Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2502: Cultivation of secret techniques, the situation of the lower world

On Amethyst Island, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged in a huge pit, his eyes were tightly closed, there were many long bloodstains on his body, and the wound was charred black.

After a while, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes and let out a big mouthful of foul breath.

The power of the first big catastrophe is not small, but as long as you prepare more things, most cultivators can survive the first big catastrophe.

In addition to using treasures and physical bodies to resist thunder tribulation, some dharma forms can also resist the great catastrophe, some special exercises, the dharma forms cultivated have the magical effect of healing or weakening the power of lightning, and also have a very good effect on resisting the great catastrophe.

Wang Changsheng's dharma is biased towards attack. In essence, he can also urge his dharma to resist the great catastrophe, but his dharma is not defensive, and it is not easy to use his physical body to resist, which is related to the materials he condenses.

Most of the dharma forms of high-level body repairs are condensed with materials that increase toughness, such as Xiyun Jade, Jin Gangzhi, etc. The dharma forms are condensed with these toughness-enhancing materials, which are more resistant to beatings.

Wang Changsheng used the water of the Styx to condense the dharma.

Some high-level cultivators, in order to facilitate the transcendence of the great catastrophe, will practice the exercises that have stronger defensive supernatural powers, and then use materials that enhance the defense to condense the spells.

You can't have both, you can only choose one of them.

Condensation of materials such as Xiyun Jade or Golden Astral Crystal can indeed enhance toughness, but they are afraid of attacks from high-level spiritual fire and heavy treasures.

Wang Changsheng had previously fought against a cultivator of the Jinghuo clan, and the other party misjudged his dharma sign and attacked his dharma sign with heavy treasures and spirit fire, but it was useless.

Wang Changsheng does not need to use the law to resist the great catastrophe. He is a craftsman who can refine treasures to resist the great catastrophe.

Three rays of light descended from the sky, and it was Wang Ruyan and the three of them.

"Old Ancestor, are you alright!"

Wang Mengbin asked with concern.

"It's okay, thanks for your hard work."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said with a smile on his face.

He is really not in serious trouble, but he will need to recuperate for a few years, mainly because he indulged a few thunder tribulations with his physical body, otherwise he would not need to recuperate for so long.

"It's not hard, this is what we should do."

Bai Yuqi said with a smile.

"Let's go! Let's go back! Send someone to clean up, and the clansmen can survive the catastrophe here in the future."

Wang Changsheng put away the wood demon, released the Qingluan boat, and left the place with the three of Wang Ruyan.

Before the time for a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to Qinglian Island. Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi were sitting on a large island, and they did not need to stay on Qinglian Island.

As soon as he returned to Qinglian Island, Wang Changsheng discovered the remaining aura of thunder tribulation.

He called Wang Moshan, and after asking a few questions, he learned the news that Wang Dong Xueli had entered the virtual refining period.

"That's great, Xue Li has entered the virtual refining stage, and there are eleven virtual refining cultivators in our family."

Wang Changsheng said excitedly, the family keeps getting stronger, which is a good thing.

"Ancestor, do you want to hold a celebration?"

Wang Moshan asked for instructions.

"Ask Xue Li and Qing Feng! They can do it if they want, or they won't do it if they don't want to."

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment and said this.

There are not many forces that the Wang family has friends with. There is not much difference between the tenth and the eleventh. They can be held or not.

Dong Xueli has already entered the stage of refining, so let her make up her mind with Wang Qingfeng!

Wang Moshan even claimed yes and agreed.

"Moshan, no clansmen have ascended in the lower realm?"

Wang Ruyan wondered. According to the time, Wang Zongyan should have ascended to the Xuanyang Realm. He is a cultivator of Tianlinggen. Soaring into Xuanyang Realm, could something happen?

"No, why don't you use the formation to ask?"

Wang Moshan suggested that if you want to contact the people of the lower realm, you need to consume the Jinhuan Divine Crystal. This kind of material is abundant in the Xuanyang realm, but it is very precious in the lower realm.

"No, if something goes wrong, they will contact us with a formation."

Wang Changsheng shook his head, but Wang Zongyun had reported that when he ascended, there were six people in the lower realm who belonged to the God Transformation stage, and there were treasures left by Wang Changsheng.

Wang Zongyan may have reached the Xuanyang Realm, or there may be a little trouble in the lower realm, and Wang Zongyan is dealing with the little trouble.

"Okay, go and get busy!"

Wang Changsheng asked Wang Moshan to retire. He had a lot of things to deal with, such as cultivating the unicorn extermination hand, condensing the silk of the soul, cultivating the Taixu forging magic, and improving the rank of Dinghaizhu.

Walking into a secret room, Wang Changsheng saw Soul Eater Jin Chan at a glance. Jin Qiong Yuye had been absorbed by it, but it had not recovered, and the situation was a little better.

Wang Changsheng was surprised to find that there were some black lines on the wings of Soul Eater Jin Chan, and he didn't know if it had anything to do with the ghosts it devoured.

He took out three thousand-year-old elixir, fed it to Soul Eater Jinchan, and walked out.

When he came to a secret room, Wang Changsheng took out a blue porcelain bottle, which contained the Qilin blood essence.

If he has mastered the secret method and has a special elixir, he can refine the Qilin blood essence and share the same room with Wang Ruyan, and the descendants born will inherit the true spirit blood.

Even if he gets the secret method and elixir in the future, he will not give birth to descendants with true spirit blood.

It is necessary to refine the blood of the true spirit with a secret method, and then take a special elixir to make room, so that future generations can inherit the blood of the true spirit.

Wang Changsheng is now only using the Qilin blood essence to practice the secret technique, and to obtain the secret technique, he has to obtain the true spirit blood essence. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He took off the cork and poured the Qilin blood essence into his mouth.

A strong fishy smell spread out in his mouth, and it didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to feel his blood surging, his body swelled rapidly, as if he was about to burst.

He didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed the formula recorded in the Tianxu Jade Book to refine the Qilin's blood.

The blue light on his body surface exploded, and the swollen body slowly returned to normal.


Dongli Realm, Nanhai Xiuxian Realm.

In an extremely large bluestone square, fifty cultivators stood in an orderly line, Wang Zongyan was giving them a lecture, and his face was solemn.

Wang Zongyan had already cultivated to the middle stage of Spirit Transformation, and he could have used the Flying Spirit Formation to ascend to the Xuanyang Realm.

More than a thousand years ago, Feixian Ruins opened, and the Wang family sent people to hunt for treasures. They found some kind of treasure and some high-level refining materials. Due to strength and time problems, they could not bring them out.

When Wang Changsheng went to the lower realm, he brought many books, one of which recorded rare treasures, and Feixian Ruins discovered several kinds. One of the treasures was the most precious, and it was something that grew naturally.

Wang Changsheng had pointed out Wang Zong's acetylene refining tool. When chatting, Wang Changsheng mentioned this kind of thing, strictly speaking, it is one of the top ten strange stones in the Xuanyang world.

Wang Zongyan hoped that the tribe would get this treasure, and then he would bring it to Wang Changsheng, so that he could live better in Xuanyang Realm.

In addition, Feixianxu has a small Void Cloud Crystal vein.

In order to get these things, Wang Zongyan and other three gods have refined an incarnation, carefully cultivated, only one step away from Nascent Soul, let them bring fourth-order medicinal pills, fifth-order talismans, and fourth-order puppet beasts Waiting for things to go in, no matter what, you must get the strange stone and the virtual cloud crystal. (To be continued)

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