Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2489: sly old monster

Many bones were black, as if they had been poisoned by a strange poison.

Most of the high-level monks in the Xuanyang realm use storage rings to store things, but the storage rings used by the monks in the Xuanyang realm are a hundred times larger than the storage rings used by the high-level monks in the lower realm.

Generally speaking, the space of a storage bracelet is a thousand times that of a storage ring. Even a fit cultivator may not have a storage bracelet. Just like the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, there are only a few fit cultivators who can own the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao. , Most of the cultivators still use the mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

There are also storage bracelets in the lower realm, but the space is not very large. It is far from the storage bracelets in the Xuanyang realm. They are also Yuanying cultivators.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin's eyes were fiery, but they didn't step forward rashly. They have been practicing Taoism for many years, and they didn't even rush to see the treasure. After all, there are no outsiders here to compete with them.

Judging from the previous situation, a war broke out here, and this person should have been seriously injured and died, but it is not ruled out that this person's primordial spirit is attached to other objects.

The body, primordial spirit, and primordial soul of a body-fitted cultivator are all independent entities, and primordial soul can only be attached to living things, such as monsters and immortal cultivators.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin's consciousness was wide open, and they carefully inspected the entire training room, even the futon on the ground, they did not let go.

They scanned everything several times and found nothing unusual.

The spider puppet walked towards the corpse, took off the storage bracelet, and returned to them.

Wang Ruyan did not immediately take over the storage bracelet, but released Soul Eater Jin Chan.

During the trip to the wild land, Wang Ruyan's Soul Eater Jin Chan devoured the yin beads left by a sixth-order ghost, as well as thousands of ghosts, and was promoted to the fifth-order high-grade.

Soul Eater Jin Chan is very sensitive to things like remnants or ghosts, and Wang Ruyan plans to use it to test it.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed out a golden glow, covering the storage bracelet, and there was nothing abnormal.

It spurted golden rays of light and covered the corpse. A certain bone showed a golden light. As if the corpse had come to life, it suddenly stood up and rushed towards them.

Wang Mengbin had been prepared for a long time. He raised his right hand, and a huge silver thunderball flew out, hitting the corpse, and there was a shrill scream.

"Stop, stop, spare my life, I know a lot of secrets, I am willing to tell you, I know a secret place left by the Xutian family, there are countless treasures in it, and I have been to Xuanling Tianzun's dojo."

The humanoid corpse spit out human words in a panicked tone.

"Are you a Feilong Sanren? What's going on with the wreckage of the monster outside?"

Wang Ruyan raised doubts.

"Strictly speaking, I am a clone of Feilong Loose Man. At the beginning, he refined two avatars, and I was the second avatar. Feilong Loose Man died under the great catastrophe, and I inherited the treasure left by him and cultivated it. Jin, after entering the Void Refinement Stage, after I survived the second great catastrophe, the first clone came back and fought for the treasure. The corpse of the monster was his spirit beast. I was trapped in a certain place, but I was also poisoned by a strange poison, not to mention the destruction of the body, and the severe damage to the soul, so I had to leave the body and attach to the treasure."

Humanoid Corpse explained.

"Why didn't he keep the clones here? Instead, he wanted to send them out? What kind of strange poison can destroy the body of a cultivator of yours, and the sea damages your soul?"

Wang Ruyan was dubious.

"The clone of the high-level monk is too close to the main body, and the power of the big catastrophe will increase. He sent that clone to find the treasure of transcending the robbery. I was not by his side at the time, but it was closer to him. Come back first, the main body After death, the avatar is an independent entity, but I made it later, I know his situation, he doesn't know my situation, I am the Mie Xian San, not to mention the virtual cultivator, the ordinary Mahayana cultivator. This poison will destroy the physical body, and the Immortal Destruction Powder is one of the ten strange poisons, and it is also one of the few things that can threaten the Mahayana monks."

Humanoid Corpse explained.

"So, you have lived for more than 100,000 years? Can a cultivator survive in this way?"

Wang Mengbin asked in confusion.

"Theoretically, yes, but after the death of the main body, it will be more difficult for the clone to surpass the main body, and the thunder tribulation caused by the impact on the great realm is more powerful. Otherwise, those Mahayana monks would have already refined a large number of clones."

Wang Ruyan changed her tone and asked: "The nine-leaf blood lotus is missing four lotus seeds, and the Feilong Sanren has only made two clones? Isn't that what the first clone said? You are so insincere, there is no need to keep it for you. ."

Wang Mengbin's body lit up with lightning, and he looked like he was about to destroy it.

"You found the nine-leaf blood lotus? I'll be honest, Feilong Sanren has refined three clones in total. I am the third one. I was also present when the first clone and the second clone were fighting, and I was cultivated at that time. Not high, I destroyed the second avatar with the first avatar, and then we had a big fight, I used the formation method to trap the first avatar somewhere, and was hit hard by the first avatar."

"Destroy it, Meng Bin, if this old man dares to tell a lie once, he will dare to tell a second time."

Wang Ruyan sent a voice transmission to Wang Mengbin, this person should know a lot of secrets, but this old monster has too many thoughts, maybe he has some supernatural powers, and it is difficult to control.

Since it's not easy to control, it's better to kill.

Wang Mengbin's body surfaced with thunder, and hundreds of thick silver lightning struck the humanoid corpse.

Wang Ruyan waved a golden feather fan and released a golden flame, drowning the humanoid corpse.

The golden firelight and the silver thunderlight intertwined, and the air was billowing, screaming again and again.

The human-shaped corpse was torn apart, and the soul-eating golden cicada spewed a golden glow, and a golden light flew out of it, flew into its mouth and disappeared.

The soul-eating golden cicada made a cheerful hissing sound, which was a great tonic for it.

Wang Ruyan frowned, a remnant that survived for tens of thousands of years, so easily destroyed by them? She always felt that something was wrong.

Her eyes fell on the wooden shelf, her face condensed.

There are some jade slips, jade boxes and jade boxes on the shelves, as well as two treasures with dim light.

Thousands of top-quality spiritual stones are used to form the formation. The shelves of the practice room are made of wood, which is a bit strange in itself. Ordinary spiritual wood has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years. Special spiritual wood cannot be used for refining into shelves. This is not impossible, but Wang Ruyan is more cautious.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed golden rays of light, covering the shelves.

A cyan wooden box suddenly opened, and a ray of blood flew out from it, tearing the golden glow, and heading straight for Wang Mengbin.

Wang Mengbin opened his mouth and spewed out a thick silver thunder light, hitting the blood light.

Wang Ruyan's reaction was quick, and she held out a small umbrella with a sparkling cyan light, and released a curtain of cyan light, covering their whole bodies.

In addition, they put several defenses on their bodies.

With a flash of blood, a ray of blood suddenly appeared in front of them, instantly turning into a hideous blood-colored grimace, easily passing through the cyan light curtain.

Soul Eater Jin Chan's body surface released a golden light, releasing the fixed soul forbidden light, covering the **** grimace.

Wang Mengbin took the opportunity to release the five-colored divine thunder, slashing at the **** grimace.

Bloody grimace screamed again and again, and bursts of blue smoke rose from his body.

Wang Ruyan waved the golden feather fan and released golden flames, drowning the **** grimace.

Wang Mengbin urged the dharma image, and the dharma image control spewed a thick silver thunder light, pierced through the golden flame, and sent out a miserable cry.

"Stop, this old man is willing to recognize you as masters, I have been to the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, don't kill me..."

A panicked male voice came from the golden flames.

Unmoved by Wang Mengbin and Wang Ruyan, they intensified their attacks.

Not long after, a blood-colored orb fell to the ground.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed out a golden glow, covering the blood-colored orb and swallowing it in its belly.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin's consciousness was wide open, and they carefully probed, but found nothing abnormal. Soul Eater Jinchan spewed golden rays of light and probed every corner.


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