Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2491: Search for immortal resources

This is also what he is afraid of. Neither of them can kill each other, they can only stand in a stalemate.

"I know a lot of secrets, such as Xuanling Tianzun's dojo, a secret realm controlled by the Xutian clan, even if you capture me, my practice is very special, and soul searching is useless to me."

Zhenzhen Jin Sha sincerely said that he was the first clone of Feilong Sanren, and was ordered to go out to find resources for cultivating immortals and help Feilong Sanren overcome the great catastrophe, but when he came back, Feilong Sanren was already dead.

A clone is an independent individual with its own independent consciousness. When the main body falls, the clone can continue to survive.

He didn't feel sad, he became a new "Flying Dragon Loose Man".

At that time, he was in the Great Perfection of Refinement. He returned here happily, found the remains of Feilong Sanren, and obtained a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao and several sets of middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. Clone attack.

If the noumenon is there, they will naturally be indistinguishable from each other. After the noumenon dies, they are all independent individuals, and naturally they do not want to be inferior to others.

With his great supernatural power, he severely injured one person, injured another person, and he was also infected with the strange poison, and was trapped here by the formation. Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen were separated from the body, and there was no living thing. soul.

During the long wait, the power of his divine soul passed quickly, and he waited for the treasure hunter.

"In order to show your sincerity, first tell me who you really are, and give me that set of Heavenly Spirit Treasures."

Liu Tianyan said in a deep voice, a bit of greed in his eyes.

"This is the cave of the flying dragon scattered people. I am his clone. I was severely injured by the other two clones. Even if they are still alive, they have no physical body. If you want to leave an oath on the forbidden book of Xuanling, you must not do anything to me."

As Jin Sha said, he took out a page of a book that sparkled with light, and the runes flashed.

"How can I be sure that this is the forbidden book of Xuanling? I can leave an oath on it, and you should also leave an oath on the forbidden stone."

Liu Tianyan's sleeve flicked, and a piece of red shining jade flew out.

The two had expressions of alertness on their faces, and the Forbidden Book and Forbidden Stone flew towards them.

Xuanling's forbidden book arrived in front of Liu Tianyan, a black light lit up, turned into a hideous black grimace, and rushed towards Liu Tianyan.

Liu Tianyan's reaction was quick, and a red light spurted out of his mouth, hitting the black grimace.

The black grimace let out a scream, turned into a black ring the size of a slap, and fell to the ground with dim light.

On the other side, the Forbidden Stone lit up with a burst of red light, turning into a red fire snake several feet long, surrounded by billowing flames, and rushed towards the real person Jin Sha.

The real Jin Sha also responded quickly, wielding a short golden blade, splitting the red fire snake in half.

Neither side wanted to cooperate, and both wanted to kill each other. As long as they believed in each other, they would be easily plotted against each other.

"It seems that you are going to fight this old man to the end. In that case, there is nothing to say."

Liu Tianyan had a murderous look on his face.

"Hmph, each other, let's give each other a step, I will give you the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, let's work together to destroy those two guys, we will share the heavenly soul secluded lotus equally, otherwise, you will get nothing, I die, and also Will reveal treasure."

Jin Sha Zhenren's sleeves flicked, and three flying swords that flickered with golden light flew out and landed on the ground.

The three golden flying swords all exuded terrifying aura fluctuations, and they were all mid-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures.

"Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus!"

Liu Tianyan was dubious.

"That's right, you should know the use of the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus! The Flying Dragon Loose People cultivated the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus, but those two guys should have eaten some, at least one or two more. If you want to die, then continue Bar!"

The real Jin Sha said solemnly.

Liu Tianyan's face showed a look of contemplation, and right here, a thick five-color light curtain emerged out of nowhere, covering the entire yard.

"Damn, someone took the lead and controlled the formation. It's probably those two guys."

Jinshen cursed, and his face became ugly.

"Hmph, how can they be strong by depriving others of their bodies?"

Liu Tianyan said nonchalantly.

"They have Mie Xian San. Ordinary Mahayana monks are in trouble if they are poisoned by this poison. If you practice poison art or have an eighth-order antidote, I will not tell you."

Jin Shazhen sneered.

"Destroying the Immortals!"

Liu Tianyan's complexion changed, and his complexion became solemn.

"Okay! The old man will cooperate with you, but if you play tricks with the old man, there will be no possibility of cooperation."

Liu Tianyan reminded, with a heavy tone.

"Each each other, everyone is the same."

Master Jin Sha agreed.

The two mobilized Dharma and attacked the five-color light curtain.

A steep emerald green peak, on the top of the mountain, a green manor that covers an extremely wide area. The door of the manor is open, and a square plaque of lacquered gold hangs at the entrance, with the three characters "Spiritual Medicine Garden" written on it.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin are searching for elixir. Many elixir have withered to death, but there are still many elixir. The minimum age is 20,000 years, and the more is 40,000 years.

Wang Mengbin urged Liu Tianyan and Song Yunfeng to trap Liu Tianyan and Song Yunfeng. They planned to loot more property. After leaving, it would be difficult to loot again. It may not be Zhenhai Palace that monopolizes the island. something.

It stands to reason that in the wasteland area, the things found are owned by the wasteland pioneers, but what to look at, such a big island, if there is no good thing, Zhenhai Palace will not believe it.

The Wang family is not required to pay But one day the local party will throw a pair of small shoes over, and it will be awkward to wear them.

Therefore, they searched for more immortal cultivation resources, and it was not too late to send the island up.

"Forty thousand years of Tianxin lotus, golden chestnut fruit, fire apricot fruit..."

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin were overjoyed and searched for elixir.

This time the harvest is not small, the fly in the ointment is that there are no top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and there are only two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, one attack and one defense, it is estimated that the first clone took away a lot of good things.


Deep under the sea, the faces of the twelve Ma Qianqian were slightly pale, and their brows were furrowed.

Twelve cultivators joined forces to mobilize the dharma, but none of them could shake the formation. Nine times out of ten, it was a seventh-order formation. They had been attacking for so long, and the entrance could not be revealed.

If it is a seventh-order formation, even if the cultivators control the formation, even if twelve of them join forces, they will not be able to break the formation. If it is a sixth-order formation, if they attack for so long, they should be able to shake the formation, and even the entrance will be blocked. can not see.

They looked at each other and didn't say anything.

To be honest, they are very regretful. If they knew this, they would have informed the cultivator, and now they can only stare blankly here.


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