Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2529: Tianqin Fairy

Impacting the sixth-order, the two soul-devouring golden cicadas were dying. I really don't know if they can survive the catastrophe.

The Xuanyang Realm is rich in resources, and the seventh-order monster insects have appeared. There should be a panacea to help the spiritual insects overcome the great catastrophe. It depends on whether they can find it.


A manor with a very large area, strange rocks, gardens, waterside pavilions, corridor platforms.

A young man in silver robe was sitting in a cyan stone pavilion. The youth in silver robe had straight facial features, high nose bridge, and faint silver light from his eyes.

Reverend Lei Xiao, in the early days of the fusion, he was a half-demon, and there were a lot of half-demon in the Qingli Sea Area.

Some half-demons are partial to the human race, and some half-demons are partial to other races. Reverend Lei Xiao was raised by the human race cultivators and leaned towards the human race.

A skinny yellow-robed man was reporting the situation to Master Lei Xiao with a respectful expression.

"Suck Leizhu, Wandu Island, the Sun family's chance is not small! Is the news true?"

Reverend Lei Xiao's tone was heavy. The Thunder Orb in the body of the sixth-rank top-grade Golden Thunder Turtle could weaken the power of thunder and lightning. He could easily overcome the great catastrophe. If the Thunder Orb in the body of the seventh-order monster was better.

"I haven't seen it before, it's hard to say, but the senior Chen of the Seven Immortals has passed, and it's not easy to get the Thunder Orb."

The man in yellow robe said truthfully.

"Understood, you go down!"

Reverend Lei Xiao waved his hand and let the man in yellow robe retreat.

"Suck Leizhu, Wandu Island, it seems that you have to make a trip to the Sun family."

Reverend Lei Xiao said to himself.


In Youshi, the square market is brightly lit, with a string of round beads emitting soft white light hanging on the door of each shop, the floor tiles also emit soft white light, and the walls of some shops emit soft white light, the entire Qixingfang City is like a city that never sleeps.

The Qingli sea area is rich in a kind of monster called Yeming Clam. The attack power of this monster is not strong, and the clam beads can emit light. All major forces will raise Yeming Clams. The Clam Beads of Yeming Clams are ground into powder and refined into buildings. , for lighting.

A secluded street with few pedestrians.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to the gate of a manor that covered a very large area. There were two cyan stone lions at the gate. The stone lions were smelted into the mussel beads of the night mussel, emitting a soft white light.

Wang Ruyan sent a sound transmission, and it didn't take long for the gate of the manor to open, and a blue ape with a height of ten feet walked out, making a gesture of please.

There are abundant resources of monsters in the Qingli sea area. There is a kind of sea ape beast with a docile temperament. High-level monks will buy sea ape beasts to look after their homes and do some work of serving tea and water. Monster Beast or explore the leylines.

The blue ape in front of him is the sea ape, the fifth-rank top-grade, this is the spirit beast raised by Fairy Yuqin.

"Friend Wang, Madam Wang, what a coincidence!"

A clear male voice came from a distance, and a purple-shirted youth wearing a cyan crown came over.

The young man in purple shirt has handsome features, tall stature, bulging muscles, and his breath is a bit stronger than Wang Changsheng.

"Lin Daoyou, long time no see, we thought you hadn't come back yet."

Wang Changsheng greeted him with a smile. The young man in purple shirt was surnamed Lin Mingshengtao. He was a half-demon with a strong physical body and was born in the Seven Immortal Sect.

Wang Changsheng and Lin Shengtao have discussed each other, and in terms of physical strength, Wang Changsheng is somewhat stronger than Lin Shengtao.

"I'll be back when I'm done. Fairy Yuqin will hold a party, so of course I won't miss it."

As Lin Shengtao spoke, he walked in with them.

The sea ape and beast led the way, and after passing through a long corridor, a huge lotus pond appeared in front of them. There were a large number of lotus flowers in the lotus pond, which were colorful.

A group of luminous spirit fish chased in the lotus pond. The light emitted by these spirit fish was colorful and very beautiful.

In the center of the lotus pond is a huge cyan platform, on which is placed a cyan round table and dozens of cyan jade stools.

Five men and two women were sitting on the platform, chatting.

The three of Wang Changsheng flew over and landed on the blue platform.

"Friend Wang, Madam Wang, and Fellow Daoist Lin, you came just in time. Fellow Daoist Fang took out a pot of Wuyan Brew. This is his newly brewed spirit wine, you can taste it."

A young woman in a purple skirt with delicate facial features stood up, wearing a purple hosta on her head, wearing a purple gauze skirt, and her bulging **** were half exposed.

Yuqin Fairy Zhang Yaoyao, in the middle stage of virtual refining.

She picked up an exquisite luminous flask and poured them a glass of spirit wine.

The drink presents five colors and exudes a strong aroma.

Wang Changsheng took a slight sniff and felt his body warm slightly.

"Five Flame Brewing! This is Fang Daoyou's unique spirit wine, I must drink a few more glasses."

Lin Shengtao sat down, picked up the glass and drank it.

Fairy Yuqin poured him three cups in a row, Lin Shengtao drank three cups in a row, and his face flushed.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised, he didn't drink it, and when he was out, he couldn't trust outsiders, not only Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but the three cultivators didn't drink either.

There are all kinds of strange poisons that can threaten Mahayana monks in the immortal world, not to mention virtual monks.

"The old man made it with Wannian Wuyanzhi as the main brew. It has the effect of improving mana. You Daoists don't know the goods. Lin Daoyou drink a few more glasses."

An old man in a white robe with a goatee snorted, UU reading www.uukanshu. com picked up the wine glass and drank all the wine in the glass.

Fang Qinghong was born into a cultivator family with seven cultivators. The spirit wine brewed by the Fang family was well-known in the Qingli Sea Area.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, haven't the other fellow Daoists arrived yet?"

Wang Changsheng quickly changed the subject and looked at a burly young man in white with a white jade flute tied around his waist.

The young man in white is called Huang Tianxing, and the outside world is called Master Tianxiao. He is the Taoist companion of Fairy Yuqin.

"Guo Daoyou and Bai Fairy haven't arrived yet."

Huang Tianxing said truthfully.

"Fairy White? But Fairy Bingyue, who has risen in recent years? I heard that she is proficient in the sword technique. She kills one and seriously injures another."

Lin Shengtao was surprised.

"Precisely, Fairy Bai was active in the Golden Flame Islands before, and it wasn't long before she arrived in the Tianxing Islands. I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lin would also know of her existence."

Huang Tianxing said with a smile, pouring a glass of spirit wine for Lin Shengtao.

Lin Shengtao drank the spirit wine in the glass again and said, "It's nothing, female swordsmen are rare. Since the Nine Sun Sword Saint disappeared, I have rarely heard of high-level swordsmen."

"Hey, the Nine Suns Sword Saint provoked the people of the Nine Dragons Palace. Maybe he's already dead. What's wrong, he actually killed the Young Palace Master of the Nine Dragons Palace."

Fang Qinghong smiled and said in a regretful tone.

"Right or wrong, who can say clearly, maybe it is the Nine Dragons Palace against the Nine Suns Sword Saint, and the Nine Suns Sword Saint counterattacks!"

A cold female voice sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, a slender girl in a white skirt came over.

"is her!"

Wang Changsheng recognized this girl, and it was the girl in the white dress who was exchanged for his soul-sucking beast's inner core.


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