Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2523: The terrifying blood of the true spirit

An endless blue sea, cloudless and sea breeze.

On a small island with a radius of hundreds of miles, hundreds of snapping turtles are basking on the beach.

A deafening roar suddenly sounded, and the snapping turtle beasts were startled and fled into the sea.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the blue light to appear above the deserted island. After the light disappeared, a blue dragon boat with a length of more than a thousand feet appeared, with a width of four hundred feet. There was a thirty-six-storey blue attic on it. A pattern of nine giant lions.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and more than 20 passengers were standing on the deck. They looked into the distance with different expressions.

The Ice Lion has been sailing for more than a year, and encountered many high-level monsters on the road, including the seventh-order monsters twice, without the Ye family's integrated cultivator taking action. Seventh-order monster.

The calm sea rolled violently, setting off huge waves thousands of feet high, and a black whale hundreds of feet long was washed out of the sea by a huge wave.

There are many golden scales on the black whale, the body surface is covered with blood, there are several huge blood holes on the body, and there are some white ice chips near the wound.

A golden light flew out from the bottom of the sea, went straight to the black whale, and instantly arrived in front of the black whale.

The black whale responded very quickly, opened its **** mouth, and spewed out a thick and long black thunder light. It hit the golden light, and the golden light flew out, revealing a three-foot-long golden long knife with a shark on the knife. The pattern, the aura is amazing, it is a heavenly treasure.

The sea tumbled violently, and an alien beast with a dragon head and a lin-shaped body emerged from the sea. The alien beast was covered with golden scales and had a golden unicorn several feet long on its head.

A young man in a golden shirt with handsome features was sitting on the back of an alien beast. The young man in the golden shirt was burly and exuded a strong evil spirit. His breath was a bit stronger than Wang Changsheng.

As soon as the young man in the golden shirt appeared, he tapped his finger lightly, and the golden long sword suddenly released golden light, releasing countless golden sword energy, like a golden torrent, heading straight for the black whale.

A black light shot up into the sky and turned into a huge black whale phantom. When the whale phantom appeared, it spewed out a black light and turned into a black thundercloud hundreds of miles long, with lightning and thunder.

The sea swelled violently, and one after another giant waves appeared on the sea, heading straight for the young man in the golden shirt.

"Okay, Ruoxin, don't play anymore, get rid of this monster as soon as possible, I hope there will be a thunderball."

A somewhat impatient male voice came from the Ice Lion.

Hearing this, Ye Ruoxin's expression became condensed and he responded.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a loud and harsh beast roar came from him, and a white light flew out from him, turning into a gigantic nine-headed ice lion phantom, exuding a wild aura.

"The soul of the true spirit!"

Wang Changsheng and the other ship passengers' faces tightened, and they felt that it became difficult to breathe.

Some clansmen of the Zhenling family can inherit the bloodline of the real spirit, and the cultivators with the bloodline of the real spirit can stimulate the blood of the real spirit and use some of the magical powers of the real spirit to attack the enemy. The higher the cultivation base, the greater the power.

The cultivator who inherits the blood of the true spirit can summon the soul of the true spirit, mobilize some of the magical powers of the true spirit to attack the enemy, and can play a few tricks with the fit cultivator.

It is said that the Mahayana monks can even activate secret techniques to summon real spirits to assist them in destroying the enemy. This is the horror of the real spirit family.

The cultivating family of the human race inherits the true spirit bloodline, the human race is called the true spirit family, and some foreign races also inherit the true spirit bloodline, but they call themselves the true spirit family, and the names are different.

According to Wang Changsheng's knowledge, the Ye family and the alien races were included, and the Xuanyang Realm had no more than five powers inheriting the true spirit blood.

As soon as the phantoms of the nine ice lions appeared, the black whale shivered and his eyes were full of fear.

The tails of the nine-headed ice lion phantoms swept towards the void and slapped on the sea surface. The sea water froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sea surface in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles quickly froze.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and thousands of black lightnings flew out of the black thunderclouds and went straight to the phantom of the nine ice lions.

One head of the nine-headed ice lion spewed out a white sound wave. Wherever it passed, thousands of black lightning bolts disintegrated and disappeared like a nemesis.

One of its heads spurted a slender white light and disappeared instantly.

There was a ripple in the void in front of the black whale, dense white light appeared, and a large amount of white ice debris appeared in the nearby void.

The black whale was about to cast a spell to resist when a loud roar sounded.

Its head sank, and dense white light hit its body one after another, and its body quickly turned into a huge ice sculpture.

The whale phantom was about to shoot, and a white sound wave appeared out of nowhere, heading straight for it.

The whale phantom spewed a thick black thunder light, which was instantly defeated by the white sound wave, and the white sound wave swept across its body, and the whale phantom was torn apart, turning into a little aura and disappeared for a while.

The golden long knife's aura soared, turning into a golden rainbow, smashing the huge ice sculpture, a mini whale flew out of the body, and a golden jade bottle fell from the sky, taking away the mini whale.

The nine-headed ice lion phantoms dissipated and disappeared. Ye Ruoxin's face was slightly pale, and he was panting.

"True Spirit Family! It's so terrifying!"

Wang Changsheng secretly said in his heart, greatly shocked.

With his current strength, he can also kill the sixth-rank top-grade golden scale thunder whale, but it will not be so easy.

Ye Ruoxin flew forward and searched in the Thunder Swallowing Whale, hoping to find the Thunder Orb, but unfortunately, there was no Thunder Orb.

In addition to being surprised, Wang Changsheng was also secretly vigilant. High-level absorbing thunder orbs is a good thing. If the tortoise grows to the sixth-rank top-rank or even higher, the news that there is a thunder orb in its body spreads out, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Fortunately, UU reading www.uukanshu. com wants to determine whether there is a thunderball in the body of the monster, you need to kill the monster to search to find out, but it cannot be ruled out that there are some exotic treasures or secret techniques that can be sensed. To be cautious, it is not necessary, and the tortoise will not easily show up in front of people. .

Ye Ruoxin's face was a little unsightly when he didn't find the Thunder Orb. It was entirely a probabilistic event that the Thunder Attribute Monster Beast had a Thunder Orb, and it had nothing to do with the rank.

The sea in the distance rolled violently, setting off huge waves.

The sails of the Ice Lion were bright, and the nine ice lion patterns seemed to come alive, making a loud roar.

"There are seventh-order monsters attracted by the fluctuation of fighting skills, hurry up as soon as possible!"

A majestic male voice sounded.

Ye Ruoxin responded and walked towards the control cabin.

It didn't take long for the Ice Lion to move on, and soon disappeared into the sky.


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