Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2514: 300 years, such as mid-smoke

Time flies, three hundred years have passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, a manor that covers an extremely wide area, has exotic flowers and plants, craggy rocks, and a garden lotus pond.

In a hexagonal stone pavilion built on the water, more than 30 Yuanying monks including Wang Moubing were drinking and chatting.

Wang Moubing is already in the middle stage of Yuanying, and his wives and concubines are getting more and more, his descendants have spiritual roots, and his family has someone to take care of them. I hope to give birth to a descendant with good aptitude. If he gives birth to a descendant of Tianlinggen, he may be able to use resources to pile up the gods.

"Moubin, I toast you a cup, I wish you a higher level of cultivation, and you will have a present day every year."

A graceful young woman in a golden dress raised her wine glass and drank it all in one go.

There is a pattern of a golden ape on her clothes, which is the symbol of the East House of Golden Ape Valley.

The cultivator of the Dongfang family died under the great catastrophe. There are no cultivators at present. It is good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. The number of cultivators of the Wang family is increasing. On the big thick legs of the Wang family.

Wang Moubing's aptitude is not good, but his elder brother Wang Mousen's aptitude is not good.

Today is Wang Moubing's birthday, and many in-laws came to congratulate him.

"Come on, let's make a toast and drink beer."

The other Yuanying monks raised their glasses and toasted Wang Moubing.

"You are all my elders. You are very kind. It is rare to come to Qinglian Island. You might as well stay for a while. Not everyone can enter Qinglian Island."

Wang Moubing was full of pride, and it would be difficult to enter Qinglian Island if it wasn't for the death of his in-laws.

The young woman in the golden skirt showed a sincere smile and said, "What Moubing said is that I have heard that Qinglian Island has beautiful scenery for a long time. I hope Moubing will take us around for a while..."

Before she could finish her words, a large number of five-color light spots suddenly appeared in the void, turning into five-color auspicious clouds, floating over the yard.

A large number of five-color auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth became chaotic, and tens of thousands of five-color auspicious clouds converged towards a certain place.

"This is... someone is impacting the Void Refinement Stage!"

The young woman in the golden skirt and the others were stunned. They were also well-informed and recognized that someone was attacking the Void Refinement Stage.

Wang Moubing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said in a calm tone: "No fuss, I've seen it once, and you are lucky, there are members of our family who are attacking the virtual refining period, and the ban must be opened, you guys. Just stay here and don't run around."

He was very excited, the stronger the family, the better his life.

Dense five-color auspicious clouds gather over a 10,000-acre blue lake, and there is a three-storey blue attic in the center of the blue lake.

A large number of five-color auspicious clouds collided with each other, and the five-color auspicious clouds burst open one after another like paper paste, and a huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared high in the sky.

The aura vortex presents five colors and rotates slowly.

A phantom figure of a man with misty water appeared high in the sky, and it was a dharma image.

The man's phantom raised his arms high, the spiritual vortex turned, and the dense five-color raindrops poured down, all of which were absorbed by the man's phantom.

After a cup of tea, the aura vortex dissipated and disappeared, and the man's phantom also dissipated and disappeared.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and a huge thundercloud floated in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and countless silver thunder snakes roamed non-stop, and the momentum was amazing.

The island in the lake is not big, and there is a quiet manor.

In a secret room, Wang Zonglang sat cross-legged on a blue futon, looking excited.

He has long since cultivated to the Great Consummation of God Transformation, but he has not yet hit the Void Refinement Stage.

A deafening sound of thunder came to his ears, Wang Zonglang's face tightened, and he quickly took out a blue seven-pointed array plate and entered several magic tricks.

The originally calm lake boiled, and a large amount of lake water rose into the sky, forming a blue water curtain that covered the entire blue attic.

A thick silver lightning pierced the sky and hit the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain sank, but it quickly returned to normal.

Soon, the second thunder robbery fell, and the blue water curtain sank like a sponge, and soon returned to normal.

Accompanied by a deafening sound of thunder, one after another thunderstorm smashed down and landed on the blue water curtain one after another.

On Qinglian Peak, the door of a secret room suddenly opened.

Wang Ruyan came out with a smile on his face.

She took five bottles of Tianyin Pill and successfully entered the middle stage of virtual refining. This is because of the origin of her refining true spirit. It is estimated that it will take a long time to change to other virtual refining cultivators.

If it hadn't taken a lot of time to make talismans, Wang Ruyan might have already entered the middle stage of virtual refining, but she can also benefit from making talismans, but it's not all for the family.

Wang Ruyan frowned slightly, she sensed something and walked out.

In the distance, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and thick silver lightning fell.

"Sixty-nine Thunder Tribulation, it looks like it's Zong Lang."

Wang Ruyan said to himself, Wang Zonglang took a variety of elixir to prolong life, and UUkanshu prolongs life more, otherwise he would have died long ago.

The sky-splitting beast rushed over, its size was much larger, and it had advanced to the fifth rank.

The double-eyed rat was lying on the head of the sky-splitting beast, and the sky-splitting beast did not dare to have the slightest opinion.

Don't look at its body size is much larger than the double-eyed rat, it can't beat the double-eyed rat, but their talents are different, don't look at its rank lower than the double-eyed rat, it is not easy for the double-eyed rat to kill it , but you can dodge.

"You've entered the fifth rank, not bad."

Wang Ruyan took out two cyan spiritual peaches and fed them to the sky-splitting beast. The sky-splitting beast chewed a few times and swallowed it.

The double-eyed mouse made a "jiji" sound, and it seemed to want to.

Wang Ruyan smiled and took out a pale golden lotus flower. The petals of the golden lotus were half-moon-shaped and exuded a peculiar fragrance.

The 3000-year-old Golden Moon Lotus, the Wang family has been established for more than 3,000 years. There are more than 500 spiritual medicine gardens on Qinglian Island, and the number is still increasing. They are divided into private medicine gardens and family medicine gardens.

The private elixir garden is the elixir planted by the clansmen, and they are kept for their own use or for future generations. The elixir grown is more precious.

The yellow light on the double-eyed mouse's body surfaced, its size skyrocketed, and it opened its **** mouth. Wang Ruyan threw the golden moon lotus into its mouth.

After a while, a deafening roar sounded, and a dazzling silver sun rose on Qinglian Island, which was very conspicuous.

Wang Ruyan's consciousness quickly passed by Wang Zonglang's residence and sensed Wang Zonglang's breath.

"Yes, it's time to enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Ruyan's face showed a relieved expression, and there was another cultivator in the family, which was a good thing.


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