a big golden hand emerged out of nowhere, hitting hundreds of silver lightning bolts.

After the loud bang, hundreds of silver lightnings and golden hands perished together, and the powerful air waves set off hundreds of giant waves.

"Friend Wang Dao, it's not good to bully the small!"

A somewhat hoarse male voice sounded, and a golden light flew out from the bottom of the sea. It was an old man in golden robes with a big belly, round face and small eyes, and his body was full of evil spirits.

Jinsha real person, in the early stage of virtual refining.

"If I want to kill him, does Fellow Daoist Lin have a chance to save him?"

Wang Mengbin sneered and said that it was also in the early stage of virtual refining. Not only did he have the five-colored divine thunder, but he also had a lot of condensed dharma forms, and he was not afraid of Jinsha real people at all.

"This is not the place for you to stay. Want to fish in troubled waters? Get out now, or you will be killed without mercy!"

Jin Shazhen looked at the group of loose cultivators and said coldly.

Even if there is a treasure of heaven and earth, it is from the Tianshamen and the Wang family. If others want to fish in troubled waters, don't even think about it.

"Haha, Lin Dao's friendly tone, I don't know, I thought this sea area belonged to your Tianshamen."

A woman's voice full of disdain came from the sky, and a white Changhong flew from the sky. After a while, the white Changhong stopped.

Evading light converged, revealing a huge white crane with a slender neck and golden claws. A plump young woman in a white dress stood on the back of the red giant crane.

The young woman in a white dress has a melon-seed face, a sakura-like nose, a fair skin, and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth.

Song Yunfeng, in the middle stage of virtual refining, she was Song Yunlong's cousin, but she was only three spiritual roots, and Song Yunlong was a spirit body.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, let's drive away the people from Tiansha Sect first, how about that?"

Song Yunfeng sent a voice transmission to Wang Mengbin. They are all affiliated cultivators of Zhenhai Palace. They all eat in the same pot. At critical moments, they should unite and cooperate.

Wang Mengbin nodded, the Wang family and the Song family had no life-and-death feud, and they cooperated for a win-win situation.

Jin Sha's face became ugly, Wang Mengbin was very troublesome, and now that Song Yunfeng is here again, it will be even more troublesome.

"It's really lively! It seems that there are treasures born here, and so many people have gathered."

A loud male voice came from the sky.

As soon as he finished speaking, a red light flew from the distant sky, and after a while, the white light stopped and Liu Tianyan appeared.

Seeing Liu Tianyan, Wang Mengbin and Song Yunfeng's expressions condensed, while Jin Shazhen was happy, his lips moved slightly, and he transmitted a voice to Liu Tianyan.

"Let's get out of here! Don't think about catching fish in troubled waters. When we fetch treasures, you dare to appear within a hundred miles and kill Wushe."

Liu Tianyan's face was full of murderous aura, and a red flame gushed out from his body. The red flame spread in all directions, emitting an astonishing high temperature.

The scattered cultivators looked at each other in dismay, and finally left.

This is not something they can mix, at least not for now.

"Wang Daoyou, Madam Song, are you leaving here on your own, or are we sending you away?"

Liu Tianyan said in a deep, indifferent tone.

"Hmph, I have heard for a long time that Fellow Daoist Liu is very advanced, and I also want to ask Fellow Daoist Liu for a lesson or two."

Naturally, Song Yunfeng will not retreat. Chances are hard to come by. Maybe this is the chance for her to make great progress in her cultivation.

Wang Mengbin didn't talk nonsense. When the magic trick was pinched, countless silver arcs appeared on the surface of the body, and a silver light shot up into the sky, turning into a ghostly shadow of a silvery giant. Early.

Jin Sha Zhenren's eyes were full of jealousy. He was also in the early stage of virtual refinement, and his Dharma appearance was only a little more than a tenth of the time.

Song Yunfeng also motivated Fa Xiang, a huge female phantom appeared in the sky, and Fa Xiang was condensed by a little more than two-tenths.

Liu Tianyan frowned, his face softened, and he said, "Forget it, it's better to resolve the enemy, but we haven't seen the treasure yet, let's join forces to break the formation, otherwise it will be troublesome when more cultivators arrive. ."

It is too unwise to fight to the death before seeing the treasure. The longer the delay, the more cultivators will come over, and they will be more passive.

Wang Mengbin was a little surprised, Liu Tianyan was so good at talking? They didn't dare to agree rashly, who knew if Liu Tianyan would suddenly kill him.

At this moment, a cyan escaping light flew from a distance, it was the Peng Bird puppet, and Wang Ruyan was standing on the Peng Bird puppet.

Before Wang Changsheng refined the source of true spirit, he put the Pengbird puppet in the secret room, and Wang Ruyan could use it at any time.

"Ancestor, you are here."

Wang Mengbin was amazed.

"A sixth-order puppet beast!"

The eyes of Liu Tianyan and Jin Sha Zhenren both showed fear. It is very difficult for an ordinary cultivator in the early stage of virtual refining to resist the heaven-penetrating treasure, but a sixth-order puppet beast can do it.

The sixth-order puppet beast cannot summon the Dharma, but with its strong defense, it is much harder to destroy a sixth-order puppet beast than a cultivator.

Song Yunfeng's beautiful eyes showed a look of surprise. The Wang family's puppet beasts are well-known in this sea area, even if the fifth-order puppets are not enough, the Song family can also buy them, but the sixth-order puppet beasts are gone.

Could it be that this sixth-order puppet beast was refined by Wang Changsheng?

"Okay, the old man opened the skylight and said something bright, let's cooperate to open the ban, how about it? If you continue to delay, there will be more cultivators coming, such as the cultivators from Zhenhai Palace, if you want to hand in the treasure, the old man has no opinion. "

Liu Tianyan said meaningfully, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Anyone has selfishness, and who can swallow the treasure for himself, who is willing to hand it in.

Wang Ruyan and Song Yunfeng looked at each other, nodded to each other, and agreed.

The five people dived into the bottom of the sea, leaving the disciples of Tianshamen to guard the sea.

Deep under the sea, a black light curtain isolates the sea water three hundred miles in a radius, forming a huge open space. A young woman in a black dress with picturesque features is urging Dharma to attack a thick blue light curtain.

On the surface of the cyan light curtain, there is a miniature green dragon, and the mini green dragon wanders on the surface of the light curtain.

The two humanoid corpse puppets spewed corpse fire and attacked the cyan light curtain.

"Flying dragon scattered people?"

These four words appeared in Wang Ruyan's mind. Wang Changsheng searched Liu Yunlan's Nascent Soul and found that the Liu family had been looking for Feilong Sanren. This person was a fit cultivator. It was said that he had entered Xuanling Tianzun's dojo and brought out a lot. treasure.

If this person is sitting in a cave, that's fine.

"Don't look at it, let's break the ban together!"

Liu Tianyan urged, when the magic trick was pinched, ripples swayed in the void above his head, and a red giant phantom appeared out of nowhere.

Others also urged the Dharma to attack the cyan light curtain.


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