Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2581: crisis

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As soon as Master Bai Zong died, all the Vajra worms burst apart and turned into a blood mist. Obviously, Master Bai Zong had imposed a life and death ban.

At this time, the blue water curtain also dissipated, and Wang Changsheng held a golden storage ring in his hand, his eyes were deep.

True Monarch Blood Knife's supernatural powers are not small, and there is a strange treasure that ignores the attack of divine consciousness, so it is not easy to kill this person.

True Monarch Blood Knife looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with a solemn expression.

Even if it is him, it is not so easy to kill the golden falcons. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not take much effort to kill the golden falcons, which was beyond the expectations of True Monarch Blood Knife.

Both sides were afraid of each other, and neither did anything.

A deafening explosion sounded, the ground shook violently, and a huge golden light rose in the distant sky.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness widened, and his face changed.

His consciousness sensed that the four cultivators were fighting in the distance, not very far from here.

If they are involved in the fighting style of the integrated monks, their lives will not be guaranteed.

"Not good, fit cultivator!"

Hearing this, True Monarch Xue Dao's complexion changed greatly, the blood on his body shone into a mass of blood mist, a gust of breeze blew through, the blood mist dissipated, and True Monarch Blood Saber disappeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not dare to stay any longer, so they fled.

There was a shrill devil's cry from the distant sky, golden light, blood light, blue light and other auras intermingled, and the air was billowing.

Within a quarter of an hour, a black light flew from a distance, and a shrill sound of howling ghosts and wolves rang out, spreading over hundreds of thousands of miles.

Wu Guang's speed slowed down, and a tall and thin dove-faced old man appeared. The dove-faced old man's face was pale, his left arm was missing, and his eyes were full of horror.

A blue light flew from a distance and went straight to the dove-faced old man.

The dove-faced old man hurriedly opened his mouth and spewed out a golden flame, defeating the blood light.

A blob of blue light emerged, and a burly blue-robed old man appeared. The blue-robed old man's face was slightly pale, and his face was full of killing intent. , is a witch.

"I knew that you were going to Tianmo Cave to hunt for treasure, and we were really caught by us."

The blue-robed old man sneered.

"How did you know? Someone in the Nine Dragons Palace tipped you off?"

The dove-faced old man wondered, the master of the Wu clan was ambushing in the Heavenly Demon Cave, his companion had already been killed, and he also killed a Wu clan in the fusion period.

"Want to know? Go down and ask Hades."

The blue-robed old man sneered, chanting a spell in his mouth, and the snake-headed cane slowly lit up with a dazzling aura.

The face of the dove-faced old man changed, his eyes were full of horror, and his companion was killed by the spell.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, a golden light shot up into the sky and turned into a huge golden crow phantom.

"The Golden Crow! Hmph, how much power can you exert if you don't care about your bloodline?"

The blue-robed old man sneered, but his face became solemn. Obviously, he was still very afraid of the Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow phantom spread its wings and spewed out a large golden flame, which turned into a sea of ​​golden flames with a terrifying high temperature.

The blue-robed old man snorted coldly, and a blue light shot up into the sky, turning into a blue human-shaped phantom.

A loud rumbling sound, the air waves billowing.


Millions of miles away, a vast black plain.

There was a lump on the ground, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan emerged from the ground. They both breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they ran fast.

If they were facing the fit monks, they would not be able to run at all, and the cultivation of the four fit monks was not low, so Mirage's illusion might not work.

"We have gained a lot, we can leave..."

Before Wang Changsheng could finish his words, there was a piercing screeching sound from his body, the Dinggui disk kept moving, the blue light on his body surfaced, and countless blue sea water gushed out, covering them.

At the same time, a rapid flute sounded, and a green sound wave swept out.

The two were in the same mood and responded quickly.

With a flash of black light, a grayish black Specter appeared out of thin air, his eyes were blood red, and his body exuded a gloomy aura.

As soon as the black ghost appeared, a black ghost fire poured out of his claws, and went straight to the blue water curtain.

The cyan sound wave touched the claws of the black Specter and instantly collapsed.

With a loud noise, the blue water curtain was torn to shreds by it, and countless seawater splashed, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan disappeared.

A cloud of blue water vapor lit up in the void dozens of miles away, showing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The blue light on their body surfaced, Wang Changsheng's breath soared, and it was infinitely close to the initial stage of fusion.

The black ghost frowned, slightly uncomfortable.

An ear-piercing arrow whistled, and a nine-colored arrow shot out, it was the Demon Swinging Arrow.

The surface of the Demon Swing Arrow was wrapped by nine arcs of different colors, exuding a violent aura.

Black Specter opened his mouth and spewed out a black ghost fire, and went up to meet him.

The black ghost fire came into contact with the Dang Demon Arrow, and the Dang Demon Arrow suddenly emitted a burst of blue smoke, and the aura flickered non-stop, but the Dang Demon Arrow continued to fly towards the Black Specter.

Black Specter opened his mouth and spewed out a long sword with a black light that flickered incessantly, and went up to meet him.


With a muffled sound, the Dang Demon Arrow flew out, black ghost fire wrapped around the Dang Demon Arrow, the aura of the Dang Demon Arrow dimmed, swayed up and down, and seemed to fall from the air at any time.

The blue light flashed, and a small blue hexagonal tower appeared above the black ghost. The surface of the hexagonal small tower lit up with countless blue spiritual patterns, and the body skyrocketed, spewing a blue glow, covering the black ghost.

The black Specter's eyes shot a blood light, tearing the blue glow, and with a wave of his right hand, a black glow swept out, covering the blue giant tower.

The blue giant tower stopped high in the sky, motionless.

"Ghost repair!"

Wang Changsheng's face sank. This ghost can drive treasures, and his magical powers are not weak. They are not opponents.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and UU Reading The lightning bolt of the magic-swinging arrow soared, and countless electric arcs poured out, turning into a nine-color thunder python more than a thousand feet long, rushing towards the black ghost.

The black Specter's finger lightly tapped, and the black long sword let out a great deal of spiritual light, turning into a black dragon that was more than a thousand feet long, and greeted him.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two blue rainbows and flew away. They just flew out a hundred miles.

An extremely miserable Devil May Cry sounded, echoing in a radius of 100,000 miles.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan let out a scream in unison, fell from the sky, and attacked with their souls!

Wang Ruyan's right hand flicked, and the Heavenly Buddha Bell flew out, instantly swelled, and floated above their heads.

A large golden glow fell from the bell of the Heavenly Buddha, covering the two of them, and at the same time a loud Sanskrit sound came out.

Sanskrit sound bursts, and waves of golden sound waves swept out.


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