Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2544: Combination of fierce battle

As soon as the voice fell, a deafening thunder sounded, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge purple thundercloud floated high in the sky. If you look closely, you can see clearly that tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies gathered together, countless silver arcs swimming He kept walking, exuding a violent aura.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness sensed that a cultivator was flying towards here.

The sound of thunderous thunder came from high in the sky, and tens of thousands of purple lightning bolts pierced the sky, heading straight for Wang Changsheng in an aggressive manner, with a posture that was about to smash him to pieces.

Wang Changsheng's response was quick, he raised his hand and offered a small umbrella with blue light flickering non-stop, floating in mid-air.

Tens of thousands of purple lightning bolts slashed on the small blue umbrella one after another, and the purple lightning was submerged for miles around.

At this time, the black-shirted old man had already rushed over, his face full of murderous intent.

A human race cultivator who killed his subordinates under his nose, he will kill this person.

The ground burst, and a yellow light burst out, with a piercing sound of breaking wind, submerged in the purple thunder, and there was a muffled sound.

A whole yellow python emerged from the ground with three heads of different colors.

I saw a yellow glow from the head in the middle of the yellow giant python, covering the purple thunder light, and the purple thunder light turned into stone at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sound of the tsunami sounded, vaguely mixed with the sound of wind and thunder, and a huge blue palm fell from the sky, submerging in the petrified purple thunder.

Tianyin Destroying Palm!

There was a loud rumbling sound, the dust was flying, and the powerful air wave shattered the ground for several miles.

A little bit of blue light appeared in the void a few miles away, and the figure of Wang Changsheng appeared. He was disgraced and looked a little embarrassed.

"Purple Electric Mayfly!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were solemn. He did not expect that the other party had a rare treasure that had been refined into the soul of tens of thousands of purple electric mayflies.

Several groups of purple thunder lights lit up, and three huge purple electric mayflies appeared out of thin air, appearing in front of Wang Changsheng.

Countless purple arcs gushed out from their bodies, and hundreds of thick purple lightnings flew out, drowning Wang Changsheng's figure.

A blue glow came out from the purple thunder, covering a purple electric mayfly, and the purple electric mayfly suddenly made a shrill scream, and a burst of blue smoke rose from its body.

It was only transformed by the soul of the purple electric mayfly, and Liuli real pupil just restrained them.

The dense and slender golden light flew out from the thunder light and penetrated the bodies of the three purple electric mayflies.

The black-shirted old man was stunned for a moment, what kind of supernatural power is this, easily destroying three sixth-order purple electric mayflies? Although it is transformed by the soul of the purple electric mayfly, the supernatural power should not be underestimated.

The three giant pythons spewed out a yellow glow again, which was a petrochemical supernatural power.

A low-grade Tongtian Lingbao has been destroyed on this magical power, and Wang Changsheng dare not be careless.

Tens of thousands of purple lightning flashed down one after another, heading straight for Wang Changsheng. At the same time, there was a strong gravity on the ground. Wang Changsheng felt his body sink, as if there was a mountain weighing hundreds of millions of kilograms on his shoulders.

The three of Xiao Nianzhi had already dealt with two Void Refinement Stage Wu clan, but three Wu Clan also rushed over, and they all had cultivation in the late Void Stage.

Xiao Nianzhi took out a small golden bell, and punched a magic formula. The size of the golden bell soared to a height of about ten feet. There was no bell cover, and countless mysterious notes were engraved on the bell.

He held up the golden giant bell in both hands, his head was close to the cover of the bell, the mouth of the bell was aimed at the void, and he shouted loudly.

A golden sound wave swept out, the void tore apart, and a large number of cracks appeared, like a spider web.

Huang Tianxing blew the jade flute, and a blue sound wave swept out, facing the yellow glow.

The dense purple lightning smashed the golden sound waves, and the terrifying air waves shattered the void for several miles, but soon, the cracks disappeared.

The fluctuations of the fighting skills of the refining and merging monks can shatter the void, but it is impossible to make the void collapse, and the strength is a problem.

The white light flashed, and a small white light flickering print appeared on the top of the three-headed giant pythons, which instantly swelled and smashed head-on.

The white giant seal is just a spiritual treasure, but if it is hit by it, the three-headed giant python will not be easy.

The head in the middle of the three giant pythons spurted out a yellow glow, and after touching the white giant seal, the white giant seal quickly petrified.

A yellow hurricane spewed out from its left head, hitting the petrified giant seal, which shattered into pieces and turned into annihilation powder.

The wind was strong, and a golden giant owl appeared above the three giant pythons. The giant owl had two heads, and its wings spread out over a thousand feet. It was Wang Xiao.

As soon as the golden giant owl appeared, a pair of golden sharp claws protruded down, and abruptly pinched the middle head and the right head of the three giant pythons.

Wang Xiao has been observing in the dark, Wang Ruyan gave him an opportunity to solve the huge threat of the yellow python.

The petrochemical supernatural power is too troublesome, no matter how strong Wang Changsheng's defense is, he will not be able to deal with the petrochemical supernatural power.

The golden light of the golden giant owl's body was shining brightly, and countless golden feathers flew out, turning into golden swords, hitting the yellow python, a lot of scales fell off, and blood was dripping.

Countless blood-colored thorns drilled out of the ground, entangling the yellow python, and the blood-colored thorns pierced into the wound of the yellow python.

The body of the yellow python kept twisting, and the body quickly turned into a mummified corpse.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and the golden giant owl noticed something, flapped his wings, and disappeared, the wind escape technique.

Intensive purple lightning fell on the body of the yellow giant python one after another, and the lightning shrouded the area for several miles.

The black-shirted old man was furious. In order to cultivate this multi-headed python to the sixth rank, he did not know how much effort he had spent to help him regret the treasures of many powerful enemies.

"Kill them all and leave none of them."

The black-shirted old man had a murderous look on his face.

The three witches responded, sacrificed treasures, and released spirit insects.

At this moment, a loud shout of a man resounding through the heavens and the earth sounded, like a thunder in the sky, causing the ears of the black-robed old man to buzz.

When the three Void Refining Stage Wu clan heard this, they made a miserable cry, and their spirit worms were no exception, falling from the sky.

Countless blood-colored thorns burst out of the ground and pierced through their bodies. The three Void Refining Stage Wu clan and many sixth-order spirit worms were all sucked up by the blood-colored thorns.

When Lin Sheng heard this, UU Reading also let out a scream, vomited blood, and fell from the sky.

Countless blood-colored thorns emerged from the ground, but Lin Sheng's reaction was very fast, and the aura on his body exploded, turning into countless mysterious notes, flying in different directions.

"If you don't want to die, come back to me."

The black-shirted old man shouted loudly, and the innumerable sound accords became one, turning into the appearance of Lin Sheng and falling in front of the black-shirted old man.

The black-shirted old man's body was full of black light, his sleeves flicked, and a black-light talisman flew out, heading straight for Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng was startled, and was about to avoid it when he suddenly let out a scream. There was a sharp pain in his chest, and his body twitched. When he came back to his senses, the black talisman had disappeared into his body.

As soon as the black-shirted old man pinched the magic trick, the Purple Electric Mayfly poured out countless purple lightning bolts, slashing at the four Wang Changsheng.

There were words in his mouth, as if he was going to perform some kind of secret technique.

Wang Changsheng secretly screamed in his heart that he would not be able to eat fresh food all over the sky with a single trick.

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