Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2524: Master Miao De

Three years later, the Ice Lion appeared in the sky over an azure sea with a very fast speed.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and more than 30 ship passengers stood on the deck and looked into the distance.

Along the way, their knowledge has grown a lot.

Two years ago, they were attacked by three seventh-order monsters, and the restrictions attached to the cross-spirit treasure ship could not help them. Beast, this is safe and sound.

When they pass through a certain sea area, their spiritual consciousness is seriously affected, and their spiritual consciousness will be sucked away by some strange force. The power of space strangles.

The cross-ling treasure ship has arranged a variety of restrictions, and can find the whereabouts of the seventh-order monsters from a long distance, not to mention the sixth-order monsters. During the period, they encountered several sixth-order monsters to cross the catastrophe.

As long as he encounters a monster with a thunder attribute above the sixth rank, the cultivator of the Ye family will kill it, just to find the thunder-absorbing bead, but unfortunately they have not found the thunder-absorbing bead.

When encountering a monster turtle of the sixth rank or above, the cultivator of the Ye family will also take action, just for the turtle shell of the high-level monster turtle.

Wang Changsheng and others were ship passengers, and they were not allowed to disembark without the permission of the Ye family. The cultivators of the Ye family disembarked to hunt high-level monster turtles, sometimes attracting seventh-level monsters.

When Ye Ruoxin killed a sixth-rank high-grade Xuanli turtle, he attracted a seventh-rank sea-swallowing seal. The children of the Ye family urged the ban attached to the cross-ling treasure ship to repel the monster. Beast, can't take care of it at all.

The rumbling thunder sounded, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Wang Changsheng and others were taken aback. They looked along the source of the sound and saw a black thundercloud tens of thousands of miles in size. Countless silver arcs crowded together, and silver lightning pierced the sky.

The sea tumbled violently, setting off huge waves that were tens of thousands of feet high. A behemoth floated out of the sea. It was a huge black tortoise. Spirit pattern.

As soon as the black giant tortoise appeared, it immediately let out a loud roar. The thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be guided and rolled violently. A thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards the black giant tortoise below.

The silver lightning struck the tortoise shell of the black giant tortoise and disappeared without a trace, very strange.

"The seventh-order golden-eyed thunder turtle, it seems to have thunder **** in its body, and the thunder and lightning actually disappeared directly."

"Tsk tsk, this monster must be very weak to survive the big catastrophe. If you get the thunderballs in this monster's body and use it to cross the big catastrophe, the effect will definitely be very good."

"If you want to kill this monster, you have to wait for it to pass the great catastrophe. After this time passes, you will be killed by thunder."


The cultivators talked a lot, and their faces were full of envy.

The Thunder Orb in the seventh-order Golden Eyed Thunder Turtle's body is indeed very good for transcending the great catastrophe, and if it is refined into a treasure, it is even more powerful.

The size of this golden-eyed thunder turtle is not comparable to that of the lin turtle, but if there is a thunder ball in its body, the integrated cultivator of the Ye family will take action.

Wang Changsheng obtained a corpse of a monster and a lightning ball from the Wanlei Sea Area of ​​Tianlan Realm. The lightning ball can be used to arrange a large formation to guide the lightning of the heavens and the earth. It is very good for refining or quenching the body.

As expected, the integrated cultivator of the Ye family showed up.

A burly young man in white shirt and a young girl with picturesque features came to the deck, and their breath was unfathomable.

The girl was wearing a pink chest-length skirt, her eyes were lively, and she wore a purple bracelet on her right hand.

Wang Changsheng felt the powerful aura emanating from the young man in white shirt, and was secretly surprised. The youth in white shirt was a bit stronger than Chen Yueying's.

"Seventh-order golden pupil thunder turtle? Such a coincidence?"

The young man in white shirt looked suspicious, his eyes turned snow white, and a soft white light flickered.


Wang Changsheng nodded, it would be strange if the Zhenling family didn't even master a pupil technique.

The girl in the pink skirt sacrificed a sparkling red orb and entered a magic formula.

They don't believe that luck is so good, it's okay to encounter a seventh-order golden-eyed thunder turtle. The golden-eyed thunder turtle is just going through the great catastrophe.

It doesn't matter if the pie falls from the sky, it just hits their heads.

"There are two seventh-order monsters guarding, no wonder it dares to survive the calamity here."

The young man in white shirt showed a sudden realization on his face, and he looked excited.

If the Golden Eyed Thunder Turtle has Thunder Orbs in their bodies, this is a big chance. If the Thunder Orbs are refined into a heavy treasure, the first five great catastrophes of the integrated cultivator will be easier.

"Li Huozhu didn't find any abnormality, but there are seventh-order monsters here, and the monster test plate didn't find it, which is strange."

The girl in the pink skirt wondered.

"Maybe there are special ore veins here, or a special ban! It's not that it hasn't happened before. Ruoxin, Ruoyun, you go to set up the formation, and you can't let them escape."

The white-shirted youth commanded in a stern tone.

Ye Ruoxin responded and was about to lead the clan to set up the formation, when a Sanskrit sound came from the far horizon.

When everyone heard the voice of Sanskrit, they felt shocked and calmed down.

"Donors, what you see in front of you are all illusions. This is the transformation of a seventh-order mirage. It has the blood of a mirage and is proficient in illusion. Don't be deceived by it."

A loud male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, the sea surface rolled violently, a blue giant tortoise emerged from the sea, and a tall golden-robed monk stood on the back of the blue giant tortoise.

The blue giant tortoise is 100,000 zhang in size and has three heads of different colors.

The monk looked to be in his early twenties, with sword-brows and star eyes, fair skin, and a golden buddha on his chest. His breath was unfathomable.

"Illusion! Mirage bloodline?"

The monks were stunned for a moment and looked at each other.

The white-shirted youth and the pink-skirted girl frowned, hurriedly mobilizing secret techniques to investigate.

"Evil, yet to show up!"

The golden-robed monk shouted loudly, waved a golden wooden fish the size of his palm, entered a dharma, and recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Accompanied by a burst of Sanskrit sounds, golden sound waves swept out one after another, heading straight for the golden pupil thunder turtle, at a very fast speed.

When Wang Changsheng and others heard the Sanskrit sound, they felt calm.

An extremely angry beast roar sounded, the thunder cloud disappeared, and the golden-eyed thunder turtle also disappeared, replaced by a blue sea mussel with a huge size. The big golden eyeballs flashed with icy cold light.

Wang Changsheng and others were shocked by the boat passengers, and the young man in white shirt and the girl in pink skirt were also shocked.

"A seventh-order mirage with the blood of a mirage!"

Wang Changsheng's heart moved, and none of the integrated cultivators of the Ye family could find the abnormality. If the seventh-order mirage dragon performed illusion, it would definitely be more powerful.

None of the Ye family's integrated cultivators could see the problem. The Buddhist cultivator in the integrated stage was able to detect abnormalities. It was estimated that he had mastered special magical powers.

What shocked Wang Changsheng even more was that they all had to take a cross-spirit treasure boat. Is this Buddhist cultivator going to cross to other areas? Or was it aboard the Han family's cross-spirit treasure ship and encountered an attack on the way?

"Poor monk Miao De, I have seen all the donors."

The golden-robed monk put his hands together and reported his name.

"Miaode? Monk Yuanxiao's teacher?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other. When they were searching for Xue Linzhi in the wild land of Xuanling Continent in their early years, they met a Buddhist monk named Yuan Xiao.

Monk Yuan Xiao joined them to plan the source of the true spirit, and gave them two sets of sixth-order formation talismans. Without the formation talismans, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would not be able to leave the wild land alive.

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