Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2528: Soul sucking beast

Spring and autumn come, and thirty years have passed.

In Qixingfang City, Wang Changsheng strolled through the bustling streets and took a look. They had been in Qixingfang City for more than 30 years, and they had made friends with many cultivators, especially those who practiced qixing.

Perhaps it was because of the Mahayana period's Yinxiu in the Qingli Sea Area. There are many high-level Yinxiu in the Qingli Sea Area. In Qixingfang City alone, Wang Ruyan knew seven Yinxiu of the Refinement Period, while in the Xuanling Continent For so many years, Wang Ruyan has known less than five people who practiced virtual sound.

Wang Changsheng also got to know a lot of sixth-order artifact refiners, and exchanged artifact refining techniques with each other.

Wang Xiangrong had left Qixingfang City and went to other islands to inquire about the water of the Styx. Wang Xiao stayed with Wang Changsheng. His cultivation was too weak and he knew too many secrets of the Wang family. Naturally, it was better to stay with Wang Changsheng. .

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng came to a bluestone plaza, where he could see a large number of stalls. The stall owners had cultivation bases ranging from forming pills to refining emptiness. The stalls had a wide variety of things, most of which were made of monsters.

He walked around to have a look, hoping to pick up the leaks. He had been shopping many times, but he couldn't pick up the leaks.

After a while, he stopped in front of a small stall. The stall owner was a curvaceous girl in a white dress, with curved eyebrows with willow leaves, a beautiful nose with a sakura mouth, and a hair brushed on her temples. Her brows showed a bit of heroism that is rarely seen in women. , carrying a fine white scabbard.

There are a lot of monster materials on the booth. Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on a golden jade box. There were two golden demon pills in the golden jade box.

If it wasn't that Soul Eater Jin Chan had already advanced to the sixth rank and reminded Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng would not have found it.

"This fairy, how do you sell these two sixth-order demon pills?"

Wang Changsheng asked, the girl in the white skirt is a cultivator, with a cultivation base in the middle stage.

"This is the inner alchemy of the soul-sucking beast, replaced with ice-type refining material."

The girl in the white dress replied, her tone a little cold.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to the girl in the white dress.

The storage ring contains Tianyue Frost Crystal. There are many islands in the Qingli sea area, and there are abundant resources of monsters. However, there are relatively few metal ores.

Wang Changsheng had already made preparations for the Qingli Sea Area, and asked the clansmen in the inland to collect high-level crafting materials, including some of the seventh-order materials, not to mention the sixth-order materials.

The girl in the white dress swept away her consciousness and gave two demon pills to Wang Changsheng.

"Fairy and the inner core of the soul-sucking beast?"

Wang Changsheng asked, the soul-sucking beast is a unique monster in the Qingli sea area. It swallows ghosts and devours demons and restrains ghosts. It is similar to the magical power of Soul-devouring Jin Chan. The ability to feed back the master's consciousness.

"No, just two."

The girl in the white dress shook her head.

Wang Changsheng said nothing, got up and left.

He circled the square twice, but he didn't find anything good, so he left.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared in a secluded small courtyard with green tiles. Inside the courtyard was a three-storey cyan attic with some green ears flowers planted.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and the soul-devouring golden cicada flew out of the spirit beast bracelet and circled around him non-stop.

He took out a soul-sucking beast's inner alchemy and threw it to Soul Eater Jinchan.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed out a golden glow, covered the demon pill, swallowed it, and made a cheerful cicada sound.

Wang Changsheng could clearly sense that a faint sense of consciousness poured into the sea of ​​consciousness. If it was said to be weak, it was compared to Wang Changsheng's sense of consciousness.

"No wonder you have a reaction."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, it was Soul Eater Jin Chan who reminded him just now that he walked to the stall.

There is also a soul-sucking beast's inner alchemy for Wang Ruyan's soul-devouring golden cicada.

The treasure of Wan Guixi remained in the clan. He asked the clan to pay attention to the whereabouts of the ghosts, and dispatched the clansmen to capture the ghosts and refine them into the Wanguixi, which served as nourishment for the soul-devouring golden cicada.

This is a long-term task! Capture ghosts in exchange for good deeds, and in exchange for immortal cultivation resources.

Wang Xiao walked out of the attic with a respectful expression.

"I've told you many times that you can just stay in the secret room and cultivate in peace, and I'll call you if something happens."

Wang Changsheng frowned and said that he had seen many half-demons, and individual monks had transformed monsters, but he didn't want to be too ostentatious and let Wang Xiao practice in the secret room.

"I found a powerful aura, the kind that suppresses blood, passing through here, but he didn't stay too much, maybe he didn't look down on me, or he regarded me as a half-demon."

Wang Xiao's face was solemn. This is not a good thing. It's not a good thing. If you happen to pass by, it will be troublesome if you come to investigate Wang Changsheng.

"You didn't go out!"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, bloodline suppression is a unique saying of the demon clan, not based on cultivation, but bloodline.

For example, Wufeng and Huofeng, the blood of the latter is far stronger than the former.

"No, I stayed here all the time, he appeared once, and it passed quickly. I could find him, and he should have found me, but he should not be aware of my transformation."

Wang Xiao explained.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Qingli Sea Area, you can stay here to cultivate and don't run around."

Wang Xiao responded, turned around and returned to the attic.

Wang Changsheng had a look of deep contemplation on his face. He came to Qixingfang City for so long, and he didn't offend anyone, and he didn't reveal any great treasures. No one should target him, but to be cautious, he still wrote down this matter and was more careful.

A slight footstep sounded, and Wang Ruyan walked in.

"Husband, Fairy Yuqin invited us to a party, and the disciples of Master Tiancan also attended."

Wang Ruyan said that they frequently participate in auctions, gatherings, exchange meetings and other collective gatherings, UU reading www. has exchanged Taoist methods and materials with other cultivators. So far, they have not heard any news about the water of the Styx.

This is not surprising, the water of the Styx is not an ordinary material, and it is not so easy to find.

According to the news from Qiyuelou, Venerable Celestial Silkworm has the water of the Styx River, and he might be able to get the news of the water of the Styx River from his disciple's mouth.

Wang Changsheng repeated Wang Xiao's words, his body shape was like smoke.

"Powerful aura? Could it be Master Lei Xiao? He is a half-demon. I saw him on the street just now."

Wang Ruyan wondered, they collected information on the big forces and high-level monks in the Qingli Sea Area, so as to avoid offending those who should not be offended.

"It's possible. It's not ruled out that it's someone else. In short, it's better for us to be careful."

Wang Changsheng's face was solemn, and he was careful not to make a big mistake.

He took out the inner elixir of the soul-sucking beast and handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "This is the inner elixir of the sixth-order soul-sucking beast. After taking it, Soul Eater Jinchan has gained some spiritual consciousness, which should help them advance."

For a long time, Soul Eater Jin Chan was only interested in ghosts or spirits, and was seldom interested in the inner alchemy of monsters.

Wang Ruyan nodded, released the Soul Eater Jinchan, and fed the soul-sucking beast's inner elixir to the Soul Eater Jinchan.


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