Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2557: Blood Dragon Ant

The great powers such as Zhenhai Palace can continue to be passed down, isn't it just the continuous birth of integrated monks?

Renshuixian apricot fruit can improve the physique of cultivators and speed up their cultivation.

The predecessors planted trees and the later generations enjoyed the shade, and when the apricot fruit of Renshuixian matured, it was also enjoyed by the younger generation.

This Renshuixian apricot fruit tree is related to the future development of the family. The existence of the secret realm must be kept secret. The fewer people know about it, the better. Therefore, the sixth-order monsters in the secret realm cannot be sent out, and it will be troublesome to leak the news.

It has been a long time since there had been a fifth-order monster in Qiandie Ridge. It is understandable that a fifth-order monster occasionally appeared, but if a sixth-order monster appeared, it would be abnormal.

Wang Yingjie held back his excitement and took away the spirit beast eggs of the cloud beast.

Cloud beasts are good at camouflaging and hiding, and they can come in handy when escaping or hunting for treasure.

Influenced by Wang Qingling, Wang Yingjie also likes to raise spirit beasts, but when he was in the lower realm, he himself lacked resources and did not have much resources to cultivate spirit beasts and spirit insects.

It is different now. The Xuanyang Realm has abundant resources for immortal cultivation. Wang Yingjie can hunt monsters to earn immortal cultivation resources.

He took two puppet beasts and returned the same way.

When he walked out of the medicine garden, the seven lotus locks had recovered, covering the whole medicine garden.

Wang Yingjie stood on the shoulders of the giant ape puppet beast, and the giant ape puppet beast strode forward.

He wants to destroy the sixth-order monsters in the secret realm, investigate the situation of the secret realm by the way, and then leave the secret realm.

After so many years, the formation must be damaged and needs to be repaired by Bai Yuqi.

According to the records of the jade slips left by the Lin family in the stone room, this is an independent space. The Lin family spent a lot of energy and used the formation method to consolidate. In addition to cultivating spiritual medicine, it is also a place to temper the younger generation of the clan, and stock a lot of strange birds. Alien.

An hour later, the giant ape puppet stopped, Wang Yingjie raised his brows, and his eyes became solemn.

In the distance, there is a huge cloud of thunder, lightning and thunder, and the thick thunder and lightning smashed down, and there were monsters crossing the great catastrophe.

When this time passes, Wang Yingjie will suffer too.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, resounding through the heavens and the earth.


Wang Yingjie's face tightened. If it was another sixth-order monster, he would still be able to kill it. If it was a sixth-order flood dragon, it would be difficult to say.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from high in the sky, and the thundercloud rolled violently, turning into a silver thunder dragon that was more than a hundred meters long, with thunder lingering on its body.

The silver Lei Jiao jumped down from the sky and headed straight for a huge valley.

A blood-colored rainbow flew out from the giant valley, and it was a blood-red giant ant.

The giant ant has a pair of blood-colored ant wings that are hundreds of feet long, its head resembles a dragon, and its abdomen has some golden spiritual patterns.

"Blood Dragon Ant!"

Wang Yingjie sucked in a breath of cold air and her eyes became solemn.

The blood dragon ant ranks twelfth on the list of ten thousand insects. It has the blood of a true dragon, is brutal and bloodthirsty, and lives in a ferocious group. The flesh of the blood dragon ant is powerful, which is extremely rare among spirit insects.

The blood dragon ant opened the big mouth of the blood basin and spewed out a blood-colored glow, covering the silver thunder dragon, and tucked it into its mouth and disappeared.

The next moment, the blood dragon ant made a harsh shrill sound, and its body trembled.

At this moment, a powerful attraction suddenly appeared on the ground, and its body fell towards the ground uncontrollably, and at the same time, a brilliant five-colored giant fist slammed into it.

There was a huge roar from high in the sky, and a group of red fire clouds a hundred miles long appeared in the sky without warning. The red fire clouds rolled like boiling water, and giant fireballs flew out one by one, smashing into the blood dragon aggressively. ant.

The blood dragon ant was about to use his magical powers to resist, but after a loud shout from a man resounding through the heavens and the earth, the blood dragon ant's body trembled, and his response was a bit slow.

When it came back to its senses, the five-color giant fist had already hit it.

The huge body of the blood dragon ant slammed into a peak, directly breaking the top of the mountain, and the dust was flying.

Countless blue vines and yellow soil ropes drilled out of the ground, entangling the body of the blood dragon ant.


The blood dragon ants made an angry dragon roar, and a large number of blood dragon ants flew out of a huge cave. They just flew out of the cave, and their bodies fell uncontrollably toward the ground.

The giant ape puppet beast opened its **** mouth, spewing out dense golden light, hitting the blood dragon ants one after another, and there was a "kengkeng" metal collision sound.

The sky darkened, and a huge five-color jade seal fell from the sky, smashing the blood dragon ants into pieces.

The sixth-order blood dragon ants spurted a blood-colored sound wave, and the cyan vines and yellow soil ropes were all broken, but the dense red fireballs smashed down.

After the rumbling explosion sounded, it turned into a sea of ​​red flames for several miles around, and the flames shot into the sky.

A dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a huge blood-colored flood dragon phantom appeared high in the sky.

The blood dragon ant has the bloodline of a real dragon, but it is very weak, otherwise its dharma will not be a Jiaolong, but a real dragon.

If you want the dharma image to be a real dragon, unless the blood dragon ants devour the real dragon or the blood of the real dragon to purify the blood.

As soon as the phantom of the Flood Dragon appeared, it opened its **** mouth and spewed out a blood-colored glow. The sea of ​​red flames quickly extinguished, and the figure of the Blood Dragon Ant appeared.

The blood dragon ant's body was scorched black and its breath was sluggish.

It turned its head to look at Wang Yingjie, Wang Yingjie's eyes lit up with dazzling golden light, and the eyes of Qianyang were illusory.

The blood dragon ant's eyes were sluggish, and a huge five-color jade seal fell from the sky. Before the five-color jade seal fell, the blood dragon ant regained After all, Wang Yingjie only cultivated Qianyang's illusion to a small degree, and its power limited.

The blood dragon ant spewed out a blood-colored sound wave, and the five-colored jade seal flew out backwards like thin paper.

A giant ape puppet beast descended from the sky, and its golden fist smashed into the blood dragon ant.

The blood dragon ant wanted to avoid it, but Wang Yingjie once again used the calming roar, and the blood dragon ant's body trembled.

There was a loud noise, and the fists of the giant ape puppet beast smashed on the head of the blood dragon ant one after another, blood splashing everywhere.

A miniature blood dragon ant flew out of the body, and before it flew far, it was covered by a five-color glow, and it was collected into a five-color giant tower.

Wang Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief and looked a little tired. Using the God-Suppressing Roar consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness. With his cultivation and consciousness in the early stage of Void Refinement, it is a bit difficult to use the God-Suppressing Roar three times a day.

After killing the sixth-order blood dragon ants, Wang Yingjie can ask Wang Qingfeng to help him to refine a good defensive inner armor, which can be used when crossing the big catastrophe.

He put away all the corpses of the blood dragon ants and found some eggs from the corpses of the blood dragon ants.

He plans to raise some blood dragon ants, which are the twelfth strange insect on the list of ten thousand insects. It will definitely be a great help when they grow up.

He came to the blood dragon ant's nest and found a dragon scale fruit tree with more than 40 dragon scale fruits hanging on the tree.

The dragon scale fruit has the effect of strengthening the body, and it is an irresistible temptation for body cultivators.


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