Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2539: who is the oriole

Wandu Island is a dangerous place in the Qingli Sea. It is shrouded in miasma all year round. There are still many remaining space restrictions outside the island. Every once in a while, the restrictions will usher in a period of weakness. This is the best time to go to the island to hunt for treasures.

Since the existence of Wandu Island, I don't know how many high-level monks have entered Wandu Island to hunt for treasures. There are many poisonous insects and poisonous beasts on the island, and some people have even encountered seventh-order poisonous beasts.

The four rays of light flew from the distant sky, and it didn't take long for the four rays of light to stop. It was Xiao Nianzhi's four people, but they all changed their appearances.

"Is this the Wandu Island?"

Wang Changsheng looked at an island in the distance, and following his gaze, he could see some gray mist floating above a huge island.

The area of ​​Wandu Island is more than ten times that of Qinglian Island, and there are some faint gray lights in the void outside the island.

Wandu Island is located at the junction of the human race and Wuzu power. Wuzu and human monks will enter Wandu Island. However, there are many entrances to Wandu Island. Wuzu and Humans enter Wandu Island from different places, and it is possible to meet on the island.

"There are some space cracks outside the island, most of them are space cracks that will not move. With this fire raccoon bead, you can find the existence of these space cracks. The weak period is only ten years. We are a few years late. Get things as soon as possible. leave!"

As Xiao Nian spoke, he threw out a ball of red light that flickered constantly, entered a magic formula, and the red ball burst into thousands of red lights, covering the area with a radius of 10,000 meters.

They put a defense on each, and the fire raccoon beads floated above their heads.

The red mask is in the void, and if it touches a space crack, the fire raccoon bead will make a screeching sound, and at the same time make the space crack active, it is a space crack that will not move.

All the way over, everything was safe, but the aura of their body protection emitted a burst of blue smoke, flickering non-stop.

"Be careful, there are two space cracks coming."

Wang Ruyan reminded, her face dignified.

The sky-splitting beast is very sensitive to spatial fluctuations and directly reminds Wang Ruyan.

After Xiao Nian's magic trick, the fire raccoon pearl's aura soared, but still nothing was found.

Not long after, two looming gray blades of light appeared thousands of feet away, and the fire raccoon bead made a piercing screeching sound.

They hurriedly avoided it, almost without danger.

Xiao Nianzhi and Huang Tianxing's eyes were all shocked. Wang Ruyan actually discovered the space crack in advance. Could it be that she has practiced space-related secret magic powers? Or have you mastered a special pupil technique?

In the next journey, Wang Ruyan warned in advance, Huobizhu took a step slower, and they escaped many moving space cracks, which made Xiao Nianzhi and Huang Tianxing more and more afraid of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

I thought Wang Changsheng would be more difficult, but I didn't expect that Wang Ruyan's supernatural powers were not small.

After a cup of tea, they finally landed on Wandu Island. There was a strong rotting smell in the air, and many poisonous ants and poisonous butterflies could be seen.

In front of them was a damp black jungle, and a blue miasma shrouded the sky above them, and the aura on their bodies flickered non-stop.

When Wang Changsheng raised his hand, a azure light flew out and floated above their heads, revealing a sparkling azure bead. The cyan bead released a burst of cyan rays of light, covering a radius of 100 meters. The miasma touched the azure rays of ray, and they all dissipated. Like encountering a nemesis.

Over the years, Wang Changsheng has killed many powerful enemies and obtained many treasures. This green toad pearl is one of them. It can disperse the poisonous mist and miasma, and it just comes in handy.

Xiao Nianzhi didn't say anything, he also has such a treasure, but Wang Changsheng just took it out one step earlier.

In order to get the treasure, he made a lot of preparations.

There is no air ban on the island, but there are high-level poisonous insects and poisonous beasts. To be cautious, they do not fly in the sky.

Huang Tianxing flicked his wrist lightly, and a black light flew out. It was a giant black scorpion, with a ferocious man's face on the back of the giant scorpion.

The human-faced scorpion of the sixth-order low-grade is extremely poisonous, ranking 235th on the Ten Thousand Insects List.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. When they were in the wild, they were hunted by a large number of human-faced scorpions, but Huang Tianxing actually raised a sixth-order human-faced scorpion.

The human-faced scorpion opened the way in front, and they followed closely behind, coming all the way. Many poisonous insects and poisonous beasts did not need them to take action, and the human-faced scorpion was solved.

Before long, they disappeared into the black jungle.


A day later, two escaping lights flew from a distance and stopped at the periphery of Wandu Island. It was Lin Sheng and the two of them.

"It turns out that the master's sitting is on Wandu Island, no wonder, I want to see, what good things are left, and they are all left to Junior Brother Xiao, I'm really partial."

The young woman in the yellow dress frowned.

"Wandu Island is not small. I hope to follow it smoothly. If I miss this opportunity, I don't know how long it will take."

Lin Sheng said in a deep voice.

The young woman in the yellow dress flicked her sleeves, and a clear bird chirped sounded. A golden light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet and turned into a pale golden oriole with golden eyes.

"There is a sixth-order golden oriole to lead the way, which can avoid those space cracks. As for the poisonous insects and poisonous beasts on the island, I will leave it to you."

The young woman in the yellow skirt jumped on the back of the golden Oriole, followed by Lin Sheng.

The golden oriole spread its wings and flapped it gently, carrying them towards Wandu Island. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Along the way, Golden Oriole Island avoided the space crack and successfully landed on the island.

Lin Sheng released a colorful lizard with a row of thorns on its back. As soon as the lizard landed, its skin turned black, exactly like the ground, and it blended in perfectly.

Multicolored lizards, good at concealment, extremely poisonous, ranked 109th on the Ten Thousand Insects List.

This sixth-order mid-grade multicolored lizard's hidden magical power is particularly powerful. Even if a cultivator uses his spiritual sense to investigate, it is difficult to find its existence.

"If it weren't for the fact that this worm ranks so high in the Ten Thousand Insects List, I would not have cultivated it to the sixth-rank mid-rank. I hope that it can make new contributions today."

Lin Sheng said to himself, his face full of confidence.

He released the colorful wind butterfly, and the colorful wind butterfly flapped its wings and flew towards the black jungle in front.

The colorful lizards followed, not very fast.

There are two sixth-order spirit worms, of which the colorful lizard is proficient in concealment. With their help, it is not a problem to want to deal with Xiao Nianzhi and others.

Before long, they also disappeared into the jungle.


Half a day later, the seven rays of light flew from the distant sky and stopped high in the sky. There were five men and two women, with various spiritual patterns smeared on their bodies, which were obviously witches.

The leader was an old man in black with thin cheeks and deep eyes. He was a cultivator in the early stages of integration. The other six were all cultivators.

"Release Tianmu Moth and chase after it."

The black-shirted old man ordered.

A chunky bald man released a golden moth with golden eyes and silver spiritual patterns on his abdomen.

Tianmu Moth, with a keen sense of smell, is good at creating illusions, and contains highly poisonous, ranking seventy-fifth in the list of ten thousand insects.


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