Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2492: Bingsha Hanyu (no more today)

It is a steep peak, and at the foot of the mountain there is an opening several meters large, and some ice chips can be seen on the edge of the opening.

Wang Mengbin and Wang Ruyan stood at the entrance of the cave, they could feel a biting chill as they stood at the entrance of the cave.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on Wang Ruyan's shoulder and made a cry of "jiji". It obviously found something good.

This place is not far from where Liu Tianyan is located, otherwise the Shuangpushu would have brought them here long ago.

A giant white bear puppet walked in front, and they followed.

The further they walked in, the colder it became. They could still feel a biting chill through the protective aura.

There are some restrictions on consciousness here, they dare not be careless, and the speed is not fast.

Some white ice debris appeared on the double-eyed mouse, and its body shrank into a ball.

It suddenly made a "jiji" sound, and its body shivered.

"Be careful, there are monsters here!"

Wang Ruyan reminded that the double-eyed rat has a sensitive sense of smell. As long as the monster shows its face, even if it is cast and hidden, the double-eyed rat will still smell its scent.

As soon as the voice fell, the ice layer on the ground suddenly shattered, and a white glow swept out, heading straight for Wang Mengbin.

The thunder light on Wang Mengbin's body soared, and countless silver electric arcs surged out, defeating the white glow. At the same time, he performed the thunder escape technique and retreated.

Wang Ruyan's reaction was also very fast, turning into a flash of light and retreating.

Strangely, the monster didn't chase it out.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng's Famu, but was blocked by a mysterious force. Obviously, there was an independent formation or something special here, and she couldn't see the situation in the cave clearly.

She just refined a treasure, not a pupil technique, otherwise she would be able to see what's inside.

"Hmph, do you think I can't help you if you hide in there?"

Wang Ruyan sneered, and with a pinch of the magic trick, an aura shot up into the sky and turned into a huge female phantom.

"Meng Bin, keep your distance from the double-eyed mouse so as not to be affected."

Wang Ruyan instructed, she patted the buttocks of the double-eyed mouse, and the double-eyed mouse jumped on Wang Mengbin's body, and followed Wang Mengbin away.

She wears a small blue lock on her chest. This is the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao water tidal lock that she just obtained to protect against treasures.

A blue light flashed, and a blue water curtain appeared out of thin air, protecting Wang Ruyan's whole body.

A cheerful flute sounded, and the flute spread farther and farther.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, a white light flew out from the cave. It was a white spirit fox with a white body and snow-white eyes. This beast was a low-grade sixth-order beast.


Wang Ruyan said in surprise, they checked all the books, but they didn't see any records of the sixth-order spirit fox, it was estimated that it was the descendant of the cloned spirit beast.

It's no wonder that the ban on the Medicine Garden is so difficult to break. If it were so easy to break, it would probably be eaten up by it.

As soon as the white spirit fox appeared, it let out a strange roar, and a white light shot up into the sky, turning into a giant white fox phantom.

A large number of white snowflakes fell from the sky, the temperature dropped rapidly, and a large number of white ice chips appeared on the ground.

Wang Ruyan was unmoved, and urged Dharma to attack the white spirit fox.

The fox phantom spewed out a vast white glow, heading straight for her, and before it got close to Wang Ruyan, it was defeated by the sound wave.

The fox phantom's eyes each shot a white light, and the result was the same. As soon as he approached Wang Ruyan, he was defeated by the sound wave.

The white fox's supernatural powers are not strong, and it is estimated that, like the double-eyed mouse, he is good at treasure hunting.

Wang Ruyan has no interest in subduing this beast. She is only in the early stage of virtual refinement. She has no problem subduing this beast with her powerful supernatural powers, but her loyalty is hard to say.

The double-eyed mouse and the tortoise are the best examples. They grew up beside Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan since childhood, and they are also very close to the Wang family members.

The double-eyed mouse can move freely on Qinglian Island and will not harm the Wang family.

The white fox couldn't break through Wang Ruyan's defense at all, and as time went by, its response became slower and slower.

Within half a quarter of an hour, the flute became agitated, the white fox screamed again and again, crawling on the ground, the fox phantom did not move.

Wang Ruyan's face turned cold, and a blue sound wave flew out of the jade flute and went straight to the opposite side.

The blue sound wave passed over the body of the white fox, the white fox screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the fox phantom collapsed.

With a loud rumbling sound, a thick five-colored divine thunder fell from the sky and slashed on its body, blood stained its fur, and its breath was sluggish.

The sound wave has already damaged its internal organs, and coupled with the attack of the five-colored gods, it has been seriously injured.

A dirt bag bulged up in the ground, and the double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. Its body surface was yellow, and its size soared, turning into a giant rat that was more than thirty feet tall, spewing out a yellow glow. Covered the white fox, rolled it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

The double-eyed rat's body shrank rapidly and made a cheerful cry.

A sixth-order monster, let it have a full meal.

Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin entered the cave again. This time, they did not encounter any monsters.

Not long after, they appeared in an ice cave that was 10,000 mu.

Three gigantic white animal corpses were stacked in the corner. Judging from the shape of the animal skeletons, they looked like foxes, and it was estimated that they had multiplied for many generations.

In the lower left corner of the ice cave, there is an ice pool with a size of 100 feet. There are three white lotus flowers floating on the surface of the pool, and the buds are blooming.

"Tianyue Ice Lotus!"

Wang Ruyan had a happy face. There were three Tianyue ice lotus plants, one forty thousand years and two for thirty thousand years.

Wang Ruyan carefully dug out three Tianyue ice lotuses and put them in the jade box, not even letting go of the ice water.

She urged Wufeng Famu to investigate the surrounding situation.

"Meng Bin, attack the ice wall and see."

Wang Ruyan pointed to an ice wall and said.

Wang Mengbin responded and released a silver thunderball the size of a water tank, hitting the ice wall. An astonishing scene appeared, and the ice wall remained motionless.

He sacrificed the five-colored divine thunder, which shattered the ice wall, and there was nothing unusual.

Wang Ruyan opened her mouth, and a red flame flew out. This was the sixth-order spirit fire she refined.

The red flames fell on the ice wall, and a burst of white smoke rose from the ice wall and quickly melted.

A black ice wall appeared in front of them, exuding a penetrating chill.

"This is the Frozen Jade!"

Wang Ruyan said in surprise.

Bingshahanyu is a kind of jade. Glaciers or ice caves with strong evil spirits can only be formed after tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The ice evil cold jade is refined into a treasure, which not only comes with ice-type supernatural powers, but also contains very domineering evil spirits. UU reading

Some secret techniques can absorb the energy of ice evil for cultivation. Wang Changsheng practiced water-based exercises, which can use the gas of ice evil to refine his body, and he can also damage the enemy from outside.

She remembered that a jade slip that she seized recorded a secret technique of using the energy of ice evil to cultivate.

"Meng Bin, urge Fa Xiang to mine Bingsha Hanyu! Ordinary attacks can't do anything about this material."

Wang Ruyan exhorted, urging Dharma to release blue sound waves, attacking Bingsha Hanyu.

Wang Mengbin responded, and also urged Fa Xiang to attack Bingsha Hanyu.


On the sea, two rays of light flew from a distance, one was Liu Qingfeng and the other was Bai Ruohan.

They received the news and rushed over as quickly as possible.

They don't know what it is either. Most of them are ancient monks' caves, and they may also be the ruins of sects.

Speaking of which, Liu Qingfeng was a little embarrassed. When he allocated islands, he naturally favored his own people. Most of the islands with superior geographical locations were given to the Xiuxian family of the local faction, and the islands obtained by the ascended factions such as the Wang family were mostly remote.

The Wang family has been developing deserted islands for many years, and they have never asked Zhenhai Palace for help once.


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