Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2513: double closed

Wang Ruyan stood on top of a boulder, covered with a blue water curtain and a silver light curtain.

The silver light curtain is transformed by the talisman of Tianlei, and the blue water curtain is the defense released by the water tidal lock. The former can weaken the power of thunder and lightning, and the latter is a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The silver thunder wolf pounced and slapped the blue water curtain with both claws.

Wang Ruyan took out the Tianyin flute and played it softly. With the cheerful sound of the flute, a blue sound wave swept out and hit the silver thunder wolf.

The thunder light on the silver thunder wolf's body rose sharply, defeating the blue sound wave, but more sound waves swept in, drowning the silver thunder wolf.

The silver thunder wolf let out a miserable whine, and countless silver arcs rushed out, drowning for miles around.

The whole Amethyst Island shook, the gravel splashed, and the smoke filled the air.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and Wang Ruyan flew out of the thunder light and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

The defense of the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao is good, coupled with the Tianlei Transformation Talisman, she successfully survived the big catastrophe, but the mana consumption is serious.

"This time, I can retreat and cultivate for a while with peace of mind. With five bottles of Tianyin Dan, I can save thousands of years of hard work."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

Wang Changsheng nodded, left Amethyst Island with Wang Ruyan, and returned to Qinglian Island.

There are more and more experts in the family, and Wang Moshan takes care of the chores. If the cultivator needs to come forward, Wang Mengbin, Bai Yuqi and others can make a move, and they can practice for a while in peace.

Void cultivators are very slow to advance. Three thousand years can be considered fast to advance to a small realm. If you are unlucky, it is not surprising that you will be stuck in a small realm for ten thousand years. Under the calamity, the waves washed away the sand.

Wang Changsheng had the sixth-order spiritual water to assist in his cultivation, and he still practiced on the seventh-order spiritual meridian. During this period, he took some miraculous medicines. It took more than two thousand years to advance from the early stage of virtual refining to the middle stage of virtual refining.

Wang Ruyan took three bottles of Tianyin Dan, saving more than a thousand years of hard work, and if he took five more bottles of Tianyin Dan, he should be able to advance to the middle stage of refining.

It took more than 2,000 years to enter the middle stage in the early stage, and it may be longer from the middle stage to the later stage.

Wang Changsheng opened the ban on Qinglian Peak, sacrificed Wangui Seal, and entered a magic trick.

The size of Wan Guixi skyrocketed, and a large number of grim faces appeared on the surface, and thousands of ghosts flew out from it, including a sixth-order ghost.

The sixth-order ghost noticed that it was not good, but it was refined into the ten thousand ghost seal, not a free body.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan released Soul Eater Jin Chan at the same time, Wang Changsheng's Soul Eater Jin Chan was a sixth-rank low-grade, and Wang Ruyan's Soul Eater was a fifth-rank high-grade.

A soul-eating golden cicada spewed slender golden light, like a golden steel needle, and went straight to the ghost.

The other soul-devouring golden cicada can only spew golden rays of light, covering other low-level ghosts.

These ghosts are not opponents at all, so the sixth-order ghosts can struggle for a while, or they are swallowed by Wang Ruyan's Soul Eater Jinchan and fall into a deep sleep.

After swallowing so many ghosts, it should be able to advance to the sixth order.

The ghosts of Wan Guixi were swallowed up, and the spiritual light dimmed. If you want to restore the original power, you must have a sixth-order ghost to train tens of thousands of ghosts.

Wang Changsheng put away the Wan Guixi seal and walked into the secret room to practice.

Wang Ruyan placed Soul Eater Jinchan on a small mountain, and arranged a formation to let it hit the Void Refinement Stage with peace of mind.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Ruyan walked into a secret room.

The secret room is thousands of feet long, and in the corner is a cyan bamboo bed, which is made of three thousand years of Tianyin bamboo.

Wang Ruyan sat on the blue bamboo bed, took out a Tianyin Pill and took it.

She hurriedly used her skills to guide this spiritual energy towards the Nascent Soul in her dantian.

A large number of mysterious notes appeared in the void, floating in mid-air, and each note made a different sound, vaguely forming a moving piece of music.


Guangyuan Mountains, the main altar of Guangyuan Zong.

Guangyuanzong was jointly founded by three Yuanying loose cultivators. After years of development, there are more than 20,000 disciples, as many as three spiritual cultivators, and they have considerable influence within a radius of tens of millions of miles.

A huge valley extending in all directions, a thick yellow mist covered the entire valley, and from time to time there was a huge explosion, and the ground shook.

Strangely, no disciples rushed over, as if they had received some orders.

In the yellow mist, Wang Mengshan and Li Lei were fighting, and there were two corpses and a fifth-order spirit bird lying on the ground.

Wang Mengshan has already entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and is currently in the middle stage of transformation.

He was ordered to leave the Wang family and go out to develop. As the dark son of the family, the family secretly provided resources for his cultivation to help him cultivate.

Wang Mengshan went to many places, got acquainted with two Yuanying monks, and joined the Guangyuan Society. Later, Qianyuanmen developed the Five Poison Mountains. The three responded to the call and destroyed the poisonous insects in the Five Poison Mountains, established Guangyuan Sect, and became Qianyuanmen Affiliate forces.

At the beginning of the establishment of Guangyuanzong, the three of them jointly governed Guangyuanzong, and the relationship was not bad. However, as time passed, in order to compete for the resources of cultivating immortals, there was a gap. The longer the time, Wang Mengshan and the other two spiritual monks. bigger.

The **** decides the head, Wang Mengshan has accepted many disciples, and the disciples have also accepted apprentices. There are more and more apprentices and grandchildren. Everyone wants to share more resources for cultivating immortals. After all, the cake is so big, and the other two are the same.

After Wang Mengshan entered the God Transformation stage, he returned to his family and reported the situation to Wang Qingcheng.

Li Lei and Sun Ying tried to join forces to destroy Wang Mengshan and monopolize Guangyuanzong, but they didn't expect Wang Mengshan to have a fifth-order puppet beast and a lot of treasures on him, and they were quickly defeated.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this old man is wrong. It's this **** who bewitched the old man. Otherwise, the old man will not take action against you. In the future, the old man will only respect you."

Li Lei looked nervous and begged for mercy. UU Reading

"A three-year-old child would believe this kind of nonsense."

Wang Mengshan's face turned cold, the magic trick was pinched, and the giant ape puppet strode towards Li Lei, and the ground shook slightly with each step.

Li Lei's face changed greatly, and he wanted to avoid it, but his body weighed tens of millions of pounds, like a magnet, he was stuck to the ground and could not move.

The giant ape puppet opened its **** mouth, and dense golden light flew out, which was blocked by the yellow shield that Li Lei sacrificed.

A dazzling yellow knife light lit up, and a dense yellow knife light fell from the sky, smashing the yellow shield and smashing it together with Li Lei.

A mini Yuanying flew out of the body, and before it flew far, Wang Mengshan flew over, grabbed the mini Yuanying, and searched for its soul.

"Actually got the support of the elders of Qianyuanmen."

Wang Mengshan frowned, Guangyuanzong is now an affiliate of Qianyuanmen, and Li Lei has the support of Qianyuanmen's cultivators, which is not easy to handle.

He didn't plan to return to the family immediately. If he had to ask the family for help in everything, it would seem that he was too useless.

He took out a gleaming yellow dharma plate, entered a magic formula, and ordered: "Open the great formation of protecting the sect and kill both of their cronies. In the future, there will be only one sect master in Guangyuan Sect, and that is me."

"Yes, Master."

A respectful male voice came from the yellow dharma plate.

Wang Mengshan put away the bodies of the two and left Guangyuan.

A month later, a news quickly spread that the two sect masters of Guangyuan Sect colluded with evil cultivators to kill innocent people. The elders of Qianyuan Sect found out about this, acted for the heavens, and got rid of them. Since then, there is only one Guangyuan Sect. Sovereign Wang Shan.


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