Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2519: 9 Dragon Island, clansmen join hands to refine

Qinglian Valley, the streets are rubbing shoulders, and there is a lot of traffic and noise.

As soon as the door of a certain secret room opened, Liu Hongxue walked out with a relaxed expression.

After more than a thousand years of seclusion, she is still in the early stage of virtual refining, but she has refined the Nine Dragons Pill, a total of seven.

The Qianmu Sect left two elixir gardens, and Wang Changsheng found a elixir garden, from which he obtained a lot of more than twenty Kowloon Fruits, as well as the elixir of Kowloon Pill.

After Liu Hongxue entered the virtual refining period, she did not rush to refine the Nine Dragons Pill, but first refined the Green Marrow Pill and the Jinyu Huiyuan Pill, which were the elixir that the Wang family was in short supply.

With Qingsui Pill and Jinyu Huiyuan Pill, Dong Xueli and others attacked the virtual refining period, which was relatively easy, and did not repeat the tragedy of Wang Qiuyu.

Liu Hongxue taught Wang Mousen to make alchemy, and when Wang Mousen entered the Nascent Soul stage, she practiced in seclusion and improved her mana a lot.

She failed twice, and successfully refined three Nine Dragons Pills, and there are still a lot of materials, and she can continue to refine Nine Dragons Pills at any time.

With the Nine Dragons Pill, the spirit body is hard to say, and the Wang family's double spirit roots and Tianling roots can be a lot more.

The Nine Dragons Pill is very precious. The Wang family already has more than 100,000 immortal practitioners. All kinds of rules and regulations are complete. If you want the Nine Dragons Pill, you need to exchange good deeds.

Nine Dragons Pill is only useful for cultivators below the cultivator. If a cultivator takes Nine Dragons Pill to have sex, they will not give birth to offspring. Otherwise, Liu Hongxue and Wang Yingjie will do the same.

The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to give birth to offspring, and the more advanced the elixir that increases the chance of giving birth to offspring.

Liu Hongxue came to a secluded courtyard, and Wang Yingjie and Wang Qingfeng sat chatting in the stone pavilion.

"Husband, you are out!"

Liu Hongxue was a little surprised when she saw Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie is the first ascetic monk of the Wang family, and he often retreats to practice.

Wang Yingjie nodded and said, "Ancestor Qingfeng was ordered to return to Qinglian Island and come over to explain some things to me."

"Instructed? Ancestor Xue Li also went back? Did something major happen?"

Liu Hongxue asked nervously that many of her descendants were on Qinglian Island.

"It's not a big deal. Dad mobilized me and a group of fifth-order refiners to go back. He said that he wanted to refine a set of heavy treasures. Xue Li didn't go back. The three of you are more burdened. When I'm done, come back as soon as possible."

Wang Qingfeng explained.

"Refining a set of heavy treasures? This is a good thing, you are busy, we will be optimistic about Qinglian Valley, by the way, these five Nine Dragons Pills are refined by me, you can take them back to the family! I hope to have more followers. A family like Mousen."

Liu Hongxue took out an exquisite golden jade box and handed it to Wang Qingfeng.

Everyone has selfishness. Liu Hongxue left two Nine Dragons Pills and planned to give them to Wang Huayue and Wang Huashuo to take them, hoping that they could give birth to descendants with good qualifications.

After refining seven Nine Dragon Pills, handing in five, leaving two,

She can continue to refine the Nine Dragons Pill in the future, and the success rate will be higher.

"Kowloon Pill!"

Wang Qingfeng was a little surprised. He took the golden jade box and opened it to see that there were five golden pills the size of pigeon eggs. There were nine miniature dragons on the surface of the pills, which exuded a strange fragrance.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan both have three spiritual roots. After taking Jiulong Pill and having **** with Jiuye Jinlian, they gave birth to Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng, one Heavenly Spiritual Root and one Double Spiritual Root.

The cultivators below the emptiness level take the Nine Dragons Pill to have sex, the aptitude of the descendants is a probabilistic event, and the spiritual body is still relatively rare, but the probability of giving birth to a spiritual root or a double spiritual root is very high.

In the virtual refining ceremony of Sun Yueshuo and He Yuyao, Zhao Yunxiao gave a Jiulong Pill, and Sun Yueshuo's descendants took the Jiulong Pill and gave birth to two descendants of Tianlinggen.

With five Nine Dragons Pills, no matter how bad the luck of the Wang family is, there will be one more Heavenly Spiritual Root cultivator! If you are lucky enough to have a spirit person, there will be at least one spirit person in the Zhenhai Palace and other major sects, and if there are more, there will be three.

"Hongxue, you are too powerful, I hope to have a few more people from Tianlinggen."

Wang Qingfeng said excitedly.

"Hope! There are still a lot of materials. After all refining, at least one hundred Nine Dragon Pills can be refined, but the growth cycle of the main drug Nine Dragon Fruit is too long, it is better to save a little."

Liu Hongxue warned that it was impossible for her to refine all the ingredients. It was not because she refused. She always left some materials for Wang Mousen to practice. The alchemist made a new medicinal pill, and it was normal to fail.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my mind. Okay, Yingjie, Hongxue, Fangshi will be handed over to you, and I'll take them back."

Wang Qingfeng put away five Nine Dragons Pills, and left Qinglian Valley with a group of fifth-order refiners.


Amethyst Island, a purple palace more than ten feet high, Wang Changsheng sat on the main seat, and more than twenty god-turning cultivators stood aside, their expressions were different.

Many of them have never seen Wang Changsheng himself, but only a portrait of Wang Changsheng, which is not surprising.

"You go to process these materials first, and strive to refine the yellow sand flags."

Wang Changsheng instructed that, of course, he could not ask the clansmen to help improve Dinghaizhu as soon as he arrived. First, let them work together to make a set of treasures. First, it is to improve their coordination ability, and it will be more convenient to join hands in refining in the future. Second, it is to test their refining level. , so as to give pointers; thirdly, it is also to lay the foundation for improving the rank of Dinghaizhu; fourthly, it is also to accumulate some treasures for the family.

Before traveling to the Qingli Sea Area, Wang Changsheng still had a lot of things to do, such as leaving behind a few middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao or a few sixth-order puppet beasts, which of course would not be done by him alone.

There are dozens of refiners to help, it will be faster.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Everyone responded, bowed and stepped back.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the hall and looked at a lake in the distance.

If the spirit beast does not change shape, he can only rely on himself to overcome the calamity. Like Wang Qingjing and Wang Xiao, they can use formations and treasures to resist.

The defense of the tortoise is relatively strong, not to mention that the tortoise has refined a thunder-absorbing orb, and the first big catastrophe should be no problem.

A yellow light flew from a distance and landed on Wang Changsheng's shoulder. It was the double-eyed mouse.

Wang Changsheng took out a three-thousand-year-old golden moon lotus and fed it to the double-eyed mouse, the guy's mouth never stopped.

"Father, I heard that you are going to refine a set of heavy treasures."

A happy male voice came from behind.

Wang Changsheng turned his head and saw Wang Qingfeng walking towards him.

"You came back so soon? I thought you were in retreat."

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. The Wang family currently has 42 fifth-order refiners. Some of them are in retreat, some are traveling, and some are going to the celebration held by the big forces. Amethyst Island has gathered 27 fifth-order masters. Refiner.

"No, when I received the news, I brought people back immediately. There are a total of seven fifth-order refiners."

Wang Qingfeng answered truthfully.

"Seven, UU reading is enough."

Wang Changsheng nodded. In this way, the two sixth-order artifact refiners and the thirty-four fifth-order artifact refiners could refine a few more sets of treasures.

"How were you and Xue Li in Qinglian Valley? Have you been to see your father-in-law?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"We all went to see the father-in-law. The father-in-law gave the Jiezhu I gave him to Xue Li, and Xue Li gave it to me."

Wang Qingfeng answered truthfully.

Wang Changsheng smiled indifferently, and said, "One is just for the robbery bead. The materials are complete. You can refine a few more at that time."

The father and son chatted for more than an hour before Wang Qingfeng went down to rest.

Thirty-six refiners gathered on the Amethyst Island to refine, and they had the lowest level of cultivation in the early stage of divine transformation.


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