Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2503: Feixian Market opens

If it weren't for the hard-to-find materials for refining avatars, the six god-transforming clansmen would refine avatars and send avatars in.

The three incarnations have their own strengths, one sword cultivator, wearing Lingbao, Wannian Lingyu, fourth-order medicinal pills to restore mana, and a secret talisman given by the sword cultivator, which seals one of the sword cultivators. Sword Qi, killing fourth-order monsters is no problem.

A body cultivator, fed a lot of elixir for body-building, also carried Lingbao, Wannian Lingyu, fourth-order elixir to restore mana, and Wanjun Talisman, which can enhance the power of the physical body in a short period of time.

A spiritual master, the natal beast is a third-order Scarlet Yan Jiao, who can unite human beings and beasts, and it is no problem to fight against fourth-order monsters.

In addition, there is also a team of sword repairers, a team of sword repairers, a team of sound repairers, and a team of puppet masters, all of whom have carried heavy treasures and have been running in for many years.

Some Infant Seeds have not entered the Nascent Soul Stage for a long time, just for this treasure hunt.

To put it bluntly, even if there are ten fourth-order monsters, they can't stop them.

"No matter who gets that thing, you will be rewarded with five baby-born spirits and two spirit treasures. In the future, you will have the qualification to give priority to impacting the gods, and the helper will also be rewarded. No matter how much you pay, you must get that kind of thing. "

Wang Zongyan said in a deep voice, his majestic eyes quickly swept across the many clansmen.

After years of exploration, Feixianxu has some Tier 4 monsters, but there are not many of them. The Wang family has sent so many masters, and something like that is bound to be won.

"Yes, Zongyne Ancestor."

All the clansmen agreed in unison, and the voices echoed in the sky.

Only Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can become the ancestors of the family, no matter if they are in Dongli Realm or Xuanyang Realm.

Since they were selected, the family has often trained them to fight monsters, and their cooperation is skillful.

Wang Zongyan's sleeve flicked, and a red light flew out, turning into a red dragon boat more than a hundred feet long.

He flew onto the red dragon boat, followed by the rest of the Wang family.

"Set off!"

Wang Zong's acetylene method was pinched, and the red dragon boat turned into a red light and flew away, disappearing into the sky.


On a remote island, thousands of monks gathered on the island, including representatives from Zhenhai Sect, Jiuyang Sect, Shen Family, and Ouyang Family.

Thousands of years ago, in the interface war, most of the Shen family's masters were killed and injured. They should have disappeared. I never thought that several Tianlinggen clansmen emerged one after another in the Shen family within a thousand years, and slowly recovered their vitality. .

With the strong support of the Wang family, Zhenhaizong currently has more than ten Nascent Soul monks, who are not small. This kind of resource slowly declined and became a third-rate sect.

"Daoyou Li, your Zhenhaizong is close to the Wang family, why hasn't the Wang family arrived yet?"

A fat middle-aged man asked curiously, the Wang family controlled the flying spirit formation, and the spiritual cultivator did not want to offend the Wang family in order to soar.

The people from the Wang family haven't arrived yet, so naturally they can't open the entrance to enter Feixian Ruins.

"I don't know, maybe it's on the way! Hey, they're here."

The cultivators all looked towards the sky, and a red light appeared in the sky. It didn't take long for them to see the true face of the red light. It was a red dragon boat with a length of more than 100 meters.

A team of monks from the Wang family stood on top, headed by Wang Zongyan.

Limited by the immortal cultivation resources in the lower realm, it is difficult for the Wang family to cultivate the fourth-order Jiaolong, otherwise Wang Zongyan will drive the fourth-order Jiaolong to hurry.

"It's Senior Wang, how come he personally led the team."

The cultivators turned pale in shock. When Wang Zongyan entered the Divine Transformation Stage, they had not yet been born. They had only seen the portrait of Wang Zongyan, and it was the first time they saw the real person of Wang Zongyan.

Before long, the red dragon boat came to them.

"Meet Senior Wang."

The monks bowed and saluted, looking nervous.

"Everyone is here! Open the Feixian Market!"

Wang Zongyan commanded in a stern tone.

The cultivators responded and offered their treasures and opened the entrance. At the same time, they greeted their disciples, not to conflict with the cultivators of the Wang family, nor to **** the resources of immortal cultivation with them, so as not to cause trouble to the sect or family.

Wang Zongyan personally led the team, indicating that he attaches great importance to the trip to Feixianxu, and it is estimated that he has discovered some treasures.

Even if people from other forces get the strange stone, and Wang Zongyan guards the entrance, no one else can get that strange stone.

"go in!"

Wang Zongyan waved his sleeves, and the clansmen flew towards the entrance one after another.

A total of 300 cultivators entered the Feixian Market, and the Wang family sent 50 cultivators in, and none of the forces had any objections. Their ancestors or elders still wanted to use the flying spirit formation to ascend! He didn't want to offend the Wang family at all.

The Feiling Great Array gave many cultivators hope that they wouldn't have to fight and fight for resources. The world of immortality ushered in a period of peace. The cultivators of Tianlan, Dongli, Qianglu and Binghai had cultivated to become Gods. After the period, they will find a place to practice with peace of mind, and make every effort to hit the middle stage of God Transformation. When they reach the middle stage of God Transformation, they will be able to find the Wang Family to borrow the Flying Spirit Formation.

As long as they are not too wasteful, they can cultivate to the middle stage of God Transformation before their lifespan is exhausted. Therefore, they can't commit to fighting with monks of the same rank. As a result, these people are not strong, compared to Wang Qingshan and other soaring monks. Not far.

Wang Zongyan sat in a blue stone pavilion, holding a thick book in his hand, and began to read it.

On the book cover of the book is written the three characters "Treasures Lu", which was handed down by Wang Changsheng and recorded a variety of heaven and earth treasures in the Xuanyang world.

Feixianxu has several kinds of materials that can be found in the "Treasure Record", even if there are one or two, there are actually many kinds.

Wang Changsheng mentioned Feixian Ruins when he divided his soul into the lower realm, and Feixian Ruins may be the fragments left by Xuanyang Realm.

Dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other in dismay, and they didn't dare to breathe, and stood aside honestly.

"You are busy with yours, leave me alone."

Wang Zongyan waved his hand and told them to retreat.


Feixian Ruins, an endless green grassland.

A red light lit up in the sky, and a tall and thin young man in a golden shirt appeared. He was the incarnation of Wang Zongyan, and he was also a physical practitioner.

"Wang Zongyan" took out a cyan-glowing Dharma plate with a blue lotus flower pattern on the surface of the Dharma plate.

The Qinglian Spiritual Disk can sense other clansmen holding the Qinglian Spiritual Disk within a radius of 200,000 miles, and fifty members of the clan have all carried the Qinglian Spiritual Disk.

Soon, the Qinglian Inspiration Disk responded, and countless cyan runes flew out, turning into a cyan arrow, pointing to the northwest.

"Wang Zongyne" held the Qinglian Inspiration Plate and flew towards the northwest.

Almost at the same time, after the cultivator of the Wang family entered the Feixian Ruins and ensured his own safety, he immediately used the Qinglian Spiritual Disk to join the other clansmen.


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