Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2543: Mirage's terrifying magic powers

His spirit bee is a sixth-order spirit insect, even if he can't beat it, he can always escape! There was no sound at all, which was very strange.

The purple-shirted youth's spiritual consciousness was wide open, but this place had a great influence on his spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness penetrated into the purple bamboo forest, and there was nothing unusual.

The young man in the purple shirt took out a purple jade flute and played it.

Not long after, a black light flew from a distance and stopped in front of him. The black light converged, revealing a slender middle-aged woman, wearing a long black dress, her skin was snowy, and the twin peaks were towering. The cultivation base in the late stage of virtual refining.

"What? Gu Luo, what did you find?"

The young woman in the black dress asked curiously.

"Gu Ling, my spirit bees didn't come out when they entered that bamboo forest. There are great restrictions on consciousness here. I didn't find them. I felt something was wrong. Your hundred-eyed golden cicada can see through illusions. Look."

Gu Luo pointed to the purple bamboo forest in the distance with a solemn expression.

Baimu Jinchan can not only see through illusions, but also can see the situation hundreds of miles away.

Gu Ling responded and released a golden cicada with hundreds of small eyes.

The eyes of the hundred-eyed golden cicada brightened, and the cicada chirped excitedly, and flew towards the purple bamboo forest.

"How? Is it an illusion?"

Gu Luo asked.

"It shouldn't be. There are five 20,000-year-old black jade plants in the bamboo forest, but they are guarded by two colorful soul-devouring spiders of the sixth rank. Your Lingfeng is eating spiritual honey in a cave."

Gu Ling said excitedly.

Hearing this, Gu Luo dispelled his suspicions, even if it was the sixth-order illusion array arranged by the human race cultivator, a hundred-eyed golden cicada could see through it.

They never imagined that everything they saw was an illusion created by a mirage.

Mirage is the descendant of the true spirit, and it is not comparable to ordinary spirit beasts. The illusion created by it cannot be discovered by ordinary cultivators, let alone cultivators.

"Do you want to notify Elder Wu?"

Gu Ling asked.

"It's just a trivial matter, you don't need to bother Elder Wu. Let's solve the colorful soul-devouring spider as soon as possible, separate the black jade, and then turn in a black jade."

Gu Luo said meaningfully, if the cultivator is reported to be a fit cultivator, the five black jade zhi are all fit cultivators.

They quietly killed two colorful soul-devouring spiders, separated the black jade, and turned in one.

Gu Ling agreed, and the two flew towards the purple bamboo forest.

Before long, they appeared in the purple bamboo forest.

Gu Luo played the jade flute, and hundreds of purple spirit bees flew out from a distant cave and stopped in front of him.

He stretched out his right hand, the queen bee opened his mouth, and some pale golden spiritual honey dripped onto his hand.

He put the spirit honey between his nose and sniffed a few times, and could smell a strong floral fragrance.

"Let's go! Get rid of the two colorful soul-eating spiders as soon as possible."

Gu Luo and Gu Ling ran towards the depths of the jungle.

After a while, they stopped. Thousands of feet away, under a purple giant bamboo hundreds of feet high, there were five black ganoderma lucidum growing. A huge colorful spider web was located high in the sky, and two colorful spiders were lying on the ground. on the spider web.

At this time, the colorful soul-devouring spiders also discovered them, and they rushed down from the sky and summoned the dharma signs to attack Gu Ling and Gu Luo.

Hundreds of miles away, under a tree hundreds of feet tall, Wang Changsheng gathered together.

Xiao Nianzhi held a golden bead in his hand, and his eyes were full of fear.

He glanced at the seven-tailed spirit fox beside Wang Changsheng, and praised: "It is a great opportunity for Wang Dao to be friendly, and there is actually a sixth-order seven-tailed celestial fox."

The seven-tailed celestial fox that Xiao Nianzhi and Huang Tianxing saw were actually transformed from Mirage Dragon, not to mention that they couldn't see through Mirage Dragon's illusion, neither Wang Changsheng nor Wang Ruyan could see through it.

"Hey, they are caught in the illusion, killing them is easy."

Huang Tianxing smiled, his eyes full of fear.

If Wang Changsheng turned against them, they would be miserable. Just imagine, everything you see is fake, even if you fight with the opponent, and finally cast a spell to destroy the opponent, it turns out to be an illusion, how terrifying.

"No hurry, let them relax their vigilance first, let's go over first and solve them as soon as possible."

Wang Changsheng ran towards the purple bamboo forest, Wang Ruyan and the others quickly followed, and Mirage followed.

A few hundred thousand miles away, in a long and narrow valley, Lin Sheng was dealing with two blood-eyed poisonous apes.

The two blood-eyed poisonous apes were extremely powerful. Their eyes spurted blood and hit a boulder. The boulder immediately turned into a blood-colored crystal. The boulder slowly showed signs of corrosion, and finally disappeared.

Lin Sheng used Fa to deal with them, feeling a little embarrassed.

The black-shirted old man took out a purple scroll and entered a magic formula. The purple scroll unfolded in mid-air, and the painting was a large number of purple mayflies, surrounded by countless purple thunder lights.

The Purple Electric Mayfly ranks 50th on the Ten Thousand Insects List. It has the blood of a real dragon with the thunder attribute, and is proficient in the supernatural powers of the thunder system.

This 10,000-pheasant map seals the spirits of a seventh-order purple electric mayfly and tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies, which can exert 70% of the strength of the body.

The black-shirted old man entered a magic formula, and the map of Wanchao suddenly lit up with a dazzling aura. In a thunderous sound, tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies flew out from it. They were surrounded by countless purple electric arcs, emitting a A terrifying aura of destruction.


The old man in black shirt lightly tapped, and tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies headed straight for the two blood-eyed poisonous apes, and dense purple lightning surged out, like a purple torrent, drowning the two blood-eyed poisonous apes.

Amidst the thunderous thunder, a huge purple thunder light lit up.

After a while, the purple thunder light dissipated, and the two blood-eyed poisonous apes fell to the ground, motionless, their bodies were charred black, and there were many terrifying blood marks on their bodies.

"Purple Electric Mayfly!"

Lin Sheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his expression became more and more respectful, fortunately, he was knowledgeable, otherwise the other party sacrificed this he would surely die.

The black-shirted old man nodded with satisfaction, and with a pinch of the magic trick, tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies flew back into the map.

At this moment, a golden aura soared into the sky, very conspicuous.

The black-shirted old man's face sank. He clearly told his subordinates to report the situation when they found out. It seemed that they were in trouble.

He put away the corpses of the two blood-eyed poisonous apes and ordered, "Let's go! I'll meet them for a while."

The black-shirted old man turned into a black rainbow and flew towards the place where the golden aura was. Lin Sheng quickly followed.

In an open field, a headless corpse in a long robe fell to the ground, his chest sunk, and the ground was littered with several shining treasures.

The illusion performed by Mirage caused the two Lianxu to fall into an illusion. Xiao Nianzhi took the opportunity to kill them. Unexpectedly, a Lianxu cultivator came over. Wang Changsheng directly shot and killed this person, but he was still warned by this person to his companions.

Wang Changsheng searched for the property on the corpse, and was about to escape from the place. An angry man's voice came from the sky: "If you want to leave, leave your life behind."

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