Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2490: The terrifying net worth of the integrated monk

Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, the items on the shelf were scattered on the ground, and a cyan token fell out of a cyan jade box.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed golden rays of light and probed everything, as long as there was a ghost, it could find it.

It checked several times and found nothing unusual. That old monster was destroyed.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin both breathed a sigh of relief, and they both broke out in a cold sweat.

The things of the ancient monks are not easy to take. If it wasn't for Soul Eater Jin Chan to release the Soul Confinement Banning Light and block it for a while, Wang Mengbin might have been taken away.

Wang Ruyan checked the jade slips scattered on the ground, and confirmed that this was the cave dwelling of flying dragons and scattered people. A blue jade slip introduced the method of controlling the island protection formation. The formation in the first stone room was the island protection formation.

In a yellow jade slip, they found some clues.

Feilong Sanren has refined three clones in total. The first clone has the highest cultivation base and seeks resources for immortality outside. The second clone and the third clone are not very high.

This jade slip was left by the second avatar. He and the third avatar fought for the treasure of Feilong Sanren, and finally planned to cooperate to destroy the first avatar, but he guarded the third avatar and secretly did hands and feet.

They didn't touch the relics of the flying dragon scattered people, and they didn't even change the entrance, just to bring the first clone into the game, but they changed some of the formations on the island.

Wang Ruyan guessed that they used the formation to heavily inflict or kill the first clone, and then they fought infighting. The second clone was killed by the third clone, but the second clone also severely injured the third clone.

Ancient cultivator's things are not so easy to take, and he was almost plotted by the other party.

Wang Ruyan flicked her wrist lightly, a golden glow swept across, and there were a lot of things on the ground.

Thirteen pieces of Tongtian Lingbao, of which two are of the middle grade, a flying sword with azure light, a jade lock with an indeterminate blue light, three silver astral crystals, two heavenly thunder crystals, and two golden jade jade. , a piece of dry gold sand, two pieces of Xiyun jade, more than a thousand pieces of top-quality spirit stones, and some seventh-order refining materials, hundreds of jade slips, and the spirit medicine and medicinal herbs have been broken.

They checked all the jade slips. There are 21 exercises, most of which are the five elements. Among them, there is a set of Yaozu exercises called "Dragon Transformation Collection". If you can get it, you can cultivate to the middle stage of integration.

There is a book "Breaking Arrays", which records various methods of breaking arrays.

In addition to this, there are more than ten kinds of refining methods for sixth-order talismans and more than a dozen sixth-order pill recipes. Among them, there is a refining method called "Tai Jie Fu", which is similar to the "Tai Jie Zhu".

The storage bracelet already contains the materials for refining the Jie Talisman. Wang Ruyan can try to refine it. It is enough for her to refine it seven times, and she can always succeed a few times.

"The Secret Book of Thousand Swords", the sword cultivation method, can be practiced to the early stage of integration.

"Eighteen Forms of the Heavenly Sword", the sword cultivation method, can be practiced to the early stage of integration.

"The Collection of Heavenly Beasts", the Spiritual Controlling Technique, can be practiced until the middle stage of virtual practice.

Most of these exercises were seized by Feilong Sanren from the enemy, and some of them were obtained by his clone.

Wang Ruyan was very excited. The classics of the exercises are what the Wang family urgently needs now, and knowledge is priceless.

In addition to enjoying the shade under the big tree, the cultivation method is also a very important reason for the big forces to open the mountains and accept their disciples. The non-Wang family cultivators who have risen from the Dongli realm have all joined the Zhenhai Palace. Regardless of the power of the Zhenhai Palace, the Zhenhai Palace can Provide them with exercises.

They didn't find any records about the Xutian clan, and the remnant soul of the third clone should have lied to them.

In addition to these things, they also found a light-gold scroll with three big characters "Xuanling Tu" written on it. There are mountains and rivers on the picture, some places are marked with words, and some places have special punctuation, and I don't know what it means.

"He mentioned Xuanling Tianzun's dojo just now. This won't be the map of Xuanling Tianzun's dojo."

Wang Mengbin guessed.


Wang Ruyan said uncertainly, there are thousands of top-quality spirit stones, which she never dared to think about before. These things are sold for more than 2 billion spirit stones, which are still used by Feilong Sanren.

The net worth of the integrated cultivator is so rich and terrifying.

"The seventh-order formation is the blue wave formation of the four seas! Haha, with this formation as the protection formation, our family's defense will be stronger."

Wang Mengbin said excitedly, according to a jade slip, the island-guarding formation was a seventh-order defensive formation, the Four Seas and Blue Waves, using thousands of top-quality spirit stones and twenty-four spirit-gathering stones to form the formation, even if it was controlled by a cultivator. In this formation, it is not easy for a cultivator to break through this formation.

There are two types of formations. One is to use the terrain to plant spiritual wood, ground fire, and mineral veins. For example, the Wangjia Li Fire Bamboo formation is not easy to move. The second is to use the formation flag array. The formation is easy to carry, easy to use, and can be moved at any time. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to refine. The Sihai Blue Wave Formation is the second type, and they can take this formation away.

After so many years, the array flag array must have been damaged, but they can be repaired slowly.

There are also many good East XZ Treasure Pavilions, Spirit Beast Gardens, Spirit Medicine Gardens, etc. on the island.

"Activate the formation and send the island back to the sea!"

Wang Ruyan intends to move the island back to the sea. They are very safe to stay here. It is very easy to encounter Liu Tianyan and others when they leave here. They must know how to be content.

The masters of Zhenhai Palace arrived, Wang Ruyan let them in again, and used the formation to drive the others out. Even if the island could not be preserved, it would be a great achievement to turn it over to Zhenhai Palace, and the benefits would be maximized.

Wang Mengbin nodded, picked up a blue-light flashing array plate, and entered several magic tricks.

A steep peak, a spirit medicine garden, Song Yunfeng was trapped in a courtyard as large as several acres, and a pale golden light curtain covered the entire courtyard.

Song Yunfeng was urging the formation to break the formation, and she was very depressed. She finally broke the formation and picked a kind of spiritual fruit. The formation was automatically repaired, and its power was greatly improved.

Apparently, someone had found the island protection formation and replaced them with spirit stones.

No matter how she attacks, the golden light curtain is safe and sound. UU reading

In a manor that covers an extremely large area, Liu Tianyan's eyes were cold as he looked at the real person Jin Sha. The young woman in the black dress fell to the ground with a huge blood hole in her chest.

Jin Shazhen held a golden short blade in his hand. The shape of the short blade resembled a flying dragon, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations.

Not far away, there is a three-storey golden pavilion with three big characters "Treasure Pavilion" written on the plaque, and the door is open.

Liu Tianyan and Jin Shazhen together broke the ban to get the treasure. After finally breaking the ban, Jin Shazhen was taken away and killed the young woman in the black dress in an instant. Liu Tianyan could not help the other party.

"No one of us can do anything to anyone else, so we might as well cooperate to find treasure."

The real Jin Sha had a sincere expression on his face.

"Do you think the old man would believe this kind of nonsense? If you could kill the old man, you would have done it a long time ago. You are just a remnant of a soul, and I don't believe how long you can hold on for taking away a cultivator."

Liu Tianyan sneered and said, generally speaking, after a high-level cultivator seizes a house, he has to spend time consolidating his cultivation and frequently use his mana to fight the enemy, which cannot last long.

The real Jinsha is a monk in the early stage of refining, and the opponent seizes the real Jinsha, which means that the opponent's cultivation base is very high, or the soul is particularly powerful, or he has mastered the mystery of the soul, otherwise a remnant soul will not be so easy to take away Jinsha. real people.


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