Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2540: conspiracy

The witches are not only proficient in the art of curses, but also have unique experience in cultivating spirit insects.

The higher the ranking of the spiritual insects on the Ten Thousand Insects List, the greater the supernatural power, and the more difficult it is to cultivate. The top ten spiritual insects on the Ten Thousand Insects List have cultivated three kinds of them.

Tianmu Moth circled high in the sky and flew towards Wandu Island.

A tall, thin man in a purple shirt released a black beetle with two long golden whiskers, six legs and three eyes, golden eyes, and some golden spots on its wings.

The golden-bearded beetle, with a trace of the bloodline of the beast, ranks thirty-fifth on the list of 10,000 insects. It can easily find space cracks, and its eyes can see through the void.

If Wang Changsheng was here, he would definitely be shocked.

The divine power of the golden-bearded beast just restrains the sky-splitting beast. The golden-bearded beast in front of him is already sixth-order, not to mention the fifth-order sky-splitting beast, even if it is a temporary space torn by the sixth-order sky-splitting beast. Nothing to hide.

"I hope I can get that thing this time, and solve those few virtual human races by the way."

The black-robed old man said softly, his eyes solemn.

"In order to deal with the seventh-order golden zokion beast, I specially brought the golden beard beast, and the space treasure of the black phoenix blade. It should not let it escape again."

The young man in purple said in a flattering tone.

"Hope it! After this is done, your benefits are indispensable. Let's solve these human races first! Don't be disturbed by them."

The black-shirted old man instructed that there is a seventh-order golden constrictor beast on Wandu Island, which is good at space magic.

If this beast can be killed, its hide can be used to refine a space treasure, a treasure that can tear space apart, and its value is immeasurable.

They had already injured this beast before, but they escaped with its spatial supernatural power. This time, they brought the golden-bearded beast with them, and the golden beast would definitely not be able to escape.

The Witch Clan Mahayana is looking for space-related materials, so naturally he won't call on other cultivators. This is a great opportunity for him to make contributions. With the seven of them, those golden constricted beasts are not a problem.

The golden-bearded beetle has a wing, and the eyes burst with dazzling golden light, covering the void, and you can clearly see the space cracks in the void, most of which are fixed and have nowhere to hide.

They successfully landed on the island, Tianmu Moth flew towards the black jungle, they followed, and the seven disappeared into the black jungle.


From a dense black bamboo forest, from time to time, a celestial sound can be heard, vaguely mixed with a huge explosion.

In an open area, four huge black toads were attacking Wang Changsheng and the others. There were dozens of black toad corpses lying on the ground, and there were not many scars on their bodies.

Each black toad is a sixth-rank, Xiao Nianzhi and Wang Changsheng each deal with a sixth-rank high-rank, Wang Ruyan and Huang Tianxing each deal with a sixth-rank middle-rank.

The black toad has thick skin and thick flesh, and its long tongue can easily destroy a large piece of black bamboo.

That's not all, they stimulated the Dharma, spewing out sound waves or venom to attack Wang Changsheng and the others.

They spread out, fighting each other.

Wang Changsheng didn't urge Dharma, and didn't want to attract attention.

A dark sound wave came, and Wang Changsheng's right fist lit up with a dazzling blue light, hitting the black sound wave.

After a loud bang, the black sound wave was torn apart, and the powerful air wave pulled up a large amount of black bamboo.

The void fluctuated together, and a huge black claw emerged out of nowhere and slapped Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng smashed the giant black claws with a punch, and a long black tongue shot out, heading straight for Wang Changsheng's Tianling Gai.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, moved his right fist, and went up to meet him.

His right fist collided with the long black tongue, which bent and flew backwards.

The black toad let out a shrill cry, trying to retract its long tongue, but Wang Changsheng grabbed its long tongue and threw it abruptly. The black toad flew high into the sky and hit the ground heavily.

The toad phantom spewed out a dark sound wave, heading straight for Wang Changsheng, who threw the black toad directly at the black sound wave.

After the loud rumbling sound, the black sound wave was torn apart, and the dharma image was also smashed into pieces by it.

Don't look at Wang Changsheng's relaxed face, the three of Xiao Nianzhi couldn't do it.

The black toad cut off its long tongue, and smashed its body heavily to the ground, creating a huge pit.

A blue sky-high stick fell from the sky and hit the black toad's head. The black toad's head turned into a pile of minced meat, and a mini toad flew out.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeve, and a golden light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, passed the mini toad, and flew back to the spirit beast bracelet. It was the soul-eating golden cicada.

He looked towards Xiao Nianzhi, just to see a huge blue palm slapped on the body of the black toad, directly shattering its internal organs.

Xiao Nianzhi looked at Wang Changsheng with a look of fear in his eyes.

Wang Changsheng's physical body is strong, and the sixth-order monster can't help Wang Changsheng at all.

Wang Ruyan played the piano and released a series of sound waves. At the same time, a red eyeball appeared between the eyebrows, which was Lihuo Zhentong.

The black toad made a strange cry, and the body began to smoke, and there was an extra red flame. It seemed to be unable to detect the existence of this red flame and remained motionless.

The sound of the piano became excited, and a blue sound wave swept in, the black toad fell to the ground, and a mini toad flew She released the soul-eating golden cicada and swallowed the soul of the black toad .

After Wang Ruyan mastered Lihuo Zhentong, he gained a great supernatural power and his strength improved a lot.

At this time, Xiao Nianzhi also assisted Huang Tianxing in killing the black toad.

Unfortunately, the human-faced scorpion raised by Huang Tianxing died in the hands of the black toad.

They put away the black toad's body and continued on their way.

Three days later, they appeared outside a long and narrow valley. This place has great restrictions on spiritual consciousness. Huang Tianxing's spiritual consciousness can only be placed outside for a hundred miles.

Xiao Nianzhi held a golden bead in his hand and used the treasure to observe the situation in the valley.

"Strange, how come there are two blood-eyed poisonous apes of the sixth-rank top grade? There was only one last time."

Xiao Nianzhi frowned and said.

The blood-eyed poisonous ape has a trace of the bloodline of the mountain giant ape, which is extremely powerful and very difficult to deal with.

"Let's lure them away! Let them stop the people behind."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

"The people behind? What does Wang Daoyou mean?"

Xiao Nianzhi pretended to be puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, I don't believe that you didn't find out, it's already time, don't play tricks with me, the two people behind should be your old acquaintances. Is it?"

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, on the way here, he found someone following him, at first he thought it was an illusion, but then the two auras kept following them.

This is the advantage of a strong sense of consciousness. The two of them hid so far away that it would be difficult to find out even if it was the Great Perfection of Void Refinement. However, Wang Changsheng had cultivated the Taixu Forging Divine Art to the seventh level, and he had Soul Eater Jin Chan, and The treasures refined by the soul-raising wood are worn on the body, and the consciousness is particularly powerful.


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