Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2558: large beast tide

In the lower left corner of the cave, there are hundreds of Xuelinzhi plants, ranging in age from one thousand years to ten thousand years. There are thirty-two Xuelinzhi plants in ten thousand years.

Wannian Xuelinzhi can only be enjoyed by the sixth-order blood dragon ants, otherwise there would not be so many. Wannianxuelinzhi is the main medicine for refining the seventh-order healing medicine, Xuelindan. Xuelinzhi is also the main medicine of many kinds of healing medicinal herbs, and it is very popular, but it is difficult to cultivate it artificially.

If it wasn't for Wang Yingjie's extermination of the sixth-order blood dragon ants, the blood dragon ants devoured the blood linzhi to heal and recover faster.

With time, it is only a matter of time before more sixth-order blood dragon ants appear.

Wang Yingjie picked all the dragon scale fruit and blood linden, and set up a fifth-order formation to protect the dragon scale fruit tree.

He is not a high-level spiritual planter, so leave the matter of transplanting a spiritual fruit tree to a high-level spiritual planter in the clan! Or let Bai Yuqi use the array to transplant.

After leaving the cave, Wang Yingjie stood on the shoulders of the giant ape puppet beast, and the giant ape puppet beast strode into the distance.


Outside the secret world, Bai Yuqi sat cross-legged on the ground with a calm expression.

Wang Yingjie has a sixth-order puppet beast by his side, as long as he is not killed in seconds, he can come out alive.

Three days have passed, and Wang Yingjie has not come out.

Bai Yuqi frowned slightly. Could it be that Wang Yingjie was trapped by the ban? This possibility is not ruled out, even the teleportation symbol is invalid, and the trouble is really not small.

She pondered for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​going in to check.

The secret realm should not be small, and Wang Yingjie is not young and frivolous, and he is not so easily trapped.

After a while, the teleportation array brightened and began to shake.

A dazzling aura shot up into the sky, and the aura dissipated, revealing the figure of Wang Yingjie.

He eliminated all the sixth-order monsters. There are currently five sixth-order monsters in the secret realm. The strongest are only the sixth-order middle-ranking. The law resumes operation.

In this way, it can be ensured that there will be no sixth-order monsters in the secret territory.

"The investigation is over so soon?"

Bai Yuqi was surprised.

"No, I just got rid of those sixth-order monsters and came out. There is a Renshuixian apricot fruit tree here. We must control this secret realm and must not fall into the hands of outsiders."

Wang Yingjie briefly explained what happened. He took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Bai Yuqi.

He scavenged a lot of spirit medicine and fruit, which was Bai Yuqi's share, and the rest was handed over to the family and exchanged for good deeds.

"Renshuixian apricot fruit tree!"

Bai Yuqi's expression condensed. With the Renshuixian apricot fruit, the cultivation speed of immortal cultivators will be accelerated, and it is more likely to appear as a cultivator, which is of great benefit to the Wang family.

"I'll remove the formation first and report back to the family. You stay here, don't be discovered, this place must be taken."

Bai Yuqi said solemnly, this secret realm is bound to be won by the Wang family.

Wang Yingjie agreed, even if Bai Yuqi didn't say anything, he would stay here and not allow anyone to interfere.

Bai Yuqi withdrew the formation and left the place.


Qinglian Island, the council hall.

Wang Moshan sat on the main seat, and hundreds of clan elders sat on both sides, their faces solemn.

The large beast tide is coming, and the Wang family is waiting for it.

After the Jinpeng clan was defeated, the human race continued to expand in this sea area, its forces continued to expand, and a large beast tide broke out, making it difficult for the monsters to attack Qinglian Island.

The Wang family has been developing desert islands. Most of these desert islands are relatively remote and easily attacked by monsters.

"Immediately rush to the front line to support, move the tribe back to the rear, and temporarily avoid the edge."

Wang Moshan said solemnly, this is the biggest problem he has encountered since he became the head of the family.

Before this, several beast tides broke out in this sea area. The scale was not very large and the casualties were small. However, this time the scale of the beast tide was very large. In order to resist the beast tide, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli had been transferred from the inland back to the outer sea.

"Yes, Patriarch."

All the clansmen agreed in unison and left one after another, performing their respective duties.


Xuanyu Island, an island controlled by the Wang family, there is a Xuanyu cave on the island, which produces Xuanyu real water.

Xuanyu True Water is a fifth-order spiritual water, suitable for cultivating ice-type spiritual medicine.

There is a sixth-order spiritual vein 30 miles long on the island, which is full of spiritual energy. At present, there are more than 3,000 members of the Wang family stationed. Wang Lihe is responsible for sitting on Xuanyu Island. In addition to Wang Lihe, there are five spiritual monks on the island.

More than 100,000 monsters attacked the Xuanyu Island frantically, and there were as many as 15 fifth-order monsters.

Tens of thousands of demon birds hovered high in the sky, releasing spells to attack Xuanyu Island.

A snow-white light curtain covered the entire island, and Wang Lihe was directing his people to kill the monsters.

Hundreds of red giant tiger puppets lie on the beach. These are fourth-order puppet beasts, which can spray sound waves and flames to hurt the enemy. At high altitudes, there are also bird puppets.

The jaws of the hundreds of giant tiger puppets made a deafening tiger chirp at almost the same time, and each spurted a reddish sound wave, heading straight for the monster.

Dense red sound waves swept across a huge blue sea scorpion, its body trembled and its response slowed down.

There are too many red sound waves, the sea scorpion is only fourth-order, and it didn't take long to sink to the bottom of the sea and disappear.

Bird puppets fight with demon birds at high altitudes. From time to time, bird puppets are destroyed and turned into broken copper and iron, falling from the sky. Some demon birds are also killed and their blood spilled into the sky.

A huge red octopus floated on the sea, waving eighteen thick thick hands non-stop, destroying a large number of fourth-order puppet beasts.

The sea surface tumbled violently, and seven thick water tornadoes rose into the sky and ground to the sky. The seven water tornadoes surrounded the red octopus in a circle, constantly shrinking the circle. UU reading www.

The red octopus sensed something was wrong, and slapped the eighteen water tornadoes with its thick, thick hands.

Its tentacles touched the water tornado and quickly retracted, bleeding nonstop.

"Sword array of turbulent waves, slash!"

Wang Lihe drank lightly, and with a pinch of the magic trick, seven water wave tornadoes burst open, and countless sea water shot out, turning into blue sword energy, slashing at the red octopus.

The red octopus waved its tentacles to resist, while spewing flames.

Its size is too big, and there are still a lot of blue sword qi hitting it, blood dripping, but it can't kill this monster.

The seven water wave tornadoes have already arrived in front of him, and in each water wave tornado there is a flying sword with blue light shining, and the aura is amazing.

When Wang Lihe's tactic changed, the speed of the seven water tornadoes increased sharply, and countless sea waters were swept in by the powerful air current.

The red octopus was rushed into the sky by the water wave tornado, and before it fell, it was chopped into pieces by the fierce sword energy, and the sea was stained with blood.

At this time, the other five cultivators controlled the fifth-order puppet beasts, and also killed five fifth-order monsters, and their pressure was greatly reduced.

After a sharp and ear-piercing roar sounded, the sea surface rolled violently, and a blue giant tortoise emerged from the sea, with a slender neck and some golden spiritual patterns on its head.

"Tier six monsters!"


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