Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2512: Such as the smoke crossing the great catastrophe

Amethyst Island, a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, has a small courtyard as large as mu.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were sitting in a cyan stone pavilion. After they returned from Zhenhai Palace, they put the materials in the family treasure house and came to Amethyst Island.

"Madam, you can safely pass the big catastrophe!"

Wang Changsheng warned that he would protect Wang Ruyan himself, and he did not need Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi.

Wang Ruyan nodded and walked towards the attic not far away.

Wang Changsheng flew to a green mountain a hundred miles away, and a three-story cyan attic was located on the top of the mountain.

He strode in, released Soul Eater Jin Chan, took out a cyan porcelain bottle, poured out some cyan liquid that exuded the fragrance of herbs, and landed on Soul Eater Jin Chan's body. cyan liquid.

The cyan liquid is Bailing Jade Liquid, which is helpful for Soul Eater Jin Chan's injury.

Bailing Jade Liquid is an external wound medicine. Wang Changsheng applied Bailing Jade Liquid to Soul Eater Jin Chan's wound.

After smearing a bottle of Bailing Jade Liquid, Soul Eater Jin Chan made a cheerful cicada sound.

Wang Changsheng sat down with his knees crossed and meditated.


In the northwest corner of Xuanguang Continent, there is an emerald green mountain range that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles.

A huge thundercloud floated high in the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, and one after another thick lightning fell from the sky, hitting a valley covered by a thick yellow fog.

On a steep peak a hundred miles away, a girl in a golden skirt with delicate features stood on the top of the mountain with an indifferent expression.

Accompanied by a deafening sound of thunder, the thunderclouds rolled violently, and countless silver thunder snakes merged into one, turning into a silver thunder dragon with a length of more than 100 meters. breath.


The silver Lei Jiao turned into a silver long rainbow, heading straight for the valley.

At this time, the yellow mist in the valley dissipated, and Shangguan Tianhong stood in a huge pit, his face slightly pale, wearing a golden war armor with a golden snake and python pattern on the surface of the armor.

He has entered the Void Refinement Stage and is in the process of transcending the Great Heavenly Tribulation.

He held a long sword with golden light in his hand, and slashed at the silver Lei Jiao.

The silver Lei Jiao was like a piece of paper, and was split in half by him. A huge silver sun rose, and the powerful air wave razed more than ten kilometers to the ground.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, Shangguan Tianhong was safe and sound, but his face turned pale.

He flew in front of the girl in the golden skirt, bowed and said, "Thank you, Miss, for protecting the law. My subordinates are very grateful."

The girl in the golden skirt is none other than Michelle Ye, also known as Ji Ling. After returning to the Xuanyang Realm, she successfully recovered her cultivation in the fusion stage, but it is currently in the early stage of fusion.

The cultivators who followed Ye Xuanji to the Xuanyang Realm had all entered the Void Refinement period. When Ye Xuanji captured a sixth-order Jiaolong, he attracted a group of aliens to hunt and kill them, and there were as many as three people in the fusion period.

Everyone else was killed by the aliens, leaving Shangguan Tianhong.

Ye Xuanji slaughtered two cultivators in a row with his great magical power, and led Shangguan Tianhong to break out of the siege.

"With this set of golden-scaled python armor I made for you, the first three great catastrophes are no big problem, let's go! I still have a lot of things to do, and there are still many places where you need to run errands, I will not treat myself badly. Yes, the person who betrayed me, you know what will happen."

Ye Xuanji's tone was cold.

Shangguan Tianhong's expression was respectful, and he even claimed that he was.

Just kidding, the three cultivators of different races joined forces, and they were both beheaded by Ye Xuanji. Shangguan Tianhong had a problem with his mind, so he betrayed Ye Xuanji.

With a shake of Ye Xuanji's right hand, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a full-body yellow flood dragon flew out from the spirit beast bracelet and landed in front of them.

She and Shangguan Tianhong jumped on the back of the yellow dragon one after another, and the yellow dragon flew high into the sky and disappeared into the sky.


Spring and autumn come, and thirty years have passed quickly.

Amethyst Island, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, the soul-eating golden cicada was flying over his head, and hundreds of ghosts were running around.

He used three bottles of Bailing Jade Liquid, plus thousands of ghosts, including more than ten ghosts in the spirit-transforming stage and hundreds of ghosts in the Nascent Soul stage, and the soul-devouring golden cicada recovered.

These ghosts are not the opponents of Soul Eater Jin Chan at all. Soul Eater Jin Chan spews golden flames, and the ghosts scream when they touch the golden flame, and quickly turn into a yin bead, which cannot be extinguished at all.

A black Specter resembling an ape let out an angry roar, spewing out a gray ghost fire, and went straight to the soul-devouring golden cicada.

Soul Eater Jin Chan opened its mouth and spewed out a thin golden light. The black Specter avoided most of the golden light, but was hit by a few golden lights. The thin golden light pierced its left arm, and its breath shriveled and became listless.

After advancing to the sixth rank, Soul Eater Jinchan has mastered a new magical power - the light of confinement of the soul, the ghost will become sluggish and unable to mobilize the power of the ghost. devour.

This magical power is also useful for dealing with the spirits of monsters. With this magical power, the strength of Soul Eater Jin Chan has been greatly improved. There is a distance limit for confining the soul and banning light, and there is no distance limit for holding the soul and banning light.

The ghosts with powerful supernatural powers can break free. As for the soul and light, the sixth-order ghosts can't break free, and it is hard to say that the UU reading is above the seventh-order.

Soul Eater Jin Chan was not satisfied, the golden light on his body rose sharply, and countless slender golden lights flew out, piercing through all the ghosts, these ghosts immediately became listless, and were caught in Soul Eater Jin Chan's mouth by the golden light and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng felt that his spiritual consciousness had increased a little, and the accumulation of small things would add up.

A rumbling thunder sounded, interrupting Wang Changsheng's thoughts.

"Has it finally arrived?"

Wang Changsheng's expression froze, he got up and walked out.

In a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, a huge thundercloud appeared above the valley. Countless silver arcs could be seen, and silver snakes were crawling in the thundercloud.

In a secret room, Wang Ruyan sat on the futon, looking nervous.

She held a yellow array plate in her hand and entered several tricks.

She is not Wang Changsheng, she dares to resist the thunder calamity, and she can't do it.

Countless yellow mists gushed out from the valley. With the valley as the center, the ground with a radius of 100 miles turned into a huge sand pit. The wind was gusting, and countless yellow sand and gravels flew up in the wind, condensing into a huge yellow sand curtain, covering it. the entire estate.

A loud thunder sounded, a silver lightning struck down, and the yellow sand curtain was immediately torn open, but soon, the gap was healed.

With the sound of thunder, one after another silver lightning struck down.

With the sixth-order formation and the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Talisman, Wang Ruyan had no major problem in surviving the great catastrophe.

After half an hour, the thundercloud was still more than ten feet in size, and countless silver arcs flickered, like a miniature thunder sea.

The thunderous sound of thunder sounded, the thunderclouds rolled like boiling water, and a huge silver thunder wolf flew out of it, with thunder light lingering on its body, pounced on Wang Ruyan.


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