Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2579: worm

"That's a seventh-rank low-grade Tian Ming scorpion. It's a ghost worm. The demon fire it spews out is so powerful that even a low-grade heaven-penetrating treasure can be destroyed."

Master Hundred Insects explained, with a solemn expression.

"Netherworld? Is this really connected to the underworld? What's the difference between a ghostworm and a monster?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

"Whether it is connected to the underworld, we don't know. There are occasionally ghosts and beasts in the Tianmo Cave. The beasts are unique to the underworld. To tell the difference, the beasts can only survive in places with strong yin, and leave the demons. Dongtian, let’s not say that the strength has plummeted, it is difficult to advance, unless it transforms into a human form, but I have not heard of a beast that has transformed into a human form.”

Master Bai Zong explained patiently.

"There are many dangerous places in Xuanyang Realm like Tianmodongtian. Some dangerous places even have the aura of true demons, and there are monsters and monsters infested."

True Monarch Blood Knife added.

"How many eclipse fruits are there? How to divide them? Who is going to pick the fruits?"

Wang Ruyan continued to ask, this is very important.

"Of course it's the old man. The four of you used the formation to trap the scorpion. The old man went to pick the eclipse fruit. There are a total of eleven eclipse fruit, five of us, and the remaining six for you to share."

Master Bai Zong had a confident look on his face.

"I want four!"

True Monarch Blood Knife's tone was indifferent.

"We want four. In addition, let my wife pick the eclipse fruit."

Wang Changsheng took a step forward. He wanted to think about the clan and give him a few more eclipse fruits. When Wang Qingshan and the others entered the fusion stage, it would be easier.

"Hmph, fellow Daoist is joking?"

The Master Bai Zong sneered, and with a flick of his sleeve, hundreds of thousands of vajra worms flew out, turning into an incomparably huge golden worm cloud, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a blue-colored sound wave swept out. Wherever they passed, a large number of diamond worms fell down. There was no scar on the body surface, but there was no breath.

"Sound repair!"

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of Master Bai Zong.

The high-level Vajra worms can resist the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures hard, but the sonic attack cannot resist, and the sound waves directly shatter the internal organs of the Vajra worms.

Master Bai Zong snorted coldly, his eyebrows lit up, the void vibrated and twisted, and a long golden blade about two feet long appeared out of nowhere, transforming his consciousness into shape.

He had an adventure in his early years and took a 20,000-year-old Jinyue Yuzhi, which greatly increased his consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness of the spiritual cultivator can transform the form, but the spiritual consciousness of the spiritual cultivator is not strong, and it is difficult to severely damage the enemy. big.

Relying on his powerful spiritual sense, Master Hundred Insects has severely damaged the late stage cultivator.

The golden long blade went straight to Wang Changsheng, and Master Bai Zong wanted to teach Wang Changsheng a lesson.

Wang Changsheng sneered, the void vibrated and distorted, the wind was blowing, and a blue long blade half a zhang long appeared out of nowhere and greeted him.

It is also the transformation of divine consciousness. Wang Changsheng has practiced the "Taixu Forging Divine Art", and its power is naturally stronger than that of Baichong Master.

The blue long blade collided with the golden long blade, the golden long blade was broken instantly, and the blue long blade was in front of Master Baichong in an instant.

The Master Hundred Insects turned pale in shock, and tens of thousands of Vajra worms condensed into a high golden wall, blocking him.

The blue long blade hit the golden high wall, the golden high wall collapsed instantly, and thousands of diamond worms were killed.

True Monarch Blood Knife was a little surprised, but he didn't say anything.

Master Hundred Insects and Madam Lei Falcon had expressions of fear on their faces. They thought that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan would be easy to bully.

As a result, their thoughts of killing people and taking treasures naturally faded, and True Monarch Xue Dao also thought the same, so they let Master Bai Zong test Wang Changsheng.

If Wang Changsheng was at a disadvantage, even if the two immortals of Jin and Falcon were not poisonous, True Monarch Blood Saber would also be poisonous.

The average man is innocent and guilty, and he does not have enough strength. Possessing treasures is courting death.

If they knew that Wang Changsheng still had reservations, and that Wang Changsheng's consciousness was even stronger, they didn't know what to think.

The Golden Falcon Shuangxian negotiated with the True Monarch Blood Knife and finally reached an agreement. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were allocated four Heavenly Eclipse Fruits, four of the Golden Falcon Twin Immortals, and three of the Bloodsword True Monarch, and Wang Ruyan went to pick the Heavenly Eclipse Fruit.

The strength of the Xiu Xian world is respected, and strength is the right to speak.

Reaching a consensus, they left this place and headed to their destination.

Seven days later, they appeared on a steep black peak, and there was a valley extending in all directions dozens of miles away, and there were great restrictions on divine consciousness.

The eyes of the double-eyed mouse lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and looked into the distance.

With the help of the double-eyed mouse, Wang Changsheng could clearly see the situation in the huge valley. There was no grass in the valley, and it looked a bit desolate. At the end of the valley, there was a cave that was more than ten feet in size.

In the depths of the cave, in an underground cave with a size of several acres, a black giant scorpion was lying on the corner, motionless, and seemed to fall into a deep sleep. In the lower left corner of the cave, there was a black fruit tree more than 20 feet high, hanging from the tree. Ten black fruits.

"Didn't you say eleven eclipse fruits? Why are there only ten left?"

Wang Changsheng frowned.

"Scorpio ate one! Anyway, I want three."

True Monarch Blood Knife disagrees, anyway, he has the cultivation of the Great Perfection of Refining the Void, and his share cannot be missed.

"Forget it, ten for ten, we want three, let's act according to the plan!"

Master Bai Zong frowned and said, he transmitted a voice transmission to Madam Lei Falcon, and Madam Lei Falcon nodded.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't say anything and didn't see it.

Venerable Baichong took out the flag formation plate and set up the formation with Madam Lei Falcon.

When they turned their backs to Wang Changsheng and Wang their lips moved slightly, obviously they were transmitting sound.

Wang Changsheng looked into the distance, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. There are many advantages to having a strong sense of consciousness. In addition to exploring treasures and hunting treasures to control treasure transformation attacks, you can also listen to the voice transmission of low-level monks, but you need to have a very strong sense of spirit.

If you want to listen to the voice transmission communication of the monks in the late stage of virtual refining, you must at least have the consciousness of the integration stage to do it.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had the same mind, and Wang Changsheng had a thought, and Wang Ruyan knew what was going on.

After arranging the formation, Mrs. Lei Falcon went to lure Tianming Scorpion, while Wang Changsheng and the four cast a spell to hide.

"Golden Falcon Shuangxian is going to murder you, you two fellow Taoists should be more careful."

The voice of True Monarch Blood Knife resounded in Wang Changsheng's ears.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised and didn't say anything.

If he didn't know the details of True Monarch Blood Knife, he would really have a good impression of True Monarch Blood Knife, but these three people were unreliable.

In terms of the level of danger, True Monarch Blood Saber is the most dangerous.

Not long after, a huge roar sounded, followed by a huge thunderous sound.

A golden thunder light lit up high in the sky, turning into a huge golden thunder falcon, and its body surface was wrapped by countless golden arcs.

A black light flew from a distance, and it was a giant scorpion with a pitch-black body, wings on its back, and jet-black eyes.


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