Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2580: turn over

From the outside, this scorpion is no different from an ordinary monster. If you look closely, you can find that the scorpion exudes an icy aura, like a huge block of ice.

Even if it was a seventh-order ice-type monster, Wang Changsheng would not have such a feeling.

As soon as the Tianming Scorpion appeared, it made an extremely loud hissing sound. When Jin Lei Falcon heard this sound, his body trembled for a while. This was an attack of divine consciousness.

Wang Changsheng is like nothing, Wang Ruyan is a little bit wrong, but Wang Changsheng carefully found that True Monarch Blood Knife is nothing out of the ordinary.

This is strange. Could it be that True Monarch Blood Saber has a treasure similar to Jin Peng Pei?

This possibility cannot be ruled out. In this way, if Wang Changsheng wants to deal with True Monarch Xuedao, he will have to use other means.

It's not surprising that one trick can't be eaten all over the sky.

Wang Changsheng sent someone to check the details of True Monarch Blood Knife. Based on the time when True Monarch Blood Knife held the Refinement Ceremony, True Monarch Blood Knife has survived two great calamities, so I don't know if he has refined the source of True Spirit.

Tian Ming scorpion spewed out a black glow, covering the golden thunder falcon, the golden thunder falcon shrank rapidly, and flew towards Tian Ming scorpion.

A sharp and piercing bird chirping sounded, and countless golden arcs gushed out from the surface of the Golden Thunder Falcon, and the black rays of light were torn apart.

But soon, Tian Ming scorpion's tail thorn swept away, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a large black shadow swept out, hitting Jin Lei Falcon's body.

Jin Lei Falcon stopped struggling, and was caught in the mouth of Scorpio and disappeared by the black glow.

At this moment, the ground generated a strong gravity, and at the same time, countless yellow mists poured out, covering a radius of fifty miles.

The ground turned soil into sand, and a huge yellow desert appeared out of nowhere, with yellow sand filling the sky and gusty winds.

An aura lit up in the void, and Mrs. Lei Falcon appeared, her face slightly pale. In order to lure this seventh-order scorpion, Jin Lei Fal, whom she had cultivated for many years, was killed. She used some kind of secret technique to hide Over a catastrophe.

As long as you can advance to the integration period, it's worth it.

Wang Changsheng, Mrs. Lei Falcon, Master Bai Zong, and True Monarch Xue Dao each held a seven-pointed array plate with a shining yellow light, and entered a series of magic tricks, and the ground shook violently.

The long yellow sand came straight to the Scorpion, and the Scorpion directly urged the Dharma, and a huge black scorpion appeared on top of its head.

The black scorpion shadow spewed out a gray hurricane, blowing away the yellow sand that hit the sky.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Ruyan turned into a flash of light and flew towards the underground cave at a very fast speed.

The four of Wang Changsheng controlled the formation and trapped Tianming Scorpion. Fortunately, this was a seventh-order formation. Tianming Scorpion was not so easy to break, but their mana was seriously lost.

After ten breaths, Wang Ruyan came back, but the incident happened in a hurry, and it took a lot of time to remove the fruit tree.

"You've got something, let's go."

After Wang Ruyan finished speaking, he turned into a flash of light and flew away. Wang Changsheng and the four injected mana into the formation plate while flying away.

After a quarter of an hour, the formation was broken, and the Tianming Scorpion got out of trouble. It made an angry roar and chased for hundreds of thousands of miles, but couldn't find Wang Changsheng and the five others. After venting, it gave up.

In order to get the eclipse fruit, a sixth-order golden thunder falcon died, and a seventh-order array was also scrapped. The loss was not small.

For the cultivator of the virtual world, as long as he can advance to the integration period, these losses are nothing.

Thousands of miles away, a dark jungle.

Wang Changsheng's five people gathered in a dense black forest. With a flick of Wang Ruyan's wrist, two exquisite golden jade boxes flew out and handed them to Master Bai Zong and Zhenjun Xue Dao.

The two of them opened the box cover to take a look, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, the eclipse fruit is in hand, let's say goodbye to it, see you by fate."

After Wang Changsheng said these words, Wang Ruyan and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and left. They hadn't flown very far when Master Hundred Insects and True Monarch Xuedao looked at each other and nodded to each other.

When Venerable Baichong raised his right hand, a black light shot out, turning into a black long rainbow, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A "buzz" sounded, and hundreds of thousands of vajra worms flew out from his spirit beast bracelet, turned into a huge golden worm cloud, and flew towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Mrs. Lei Falcon released a golden crow with three heads. The golden crow had two wings, turned into a golden flame and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were well prepared. With a wave of Wang Changsheng's right hand, countless blue waters rushed out, turning into a huge blue water curtain, covering the two of them.

The black Changhong slashed the blue water curtain in half, a golden flame lit up, and a golden crow with three heads appeared. .

After the loud bang, the blue water curtain collapsed and disappeared, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also disappeared.

They appeared dozens of miles away. A large piece of blue sea water protected Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. The sea rolled violently and spread, and a blue sea rushed towards them.

Above Wang Ruyan's head floated a huge female phantom, and the female phantom was holding a cyan jade flute in her hand.

A cheerful flute sounded, and blue sound waves swept out, heading straight for the golden insect cloud.

The golden worm cloud touched the blue sound wave, and a large number of diamond worms fell.

"You haven't started yet?"

Venerable Hundred Insects looked at True Monarch Blood Knife and said with a frown.

"When did I promise to deal with these two fellow Daoists with you? You can do whatever you want."

True Monarch Blood Knife looked indifferent, and flew to the distance to watch the play.

Whoever wins will help whom he will help. With his cultivation of the Great Perfection, he is not afraid of anyone.

If Wang Changsheng and the four of them were both injured, there would be nothing to say.

Master Bai Zong was furious and frightened, and he was fooled.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, we were deceived by him."

The Master Hundred Insects explained that he didn't want to lose both and let True Monarch Blood Knife take advantage.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer. With a flick of his sleeve, the sea water beneath him rolled violently, forming a huge blue water curtain, covering him and Wang Ruyan, and the flute sound became hurried.

Master Bai Zong and Madam Lei Falcon felt their qi and blood surging, and their breathing became rapid. This is how long it has been since then. It takes a certain amount of time for sound cultivation and spellcasting, unless the other party hides their cultivation. Great success.

True Monarch Blood Knife flicked his wrist, and a blood-red centipede flew out, his eyes lit up with dazzling blood, and his distraction was attached to the blood-colored centipede, looking towards the place where Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were, only to see a The vague shadows, obviously, Wang Changsheng used a strange treasure, and True Monarch Blood Knife couldn't detect it, and he didn't know what secret techniques Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan used.

"No, let's go!"

Master Hundred Insects and Mrs. Lei Falcon realized that something was wrong and they were about to run away.

The sound of the flute became more and more rapid, and blue-colored sound waves swept Hundred Insects Master's magic trick, the black short-blade aura rose sharply, smashing the incoming blue-colored sound waves.

The dense blue sea water was used from all directions, turning into giant blue fists, smashing at them.

Mrs. Lei Falcon sacrificed a gourd that flickered with azure light, and spewed out a gust of azure wind, blocking the incoming blue fist.

On the front were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, True Monarch Blood Saber was staring at him, and Master Hundred Insects and Madam Lei Falun did not dare to fight.

The flute sound became more and more rapid, their eyes were dull, their expressions were in a trance, sometimes they laughed, sometimes they cried.

The turbulent sea rushed in and drowned their bodies, and their bodies were torn apart.

With a flash of blue light, Mrs. Lei Falcon appeared, her left arm was missing, and her face was pale.

Her eyes were full of fear, and the golden crow merged with her and flew towards the sky.

Before she could fly far, a blood-colored rainbow flew out and slashed at the golden crow.

After a shrill scream rang out, the golden crow turned into a **** fog, a mini Nascent Soul flew out from the body, and a thick blood-colored lightning shot came and hit the mini Nascent Soul.

With a scream, the mini Nascent Soul vanished into ashes.

With a flash of blood, the blood-colored Changhong turned into the figure of True Monarch Blood Saber, and a long saber with shimmering blood floated in front of him, exuding terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy, it was a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

"It's really damned if you want to plot against your partner."

True Monarch Blood Knife cursed, picked up a cyan storage ring from the ground, and put it in his arms.

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