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Chapter 2518: Renshuixian apricot fruit

After many attempts, Wang Qingcheng began to select foundation-building monks or core-forming monks, train them for a period of time, and send them out. The survival rate has improved a lot, but Wang Mengshan is currently the best.

"Guangyuanzong! Increase your investment in him, don't let too many people know of his existence, the less the better, I hope you won't use Anzi."

Wang Changsheng exhorted that he collected resources for immortal cultivation in the lower realm, arranged a great formation of flying spirits, and helped the clansmen ascend to the Xuanyang realm. Wang Zongyan found a soul-suppressing stone from Feixianxu.

He hoped that he wouldn't use Anzi. After all, he arranged Anzi, just in case.

Wang Qingcheng responded, and the clansmen sent out for development were all selected by him, and there were fewer than five people in the know.

"By the way, Yuejiao, is the Renshuixian apricot fruit ripe?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Sun Yuejiao. The Renshuixian apricot fruit tree is a secret of Zhenhai Palace. Outsiders only know the existence of the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree, but they don't know how long it takes to mature.

If the Renshuixian apricot fruit is ripe, Wang Changsheng would like to exchange half a page of Tianxu Jade Book for a few Renshuixian apricot fruit to speed up the cultivation speed of Wang Qingshan and others.

It is fast for a cultivator to advance to a small realm in three thousand years, which is why an ordinary cultivator can only enter the integration period after spending five great calamities.

Sun Yuejiao's cousin, He Yuyao, is a disciple of Yang Qinglong. He Yuyao may know if the apricot fruit is ripe.

"She has a very strict mouth. It took me a long time for her to say it. If there is no accident, it will take tens of thousands of years for the apricot fruit of Renshuixian to mature."

Sun Yuejiao told the truth.

"Ten thousand years!"

Wang Changsheng frowned, doesn't it mean that Wang Qingshan and the others have to survive at least three great calamities, which is difficult.

There is a great formation of blue waves and four seas, and there is no problem for one clan to survive three great catastrophes, but it is difficult for the two to say. big.

"What's in stock! Not even one in stock? Or, which elder has Renshuixian apricot fruit?"

Wang Changsheng frowned.

"In 60,000 years, there are more than 50 Renshuixian apricot fruit. This is a spiritual fruit that can improve one's aptitude. Descendants, he also announced to the public that if there is a seventh-order absorbing thunder ball or a treasure that weakens the Great Heavenly Tribulation, it can also be exchanged for Ren Shuixian Apricot Fruit."

Sun Yuejiao went on to say that even if the cultivator of Wulinggen took the apricot fruit of Renshuixian, the cultivation speed could be accelerated a lot, which was not much worse than that of Tianlinggen.

Rare and exotic fruits like the Renshuixian apricot fruit are used by major forces to cultivate elites, and the growth cycle is very long, but it is still far from the source of true spirit.

The Renshuixian apricot fruit is similar to the Jiuyang fruit in the lower realm, and it is a rare resource to ensure the emergence of integrated monks, but the Renshuixian apricot fruit is ten thousand times more precious than the Jiuyang fruit. There are no more than ten kinds of rare fruits, which can only be possessed by major forces.

The five major races must have them, and only the individual human race forces in the Xuanling Continent.

"I have inquired from various sources that the Renshuixian apricot fruit tree in the main altar is from the Xutian clan. I heard that the Xutian clan had three kinds of rare and exotic fruits that can improve the physique of immortal practitioners. The Renshuixian apricot fruit is only one of them. With the Jiuyanlongzhiguoshu, many cultivators have been cultivated."

Sun Yuejiao added that the Xutian clan was destroyed, and the territory and resources of immortal cultivation were divided up by other forces. It is said that there are still some relics that have not been discovered.

"Pay attention to the news about the exotic fruit similar to the Renshuixian apricot fruit. If you can get the exotic fruit similar to the Renshuixian apricot fruit, that would be great."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the Wang family had a shallow background and lacked Dharma phase materials, treasures to overcome tribulations, and a panacea to improve their physique. All three were indispensable.

Lack of dharma materials, no advantage in fighting skills, lack of treasures for transcending tribulations, easy to die under the great catastrophe, unable to improve physical fitness, and slow cultivation speed, which leads to the immortal cultivator having to cross the great catastrophe several times, and once again the great catastrophe. Heavenly tribulation, the higher the probability of falling.

Sun Yuejiao agreed, she has been paying attention to this information, and she also hopes to enter the fit period.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng asked them to go back to practice. 1

Wang Changsheng came to a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. The valley was covered by a blue mist, and it was impossible to see the situation in the valley. This was a spirit medicine garden, Wang Changsheng's private medicine garden.

The double-eyed rat made an excited "jiji" sound and swung its tail back and forth.

The cyan mist rolled violently, and a passage appeared. Wang Lin flew out. She has become a big girl. She is currently in the virtual refining stage, but her body is a spiritual medicine.

According to the age of the medicine, she has more than 30,000 years, and the effect of the medicine is better than that of the 30,000-year-old elixir.

The double-eyed mouse is very excited every time it sees Wang ginseng. It is not that it wants to eat Wang ginseng, but that Wang gins every time he feeds the double-eyed mouse the elixir of old age, which is also Wang Changsheng's order.

Except for the rare elixir, the elixir in Wang Changsheng's private elixir garden can be eaten by the double-eyed mice.

"Meet the master!"

Wang Lin Ying gave a salute.

"You are in the Void Refinement period, and you can call me the ancestor or the patriarch in the future."

Wang Changsheng exhorted, took out a jade ruler with a bright blue light, and handed it to Wang Lin.

"Congratulations on entering the Void Refinement Stage. While taking care of the elixir, don't delay your cultivation."

Wang Changsheng exhorted and walked into the valley.

Along the way, he saw a lot of elixir, and arranged different formations according to the growth environment of elixir.

Wang Changsheng checked the elixir in the elixir garden, fed five 3000-year-old water moon flowers to the double-eyed rat, and left the elixir garden.

He came to a huge lake and whistled.

The calm lake boiled, and a behemoth surfaced, it was the tortoise.

It has doubled in size to more than 400,000 feet in size, and the lake where it is located is constantly expanding.

According to its current growth rate, given it a million years, I am afraid it can become the second Mysterious Spirit Continent.

The tortoise is still a low-grade sixth-order, and it rarely goes out to sea to hunt monsters in recent years. Wang Changsheng does not allow it to go out, because he is worried that the high-level monks will seize the tortoise and refine it into a defensive treasure.

The turtle shell of the high-level turtle has always been an excellent material for refining defense treasures. If the integrated monks find out that there are thunderballs in the turtle's body, it will be troublesome.

The high-level Thunder Orb itself is a kind of treasure for transcending the robbery, and its effect is no worse than that of the Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman.

Lin turtle is currently a sixth-order low-grade, and the cultivator does not look down on it, and the cultivator is not necessarily.

The tortoise made a low roar, and countless blue arcs appeared on its body.

Wang Changsheng could feel that it was a little restless.

"It seems that you also feel it, and you are going to cross the big catastrophe."

Wang Changsheng said softly, he put the tortoise into the spirit beast bracelet and went to Amethyst Island.


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